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... - A Black Falcon - 4th December 2004

No... :(

Just one mini screenshot which doesn't help much (that's still there).

... - alien space marine - 5th December 2004

They will probaily release it soon on the firaxes website , It usually starts with pc gamer getting the first word and the companies releases a new site for the game.

... - A Black Falcon - 5th December 2004

Hopefully. Did you look at that small image? It's really too small to tell... but there is one thing in those details that intrests me. Sid is doing the game himself. This'll be his first Civ game (as cheif designer) since Civ I, and given that that game was great I hope he can live up to it... given that it's Sid Meier I think he can probably at least get pretty close. :)

... - alien space marine - 5th December 2004

A Black Falcon Wrote:Hopefully. Did you look at that small image? It's really too small to tell... but there is one thing in those details that intrests me. Sid is doing the game himself. This'll be his first Civ game (as cheif designer) since Civ I, and given that that game was great I hope he can live up to it... given that it's Sid Meier I think he can probably at least get pretty close. :)

I hope he goes back and looks at all his previous games .

The 3D could be good or bad ,But since its Sid Meier I am opimistic, It seems Civilization IV wont be published by Atari/Infogames since it was sold for 15 million bucks to a unknown source,But Firaxes will still be the one making it.

Why are people opposed to 3D? Ok some 3D sequeils of older games did flop but not all of them.

... - A Black Falcon - 6th December 2004

I bet they sold it to Firaxis...

And he hasn't really been the lead designer on a game like this in a while now. Oh, he's done wargames (Gettysburg!), games with some strategy elements (Pirates!), etc, but for Civ... he hasn't been the actual lead designer on a Civ-style game since the first one. Now, he's helped a lot obviously with II, III, AC... but he wasn't the lead designer.

As for 3d, I'm mixed. I guess it gives better graphics, but you get somewhat less detail and in Civ being able to zoom and rotate the camera is quite unnecessary... it's a flashy thing I guess to do but I think 2d would work just as well for gameplay for this kind of game.

... - A Black Falcon - 9th December 2004

Right now I'm working on splitting the thread. Then I'll try to delete all of the posts that ruined it from this one and restore it to what it should be... Sid Meier stuff.. OB1's trolling and destructive tendencies will not ruin EVERY decent thread that he posts in.

edit: Done! The worst part is removed to the Debate Forum.

... - alien space marine - 9th December 2004

Apparently their removing the pollution thing, Putting in a health system in its place.What they could have done is like have climate change , Heavy CO2 causes the terrain to change and get drier and become more barren,Have smog that occasionaly kills some of the population.

They are also changing the corruption , Personally I had no problem with the corruption system. They just need to add more forbidden cities instead of just one. When I played rise of rome conquests , When started to grow very big and stech very far , controling agean greece region and asia minor even egypt ,They all produce income but 99% of it was lossed to corruption and they were to far from Rome to benifit from the palace, my forbidden city was in Carthago in africa and didnt connect with the far away regions of the roman empire.

To me they should add provinces and divided territories and you could put in a provincial goverment , It would be as good as the federal palace but it would help cut down corruption.

I could have changed my goverment type but I needed imperialism benifit of excelerated production and pay workers to speed things up.

... - A Black Falcon - 9th December 2004

There's one post of mine up there from a week ago that you missed. :)

As for that, I don't know... pollution worked okay. Not particularly realistically, however... I mean, you could deal with it to a good extent if you keep up with fixing the pollution squares. Which is only somewhat realistic. I wonder what they'll do with it... a health system? Hmm, I wonder how that would work... citizens don't really 'die' so what would it do, lower production based on how polluted the atmosphere is? Or will it add deaths and stuff from pollution... we'll see.

Corruption. It can get a bit absurd in Civ III, more so than it was in Civ II, so I do hope that they weaken its impact some... it's a good thing to have but they went somewhat overboard with it in Civ III I think. :)

... - Great Rumbler - 9th December 2004

Has anyone played Colonization? It was set in the New World and you could play as 4 different Europeans nations and eventually set up your own country.

... - A Black Falcon - 9th December 2004

No, but I played Conquest of the New World... not the same I know, but a similar general theme (TBS game with new world colonization). Good game.

... - Great Rumbler - 9th December 2004

I had Conquest of the New World as well. It had the same theme, but the gameplay was a quite a bit different from Colonization. Colonization was like Civilization set in 1700's.

... - A Black Falcon - 9th December 2004

Yeah... I haven't played Colonization but it's by Sid Meier, was made after Civ, looks a lot like Civ, and I had heard it's a Civ-style game, while Conquest of the New World is unique... still, I'd put them in the same subgenre (if you call it that) of strategy games. Both are New World Colonization games... some more recent ones in that category would be the two Anno games... Anno 1603AD and ... um, Anno 1492AD? I don't remember, I haven't played them... :)

CotNW was cool, though. I didn't play it a huge amount but it was fun... exploring to find the discoveries (and naming them), the city-building which wasn't complex but had strategy with building placement and city size limits, the simplistic-but-fun battle system... :)

... - alien space marine - 9th December 2004

Could they extend 1000 turn limit for godsake or atleast let the player go as long as he wants.

I find it almost impossible to reach the modern age, Ive done it once but the game ended 2 turns later,Just 500 turns more could make a difference.

... - A Black Falcon - 9th December 2004

Can't you keep playing after the end of Civ?

... - OB1 - 10th December 2004

Man your thread titles suck.

... - A Black Falcon - 10th December 2004

It's a fine thread title. If you disagree, I don't care much. :)

... - OB1 - 10th December 2004

Seriously, what's with the title?

... - A Black Falcon - 10th December 2004

...! As in, 'huh, I just realized something'...

... - OB1 - 10th December 2004

... Erm

... - Great Rumbler - 10th December 2004


... - A Black Falcon - 10th December 2004

So you click it and figure out what I mean.

ASM... I also have had trouble often achieving good science, but I know some people can so I don't know if I'm just not good enough... I don't think it should be longer, though. It's already a pretty long game and at least in Civ II you can choose to continue playing after it ends. Perhaps in easier difficulty levels speed up advances time more and generally make scientific progress easier to achieve... but I know people who are good enough at focusing on it can succeed at scientific victories. Though it is definitely harder than military. Myself, I've generally found my best tech levels have been when I'm conquoring the world in Civ II and am getting one civ advance per city I capture from my somewhat-more-advanced neighbors... :)

... - alien space marine - 12th December 2004

I find their isnt much point in playing when it doesnt count , I soppose their must be a way to do it .

But let the player extend the game if he chooses too ,Force the player to try to win alternative ways without just waiting for the time to run up or domination.

I do tech better when I try to conquere the world. The biggest income I ever got was from the rise of rome conquests campaign 800 gold per turn, I could seriously make a strong army quickly by paying to rush production.

What you do is assign city workers to do scientific work , Get libaries and universities labs and some monuments help, Scientific civilizations tech faster because of the bonus leader who can speed up buildings contructions or scientific research at no cost ,Trade tech and steal tech.

I found the esponage system needs some work ,It costs way to much to hire a spy and in most cases he fails and causes you problems. I think they should just do it like BOTF and assign some budget money towards inteligence like you do for scientific research and build spy training fecilities which boost output, esponage would not start untill the late middle ages , You would have a inteligence advisor and you have to direct a percentage of focus towards either internal sercurity and esponage , Pick a country you want to infiltrate then decide what you want to do ,Steal gold, Sabotage and then it gives you a list of targets , Food,scientific research,military, enemy spy training camp, Then you can also steal techology, But to be balanced it wont give you the full tech just cut down the time it would take you to research it, Plant spy just to see what their up too and were their army is.

They let you assign a percentage of money towards luxuries , But its pointless I never use it, You got temples ,exotic goods,military police and monuments to control the populations mood not to mention assigning a entertainer.I say remove it in CIV and put the inteligence/esponage in its place.

Speaking of CIV I just got pc gamer , Its only one page though :( , I am a little desapointed in the screenshots, I have only seen 4 screens and it is the alpha build , But I find the graphics not as realistic as CIVIII and the textures are cartoony. I hope its just because its unfinnished . But a bit of info is that they will have world religions in the game , paganism,Christianity,Judeoism,Islam, Budhism, Plus break away sects like protestants ,shites muslims ect..

Its funny the persians beat the greek macedonians in the game I played , Historically it should be reverse , But I (Rome) kicked their butts out of greece asia minor and even egypt.Its neat they let the Legionaires build roads and forts just like in real history , They had special goverment forms for the campaign, Obligarchy and Imperialism which should be added into the main game.

Obligarchy is basically rule by city states which all have their own patron , Imperialism is like monarchy and Faucism tossed together.

... - A Black Falcon - 13th December 2004

Quote:I find their isnt much point in playing when it doesnt count , I soppose their must be a way to do it .

I don't think more turns is a good idea. It's already a pretty long game and more turns would just make it longer... Civ doesn't really need to be longer, I think. If you really want to keep playing you can, that's all that's really needed.

As for science, yeah, I know, but it's hard to balance all of your requirements and be able to put as much into science as you want... taxes, so you have income, have to come first after all. But it's one of the things you have to balance while playing Civ and is a good thing overall, I think. They shouldn't change it too much.

Luxuries, I agree. They are mostly pointless. Elvis is always unhappy with me because I leave the luxury rate so low... :) but it is worthwhile to build buildings that make citizens happy in your cities because each happy citizen negates one unhappy one. That's really the extent of the usefulness of making citizens happy.

Espionage... hmm. I don't really know the Civ III system. I've heard that it doesn't have direct control of units, though, like Civ II had, which is too bad... it's fun moving around your Spies and Diplomats, gives you much more control over what they are doing... add more options for them to have (they have quite limited options in Civ II), but give me the units. :)

... - OB1 - 13th December 2004

A Black Falcon Wrote:So you click it and figure out what I mean.

... :screwy:

... - alien space marine - 13th December 2004

A Black Falcon Wrote:I don't think more turns is a good idea. It's already a pretty long game and more turns would just make it longer... Civ doesn't really need to be longer, I think. If you really want to keep playing you can, that's all that's really needed.

As for science, yeah, I know, but it's hard to balance all of your requirements and be able to put as much into science as you want... taxes, so you have income, have to come first after all. But it's one of the things you have to balance while playing Civ and is a good thing overall, I think. They shouldn't change it too much.

Luxuries, I agree. They are mostly pointless. Elvis is always unhappy with me because I leave the luxury rate so low... :) but it is worthwhile to build buildings that make citizens happy in your cities because each happy citizen negates one unhappy one. That's really the extent of the usefulness of making citizens happy.

Espionage... hmm. I don't really know the Civ III system. I've heard that it doesn't have direct control of units, though, like Civ II had, which is too bad... it's fun moving around your Spies and Diplomats, gives you much more control over what they are doing... add more options for them to have (they have quite limited options in Civ II), but give me the units. :)

The Japanese conquests has moving spies and invisible assasins.

... - A Black Falcon - 1st January 2005

Having gotten Pirates! for christmas, I can definitely say that it's a great game. It's got that Sid Meier touch... if Civ III left me questioning Firaxis, this reaffirms that they are still one of the top strategy game developers. Or, in this case, strategy/rpg/adventure/action/dancing game developers... :D