Tendo City
Post your Fable impressions here! - Printable Version

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Post your Fable impressions here! - Great Rumbler - 21st September 2004

My character was 47 when I beat the game. So what happens when you're character turns 65? Does he just die or something?

Post your Fable impressions here! - OB1 - 21st September 2004

No you just stop aging.

Quote:Well, you can kill citizens of Bowerstone by having them follow you and leading them out of town. It is kind of annoying, though. One thing I don't like in Fable is how fast you age. I've only played about 8 hours and I've almost reached the age limit. It kind of sucks, and I've barely used magic in the game. The only time I really use magic is my heal spell when I'm low on potions. The game is also ridiculously easy. There are so many of those resurrection vials around that it's just about impossible to get a game over.

Hmm, I haven't tried that yet. Can you buy their property then? More importantly, can you lead Lady Grey out of town and kill her?

And GR, I still haven't beaten the game after 13 hours because of how much fooling around I've been doing. And I plan to play through the game at least one more time to become as evil and magicastic as possible.

Post your Fable impressions here! - Great Rumbler - 21st September 2004

Quote:More importantly, can you lead Lady Grey out of town and kill her?

I haven't tried it, but there's a demon door that will only open if you have Lady Grey with you.

Post your Fable impressions here! - OB1 - 21st September 2004

No shit? Sweet, after I've finished watching the SW DVDs I'll have to try that.

Post your Fable impressions here! - Great Rumbler - 21st September 2004

Yeah, it's at Grey Manor. If haven't tried to open it yet, though.

Post your Fable impressions here! - OB1 - 21st September 2004


Post your Fable impressions here! - Undertow - 21st September 2004

You don't need her with you, you just need to marry her. It's a lot easier if you leave her behind in town.

Post your Fable impressions here! - Great Rumbler - 21st September 2004

Oh, well that definitely makes things a lot easier.

Post your Fable impressions here! - A Black Falcon - 21st September 2004

Short game... if it's fun that's okay, but longer is better (as long as it doesn't just get tedious and obviously stretched out).

Post your Fable impressions here! - Great Rumbler - 21st September 2004

Of course it would have been better if it were about 10-20 hours longer, but as it is it's a very fun game.

Post your Fable impressions here! - The Former DMiller - 21st September 2004

[QUOTE=OB1]Hmm, I haven't tried that yet. Can you buy their property then? More importantly, can you lead Lady Grey out of town and kill her?QUOTE]

You can buy property in Bowerstone if you use the method I said. The buildings in North Bowerstone are ridicuolosuly expensive, though. I don't know if you can kill Lady Grey as I didn't feel like going through the trouble of marrying her, but I'm sure it's possible.

Post your Fable impressions here! - OB1 - 21st September 2004

To put things in perspective, I think I'll be able to play Fable for at least 25 hours total, whereas I got bored of KOTOR 25 hours into the game because the gameplay itself got old. I really should finish it though...

Post your Fable impressions here! - Great Rumbler - 21st September 2004

Quote:I don't know if you can kill Lady Grey as I didn't feel like going through the trouble of marrying her

Dowry for marrying Lady Grey = 20000 gold

Well worth the small amount of effort it took.

Post your Fable impressions here! - OB1 - 21st September 2004

You know, I still haven't figured out why owning a shop is good. I don't get much rent from those bastards and I don't even think that I get a discount on goods.

Post your Fable impressions here! - Dark Jaguar - 21st September 2004

I got a question here. Namely, can someone tell me if there is ANY Live support at all?

Now, I know all the online play was taken out long ago. What I want to know is if it's Live aware (that is, someone can invite you to play Mech Assault or something if they want to while you are playing), or, and this is the biggy for me, is content downloading in the game? If the latter is true, they can, in theory, later upgrade the game with various features they had to drop, like horse riding.

Post your Fable impressions here! - Undertow - 21st September 2004

Dark Jaguar Wrote:What I want to know is if it's Live aware

It's live-aware.

Post your Fable impressions here! - Dark Jaguar - 21st September 2004

And... what about the REST of my question?

Post your Fable impressions here! - Undertow - 21st September 2004

Oh, sorry. No, there's no content downloadable stuff. =\

Post your Fable impressions here! - Dark Jaguar - 21st September 2004

Then the game is as-is... Well, alright then...

Post your Fable impressions here! - Private Hudson - 22nd September 2004


Click me!

Quote:In fact, we also caught wind of a Fable follow-up, which we can reveal is known as Fable 1.5, and began development before Fable went gold a couple of weeks ago.

Lionhead's PR people were quick to point out that Fable 1.5 is "unconfirmed" - but according to Big Blue Box staff, it's entirely real.

We don't know much about what Fable 1.5 actually is, but one can guess it's an update of some kind, as opposed to a full-on sequel (as Peter put it in our first video interview with him, the sequel would need to be as "fresh and original" as the first game).

In fact, it was when discussing the possibility of downloadable content for Fable, that a Lionhead designer mentioned the arousing existence of Fable 1.5 - suggesting it could be an Xbox Live update - though we wouldn't rule out the possibility of it being the long-rumoured PC version of the game either.

And obviously, we wouldn't be surprised to see a full-on Fable 2 at some stage either. After all, there's always Peter's comment from our first interview to consider: "If we were thinking about a sequel... then co-op play and online would be one of things we'd think of putting in there."

Possible follow-up, possibly from XBox live. Which means I'd be stuffed. A lot of people I know have been finishing the game at around 20 hours with most of the missions done. Saying it was good while it lasted, but needed more to it.

Apparently they needed more developement time if this 1.5 is happening.

Post your Fable impressions here! - Great Rumbler - 22nd September 2004

If they release it as an Xbox Live update that means I get stuck with an "unfinished" product, since cable/DSL is beyond my power. Hopefully if they'll release it as a stand-along title, possibly at a discount price.

Post your Fable impressions here! - OB1 - 23rd September 2004

You know, if they would release a Fable semi-sequel that had large, open environments with more than just two towns (all of which you could bring your weapons into), and not have a never-ending supply of guards that will always kick you out, I'd be extremely happy. And of course their programmers would have to figure out a way to stream areas.

Post your Fable impressions here! - Dark Jaguar - 23rd September 2004

So it DOES have content download, even if it's not an option you can select (more like the XBox Live server can tell it there's an update and it's designed to alert you instead).

If there's a content download to upgrade this game, then yay.

GR, just hook your XBox up to someone else's Live connection and download it that way. The only problem would be if the update has a price tag instead of being free, in which case ask your friend if you can buy it again and pay them back. I actually use my Live connection on my friend's XBoxes all the time. It's the only way to use more than one headset on a single box in multi really (oh wait, there are those splitters that let you hook up multiple headsets to a single outlet :D).

Post your Fable impressions here! - OB1 - 23rd September 2004

Eh, you can't just hook up your xbox to someone else's live connection. You need a live account on the actual hdd.

But OXM usually has all of those downloadable updates in their demo discs, so if it ever did come out there's a good chance they'd get it.

Post your Fable impressions here! - Private Hudson - 23rd September 2004

It sounds like a pretty big update to put on a demo-disc. It's 1.5 remember, not just... 1.2.

Of course, it's also just rumor. And the part about being downloadable is mere conjecture about a rumor!

Post your Fable impressions here! - OB1 - 24th September 2004

I wouldn't say it's conjecture since there is stuff to back it up. It makes perfect sense.

And I was just referring to an update to Fable rather than a semi-sequel.

Post your Fable impressions here! - Dark Jaguar - 24th September 2004

Good point, there's no evidence. I mean, it's "logical", but it's unprecedented. Better to assume it's not true, because that's the more likely option right now. But oh do I wish it was...

Seriously though, America is like king of rumors. Why don't American schools make SURE all their students have a basic understanding of all logical principles? I wager there would be a LOT less conspiracy nuts if there would just be a focus on clear critical thinking being taught in schools.

Post your Fable impressions here! - OB1 - 24th September 2004

I'd say that an interview with Molyneux where he strongly hints at downloadable content as plenty of evidence.

Post your Fable impressions here! - Dark Jaguar - 1st November 2004

I have this game now.

One question.

HOW DO I SAVE THE GAME?! Seriously, the ONLY way I can save that I can see is to save my hero stats but "your quest data will NOT be saved". I mean, what the? It DID autosave at one point, but great lot of good that did me. I did less than perfect a couple times and had to reset to the very beggining of childhood both times because I can't frickin' save!

Post your Fable impressions here! - Great Rumbler - 1st November 2004

Once you're finished with a quest, the "hero save" changes to "world save". I think the first time that comes up is once you're an adult. It took me quite a while to figure that one out too.

Post your Fable impressions here! - Dark Jaguar - 1st November 2004

Well... doesn't that suck... Really, either save spots, or save anywhere. Having large sections with no chance for saving until you return to town is called very very old NES RPGs, and they stopped doing that for a REASON. Still, the game seems pretty fun besides. It just sucks that I can't save whenever I want, considering this is pretty much a Zelda game :D.

Post your Fable impressions here! - Great Rumbler - 2nd November 2004

You can save anywhere you want, as long as you're not currently in the middle of a quest. Saving during a quest only saves your character's experience, but not anything you did on the quest.

Post your Fable impressions here! - OB1 - 2nd November 2004

I figured it out immediately...
