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Fahrenheit 9-11 anyone? - Printable Version

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Fahrenheit 9-11 anyone? - Dark Lord Neo - 12th July 2004

I'm going to see it tommorow

Fahrenheit 9-11 anyone? - nickdaddyg - 6th August 2004

I'm all with Weltall. I refuse to see Fahrenheit 9/11. It's just propaganda bullshit, from only his point of view.

P.S. I'm an extreme Republican, and nothing annoys be more than liberals.

(Actually, lots of ppl blame me for extreme right-wing ideology. Wait some of those guys were you, about our old Hitler debates. Remember those? Those were the good ol' days.) But anyway, yeah, I'm a fascist...

Fahrenheit 9-11 anyone? - Great Rumbler - 6th August 2004

I still haven't seen and I don't really plan on seeing it anytime soon.

Here's something for everyone who thought Fahrenheit 911 was completely factual/honest movie.

Fahrenheit 9-11 anyone? - Fittisize - 6th August 2004

nickdaddyg Wrote:But anyway, yeah, I'm a fascist...

Great. We've got two fascists on our board now.

Fahrenheit 9-11 anyone? - Dark Jaguar - 6th August 2004

That movie isn't helping anyone at all, and it's delusional to think it is. Not a single person changed their mind about anything. People who loved it already agreed, people who hated it already disagreed. It didn't change anyone's views. Thus, it didn't help anyone. That's the only way entertainment CAN ever help anyone after all, by changing their views.

About people signing up JUST for the money anc complaining when they get deployed. I have no sympathy. They knew the risks, and deserve anything that happens as a result. If they really, truly believed that they would NOT be sent out and that was their right to not be sent out when they signed up, they are idiots. Honestly, how does anyone go through even basic training and still lack enough common sense to realize their lives are now at the beck and call of the military? They DID IT TO THEMSELVES, so wet willy for you!

Fahrenheit 9-11 anyone? - A Black Falcon - 6th August 2004

I don't think that is true. It has made some people on the fence think. Yes, most people have chosen a side already, but there are some people undecided and even if it only influenced a few of them into questioning the Bush administration, that's great... but I am sure that few undecided people would leave that film feeling exactly the same as when they entered.

Fahrenheit 9-11 anyone? - EdenMaster - 6th August 2004

Dark Jaguar Wrote:beck and call

That would be "beckon call", DJ :D.



Fahrenheit 9-11 anyone? - OB1 - 7th August 2004


Fahrenheit 9-11 anyone? - Great Rumbler - 7th August 2004

*golf clap*

Fahrenheit 9-11 anyone? - OB1 - 7th August 2004


Fahrenheit 9-11 anyone? - Dark Jaguar - 7th August 2004

beck1 ( P ) Pronunciation Key (bk)
A gesture of beckoning or summons.

at (someone's) beck and call
Ready to comply with any wish or command

So yes, beck is a right way to say it.

Plus, "beckon call" sounds very engrish. That's like saying "I'm going to arrest capture you!", it's the kind of redundant you only hear from sweeds.

No, beck and call is the way I've always heard it.

Fahrenheit 9-11 anyone? - A Black Falcon - 7th August 2004

Of course it's 'beck and call'... wait, was GR being serious that he thought it was different? I thought it was some kind of joke I didn't get...

Fahrenheit 9-11 anyone? - Dark Jaguar - 7th August 2004

...Looking at it, either EM and GR are BOTH equally stupid about it, or this is some movie/game/book quote that neither of us are familiar with.

Fahrenheit 9-11 anyone? - Great Rumbler - 7th August 2004

"Beck and call" is always what I've heard. I just think golf claps are funny.

Fahrenheit 9-11 anyone? - A Black Falcon - 7th August 2004

Golf claps?

Fahrenheit 9-11 anyone? - Great Rumbler - 7th August 2004

*sigh* When the crowd at a golf game claps. That's a golf clap.

Fahrenheit 9-11 anyone? - A Black Falcon - 7th August 2004

As in quietly?

Fahrenheit 9-11 anyone? - Great Rumbler - 8th August 2004

Yeah, it's a subdued and mostly unenthusiastic applause.

Fahrenheit 9-11 anyone? - OB1 - 9th August 2004

*golf claps at ABF for being so dumb*

Fahrenheit 9-11 anyone? - Great Rumbler - 9th August 2004

*golf clap*

Fahrenheit 9-11 anyone? - A Black Falcon - 9th August 2004

Well it's not like I watch much golf...

Fahrenheit 9-11 anyone? - Great Rumbler - 10th August 2004

Well, it's not like you have to.

Fahrenheit 9-11 anyone? - bountyhunter - 12th August 2004

Tell you what, what we should do is swap our leaders, john howard can take over america for a while and bush can take over australia for a while, the economy will rise, green house imissions will lower, international relations will improve and there will be peace because howard will be too nice to want to wage any wars.. while we get stuck with a guy who has the mental capacity of a sack of hammers.. but he can't screw our economy up that much and howard will just fix it when he gets back any way, and we don't have the millitary capacity to take over an island in the tropics, hell even an un inhabited one we couldn't take over, in fact, were it the smallest island in the tropic/behuma's what ever, un-inhabited and devoide of all life, we would probobly surrender.

On another note, bush would be with people who can understand him when he talks slow and misses words/parts of words, be abreiviate almost every thing we say.