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America to stay "One nation under God" - Printable Version

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America to stay "One nation under God" - alien space marine - 10th August 2004

Is that a water melon?

I thought of stealing Hitlers car out of a museum! How is that for a plan for my future?

America to stay "One nation under God" - Great Rumbler - 10th August 2004

Quote:I thought of stealing Hitlers car out of a museum! How is that for a plan for my future?

Considering that it's from a movie, not too great.

America to stay "One nation under God" - nickdaddyg - 12th August 2004

Great Rumbler Wrote:Yeah, but what all those poor children who have to hear the word "God"? I mean good grief man they could be scared for life and become serial killers because of something so traumatizing!! Someone please think of the children!! And then there's the whole "Christian symbols on city/state seal make people feel unwelcome" which is the most absurd thing I've ever heard in my life, but the ACLU uses it all the time.

That's the stupidity of the children. Well, actually it would be the parents' fault. They need to teach their kids better. Even if they are atheist parents with atheist kids, they should just say, "Kids if you ever hear about God, just don't care."

Well that pisses me off too because atheists are trash, IMO, but it's better than them complaining like bitches.

America to stay "One nation under God" - Darunia - 16th August 2004

I am so terribly against that being our motto... any nation "one under god" is NOT a nation free of religion bias.

America to stay "One nation under God" - Great Rumbler - 17th August 2004

[Image: obvious.gif]

America to stay "One nation under God" - A Black Falcon - 17th August 2004

'God' is a pretty general religious term... yeah, not all religions would agree with that statement, but most of the big ones would.

America to stay "One nation under God" - Geno - 19th August 2004

The G word's not gonna hurt you. It won't bite.

America to stay "One nation under God" - Darunia - 19th August 2004

The G word's not gonna hurt you. It won't bite.

Wow, that's logical---so doesn't that mean that no words will ever harm anyone? Can I walk up to a thug in the Bronx, and call him a nigger---? I mean, it's just a word. It won't bite, right?

'God' is a pretty general religious term... yeah, not all religions would agree with that statement, but most of the big ones would.

So only the big ones count. A government that represents all of America, and is funded by all Americans, should not boast any particular interest. Muslins and atheists are Americans too. Fuck; even pagans and voodoo priestists are. It's not right that our equally-shared government proclaimes that we all are "under God." Psf.

America to stay "One nation under God" - A Black Falcon - 19th August 2004

Muslims believe in god too, Darunia. :) Other than athiesm there are just a few exceptions... Buddhism and Hinduism, kinda, not sure what else...

America to stay "One nation under God" - Great Rumbler - 20th August 2004

Quote:I mean, it's just a word. It won't bite, right?

Probably not, but the guy you said it too would probably beat you up.

America to stay "One nation under God" - Geno - 22nd August 2004

A Black Falcon Wrote:Muslims believe in god too, Darunia. :) Other than athiesm there are just a few exceptions... Buddhism and Hinduism, kinda, not sure what else...

I think Darunia was referring to the fact that Muslims refer to God as Allah, but it's the same concept, just a different term.

America to stay "One nation under God" - A Black Falcon - 22nd August 2004

Same god, too... remember, Islam is also a decendant of Judaism...

America to stay "One nation under God" - Geno - 23rd August 2004


America to stay "One nation under God" - Dark Jaguar - 23rd August 2004

You could say it's a different God in the sense that the slightest alteration to a religion makes it a new religion, with this a totally seperate instance of "God". Sorta like an altered copy of a program or something...

Anyway, you can't say the G word, or the J word! It's against standards and practises!

You see Jesus-


Um, let's call him Je-wizzz... Je-wizz could offend some people, idiots mostly, so we can't mention that. Here are other things we can't have.

Watch how this nun reacts to this point-blank shotgun blast. *BANG* *nun's head is gone replaced with blood fountain*


Okay, now let's alter that scene. *BANG* *nun's head is severed, but instead of blood, a rainbow comes out of there*

Voice: Yes, Acceptable!

There, looks like someone's about to get an A! Remember, standards and practises are all about keeping new and funny ideas away from you, the viewer.

America to stay "One nation under God" - Great Rumbler - 23rd August 2004

Ted Nugent?

America to stay "One nation under God" - Dark Jaguar - 23rd August 2004

Yeah, it's Ted Nugent, you know, all up there in the butt of the gun. See?

America to stay "One nation under God" - Darunia - 23rd August 2004

America: 100% Christian-Muslim---how can you tell? Because the whole population is represented under that motto. Why not just change the motto to "In White People We Trust"? The majority of the country is (for now) white; who cars about the little ones on the side?

America to stay "One nation under God" - Weltall - 23rd August 2004

Darunia, you're so cute when you're anal.

America to stay "One nation under God" - Darunia - 23rd August 2004

Why are all Christians so arrogant---? Is it because in addition to fairy tales about talking snakes and men in clouds, they're raised with a haughty 'I'm better than you because I love Jesus' attitude? The answer is a definitive yes.

America to stay "One nation under God" - Dark Jaguar - 23rd August 2004

Um, that was rude... and I'm fairly certain it was also blindly hypocritical...

I mean you... you ARE aware that what you said... well, that is to say... were you trying to be ironic there or what? That was a very arogant and insulting thing to say, that's all.

America to stay "One nation under God" - Weltall - 24th August 2004

Darunia Wrote:Why are all Christians so arrogant---? Is it because in addition to fairy tales about talking snakes and men in clouds, they're raised with a haughty 'I'm better than you because I love Jesus' attitude? The answer is a definitive yes.

What does being arrogant have to do with my beliefs?

I could be a shintoist, for all it matters. You're still way too anal, and you prove it every time you post in this thread. :)

Besides, I AM better than you. Being a man of Christ is only a small reason why.


*awaits the next blubbering anti-christian tirade. Lord, I apologize*

America to stay "One nation under God" - Dark Jaguar - 24th August 2004

Hey Weltall, what's with using your Earther name?

America to stay "One nation under God" - Darunia - 24th August 2004

Awe, shucks guys--its just that all the Christians I know (those here being no exception) are just so closed-minded. Now you'll fire-back saying that I'm closed-minded; but in fact I'm not, and had a faulty religious stint in 7th grade. I'd love to believe in an after-life, but folks, it just ain't there from what I'm seeing. You've all been raised into a religion that you otherwise would never have come across; that alone should raise an eyebrow on the sheep-issue---as for me, I was raised independent of any religious issues (my mother agnostic, my father perhaps atheist, but if so, he doesn't care either way as much as I do,) and in a bias-free environment (with deeply religious grandparents), I came out as is.

America to stay "One nation under God" - Weltall - 24th August 2004

That's absurd. I was raised in a home that was only barely religious, and I was an atheist for several years. I believe what I believe because of my life experience, not because I was indoctrinated. I do not belong to a church. I believe the Bible is metaphors, not exact, bald doctrine. I don't listen to so-called 'religious leaders' because I distrust many of them. Even with all that, I still have my faith, and it is MY faith. And I'm not close-minded at all. I don't care what you believe. But for you to say you are not close-minded is ridiculous. You're constantly insulting Christians in general for their beliefs and faith, and you don't even try to mask it. You call us close-minded simply because we do not agree with you. It is YOU who is being the arrogant ass about this matter. I don't care what you want to believe, and I'm not going to waste a second trying to convert you, but you're acting just like a charicature of a firebrand Christian preacher, only in reverse.

Grow up.

America to stay "One nation under God" - Great Rumbler - 24th August 2004

Quote:You've all been raised into a religion that you otherwise would never have come across

Unless we live in India or Germany where Christianity is spreading rapidly...

America to stay "One nation under God" - A Black Falcon - 24th August 2004

Quote:Why are all Christians so arrogant---? Is it because in addition to fairy tales about talking snakes and men in clouds, they're raised with a haughty 'I'm better than you because I love Jesus' attitude? The answer is a definitive yes.

This is pretty much correct. Though religion is only one of many reasons that Americans feel like they're better than everyone else, not the only one.

Religious people close minded? Many are. Not all. If you can say 'I know that there is no proof and that all the evidence points towards an ordered universe run by laws that has existed for we don't know exactly how long, etc, but I think that in some way there is a deity that has influenced how it progressed/the laws of nature/etc', then it's more reasoned. But if it's 'God created the world'...

And it is an absolute fact that religion makes it a WHOLE lot easier to not think. They tell you how to think and you listen! That's how most religion works. Makes things really easy for the people... thinking is hard, after all! It's a LOT easier to not think than it is to think.

America to stay "One nation under God" - Weltall - 24th August 2004

A Black Falcon Wrote:This is pretty much correct. Though religion is only one of many reasons that Americans feel like they're better than everyone else, not the only one.

Religious people close minded? Many are. Not all. If you can say 'I know that there is no proof and that all the evidence points towards an ordered universe run by laws that has existed for we don't know exactly how long, etc, but I think that in some way there is a deity that has influenced how it progressed/the laws of nature/etc', then it's more reasoned. But if it's 'God created the world'...

And it is an absolute fact that religion makes it a WHOLE lot easier to not think. They tell you how to think and you listen! That's how most religion works. Makes things really easy for the people... thinking is hard, after all! It's a LOT easier to not think than it is to think.

That's kind of taking the holier-than-thou approach, classifying us as morons, essentially, who are told what to think and believe it. Of course, if it were that simple, there would be one religion and one denomination of it. Obviously, that's not so, and there is much, much debate about aspects of religion within religions, to say otherwise is foolish.

Of course, it is also worth noting that it is very easy to deny everything out of hand, and doing so doesn't make you any freer a thinker than I am. After all, everyone's beliefs, no matter what they are and what subject they cover, is without exception based, to varying degrees, on someone else's ideas and concepts. Implying that we are sheep is straight hypocrisy. Just because non-believers are a minority doesn't make their beliefs more legitimate.

What you athiests need to realize is that you are a minority. And because of that, you will be subjected to things you may not agree with. That is the essence of BEING a minority, in absolutely any sort of category you please. As I said, I don't care if you choose to believe whatever you believe, but I think you people are pushy and arrogant too, and frankly, there is nothing other than the absence of a deity that seperates atheism from religion. Christianity has it's bad people, no doubt. Most Christians dislike the Pat Robertsons of the world. But the atheists who militantly devote themselves to the eradication of God in every aspect of public life are in every way as rotten and evil.

What I'm trying to say is: Believe whatever you want. Most people believe differently, and they have the same right to be as open about it as you people are. Respect that. And get over yourselves. You're no better or more advanced than anyone else.

America to stay "One nation under God" - alien space marine - 24th August 2004

Darunia Wrote:Why are all Christians so arrogant---? Is it because in addition to fairy tales about talking snakes and men in clouds, they're raised with a haughty 'I'm better than you because I love Jesus' attitude? The answer is a definitive yes.

Are you sure your not Christian? Cause you fit that description pretty good.

The first sign of arogance is generalization, believing a entire group especially one so big is all the same! Thats not any different then racist who believe all Blacks are criminals and thugs.

If you said " some Christians I met were arogant dick heads but I know not all of them are like that" , Id respect you. The fact you believe we are all evil down to the core which I know with alot of certainty you believe this as too deny it would be contradictary, You are full of prejidice and prejidice isnt enlightenment.

America to stay "One nation under God" - Darunia - 24th August 2004

Are you sure your not Christian? Cause you fit that description pretty good.

Are you confusing me for Christian? Cuz I hereby denounce Jesus Christ. There, that should clear that up for you. :shake:

The first sign of arogance is generalization,

Says you.

believing a entire group especially one so big is all the same! Thats not any different then racist who believe all Blacks are criminals and thugs.

Say that again in a clear, concise manner.

If you said " some Christians I met were arogant dick heads but I know not all of them are like that" , Id respect you. The fact you believe we are all evil down to the core which I know with alot of certainty you believe this as too deny it would be contradictary

Go ahead and exaggerate it there; 'evil to the core'---how did you get that from 'sheep' and 'arrogant' ? Don't put words in my mouth.

You are full of prejidice and prejidice isnt enlightenment.

Really---cuz I thought they were synonyms. Silly me! (*SPELLED: PREJUDICE)

Apprenez à épeler!

America to stay "One nation under God" - alien space marine - 24th August 2004

[Image: nazicatactress.jpg]

Darunia worships Hitler!

America to stay "One nation under God" - alien space marine - 24th August 2004

Are you confusing me for Christian? Cuz I hereby denounce Jesus Christ. There, that should clear that up for you. :shake:

What did Jesus do to desserve such hate?Name one thing bad that he did to you or anyone.

Says you.

Say that again in a clear, concise manner.

Why should I? Weltall speaks better then I do and nothing he says makes any difference to you anyways. I think you understood what I meant or atleast some of it , You would much rather bitch at my grammar then be forced to answer that cause you cant or wont admit it.

Go ahead and exaggerate it there; 'evil to the core'---how did you get that from 'sheep' and 'arrogant' ? Don't put words in my mouth.

I dont need to

Really---cuz I thought they were synonyms. Silly me! (*SPELLED: PREJUDICE)

Since you know how to spell the word maybe its time to check the definition and meditate on it while your at it.

Apprenez à épeler!

Mangez la merde

America to stay "One nation under God" - Darunia - 26th August 2004

What did Jesus do to desserve such hate?Name one thing bad that he did to you or anyone.

What did the boogie man do to deserve such a bad wrap---neither exist, do what difference does it make. Christ, ASM, you're defending a story book character.

Why should I?


I think you understood what I meant or atleast some of it ,

...no, I honestly didn't.

I dont need to

Yet you do it anyway.

Mangez la merde

Va sucer ta grandmère potelée.

America to stay "One nation under God" - Weltall - 26th August 2004

Darunia Wrote:What did Jesus do to desserve such hate?Name one thing bad that he did to you or anyone.

What did the boogie man do to deserve such a bad wrap---neither exist, do what difference does it make. Christ, ASM, you're defending a story book character.

And you're angrily bashing someone you think is a mere storybook character. If you think that's all Jesus is, why do you keep pressing the point?

I mean, seriously, you're fighting a hopeless battle here, unless your only intent is to make sure you tell everyone who would listen why you have a bizarre, antipathetic vendetta against the most peaceful man who ever lived.

America to stay "One nation under God" - Dark Jaguar - 26th August 2004

Darunia, the problem is you started this attack. For SOME reason, you insist on convincing us, in a VERY angry fasion, to stop thinking what we think. What did our thoughts ever do to you, personally?

America to stay "One nation under God" - alien space marine - 26th August 2004

Quote:What did the boogie man do to deserve such a bad wrap---neither exist, do what difference does it make. Christ, ASM, you're defending a story book character.

ABF is atleast more logical and reasonable to admit that Jesus weither he was christ or not might have been a real person like Muhammad and Confucist. A religion always has a founder even the scientific evolution theory had a founder. Calling him just a story book character like Tom Sawyer is ignorant as he is a historical figure his life and death even is the basis of our calendar and time cronology B.C.E and A.D,Since the jews were exiled and scatterd by the Romans all records of birth and death were lossed.

America to stay "One nation under God" - A Black Falcon - 26th August 2004

Yeah, he was almost certainly a real person. Sure there are theories out there about how he wasn't real, but it just doesn't seem like that makes much sense. He was real, he had a very idealistic philosophy that was made more so once written down, and there's no way that humanity could ever live up to all of what he says.

He was also probably mentally ill in some way, as most people who truly think they hear God are, but hey... lots of people who have done great things have had mental illnesses. :)

America to stay "One nation under God" - Dark Jaguar - 26th August 2004

Mental illnesses ROCK!

Anger Persona: NO THEY DON'T! DIE!

Some guy: So Jesus did say "let he who is clean of all sin cast the first stone", which means we need to BOMB THE MIDDLE-EAST INTO A CRATER!

America to stay "One nation under God" - Great Rumbler - 27th August 2004

Hmm...I don't think that's what he meant.

America to stay "One nation under God" - Darunia - 27th August 2004

All right---I'll make a deal with you:

Tonight I will pray (honestly) to Jesus; if the Red Sox win the world series, I'll say to him, I will:

1.) Never speak out against religion in TC again.
2.) Formally admit the possibility of his existence in a binding edict.
3.) Formally apologize to all Christians around the world here at TC in an edict.


If we don't win,

all I ask of you (the Christian community here) is that you be more flexible and understanding with me and my anti-religious frustration. That's all. More understanding.


America to stay "One nation under God" - Dark Jaguar - 27th August 2004

Maybe in context, but the key to my argument is taking everything Christ said completely OUT of context to support whatever I have to say!

Christ: "....cast....stone...."

See? He supports killing sinners, with rocks!

America to stay "One nation under God" - A Black Falcon - 27th August 2004

Taking things out of context is one of the keys of justifying anything religiously, sadly...

America to stay "One nation under God" - Darunia - 28th August 2004

Everytime you corner a Christian, he just wiggles free. You nail them with a fact, and they cast it off with some semantics. Why bother. They live and die by a 2,000 year-old tome, and when one points out the countless errors in it, they say "oh, well, don't take it too seriously/its not meant to be taken word-for-word/that was then this is now/thats a bad translation/thats not what God intended to say..." Make up your minds.

So my deal is rejected I assume. It expires at noon tomorrow, or at 12:00pmEST 8-29-04.

America to stay "One nation under God" - Weltall - 28th August 2004

Er, I don't get it.

With the possible exception of ASM, everyone here accepts your atheism. On the contrary, it is you who seems to be unable to accept the fact that everyone else here doesn't conform to your views. I understand why you think like you do, because I felt the same way once. However, I also understood why others did not feel the same as I did, and I have no trouble doing that now that I went back to Christianity.

You, however, seem to take great pleasure in painting Christians as stupid, mindless robots, and blame practically all of the world's woes on us.

I don't care if you do speak your views and opinions, it's an open board. But you are seriously in greater need of flexibility and understanding than we are. If you can't accept us for our faith, then leave us alone, because if you want to change anyone's mind, you're going about it entirely in the wrong way, nobody here is going to abandon faith in God because we're getting insulted by the likes of you.

So I have a deal for you:

Accept the fact that most people in general, and many here in particular, are Christians. The rest of us will return the favor, as we have been for a long time, and for at least myself, in spite of wanting to return some of the really nasty and venomous shit you say about us.

If you can't do it for our sake, do it for yourself. Tolerance makes you a better person.

America to stay "One nation under God" - A Black Falcon - 29th August 2004

Darunia's not the most logical person here...

America to stay "One nation under God" - Dark Jaguar - 29th August 2004

Oh and, I assume I don't have to point out that praying for teams to win is certainly something God will totally ignore. It really doesn't matter if those are the terms. God determines the terms of how He acts, not you, so to say "He didn't do exactly what I told him, which means He admits He doesn't exist, or just plain doesn't exist!" is stupid. You can't go up to someone and say "if you don't answer me, you are admitting defeat!", it doesn't WORK that way!

Anyway, no matter, at any rate Weltall's points are pretty much valid. I've NEVER pushed my religion on you. I've only spoken about it and defended my views when YOU attacked.

Let me ask you something. Do you find me just TALKING about it to be personally offensive, even when I'm not even TALKING to you? If that's the case, all I have to say is grow up.

America to stay "One nation under God" - alien space marine - 29th August 2004

I seriously needed growing of my own when dealing with other peoples beliefs and being tolerant, I accept Darunia's Atheism its fine because Atheist doesnt = Evil as I have met good nice kind reasonable people who were Atheist that were never closed minded on any issue unfortunately Darunia doesnt fit the group since he believes christianity = evil with no common sense since he believes arogance and stupidity go imediately with chrisitianity , I could relate and understand that people in the past gave him bad impressions but its hard to sympathize if he is proverbaily slaping you at every chance and ridicules your beliefs at every turn. Then my grammar thing but thats a seperate issue he isnt alone in it. I accept that Darunia is a Atheist I dont go to Neo and ABF on the issue since they respect me and in turn I respect them and I know their standing ,If my beliefs that I hold dear are bashed or ridiculed its only human nature to want to defend it.

As for Darunia's last chance thing, Dont be ridiculous we will do whatever we please its a free country.

America to stay "One nation under God" - Darunia - 29th August 2004


As for Darunia's last chance thing, Dont be ridiculous we will do whatever we please its a free country.

You act as though we live in the same country.

America to stay "One nation under God" - alien space marine - 29th August 2004

Quote:You act as though we live in the same country.

Its an expression! Sheesh! My Country is more free then yours! Hump

Why even *Sign*? Are you plotting to takeover the world or somthing? Why the sudden interest in gathering followers?

*Hears the Goron infantry arrive*! To our astonishment god pretrifies most of the infantry into stone ,The survivors huddle together and sodomy ensues.

Mean while Goronia Is in mass panic and it stirs up a total economic collaspe! Which in turns leads to more sodomy!

God in a fit of rage decrees that Sodom and Goronia must be purged from the world.But out of Mercy he will spare the city rather then allow a single righteous soul be harmed in the process,Which in turn is a small poodle which then is savagely raped by sex crazed gorons and dies from internal injuries.
God hearts sinks at the loss of the innocent creature's life , Angry but still merciful calls on the Goron king to end the perversion and ungodlyness within the two cities so they may be spared his wraith, Darunia's immediate reaction is to cut off his pants and bend over and stretch his anus at the face of god!

God sends a fire ball from the sky and aims into the open crevasse of Darunia bum hole, Darunia's ass instantly exploids! Followed by his genitals errupting into flames.

Darunia transfers his mind and concious into a new healthy bionic body before his original vessel gives out from its wounds.Robo Darunia is born but without a penis. meanwhile God begins preparation to destroy Sodom and Goronia gathers his legions of angels preped for battle.

To be Continued!

Yes I now ended the retardation by starting somthing more retarded.

America to stay "One nation under God" - Dark Jaguar - 30th August 2004

"it's a free country" HAS to be said to others living in the SAME country! That's the only way it makes SENSE! Expressions DO have parts that must be taken literally you know!

America to stay "One nation under God" - alien space marine - 30th August 2004

Once Again DJ proves that he is eccentric everything has to be perfect , Takes everything seriously.There is alot of expressions that if taken literally wouldnt make much sense at all, Now of course this expression is american but other people who watch american tv shows in canada,UK,Aussie land why not just reinterpret it? If I said "its a free country" I could be reffering to my own country therefore I dont have to abide by you,Now I could say I live in a free country but thats not as cool !