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Stupid FFX and its stupid ending that is sad!!! - Printable Version

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Stupid FFX and its stupid ending that is sad!!! - The Former DMiller - 16th April 2005

Yeah, FFX was pretty disappointing. I loved it for the first few hours because of the battle system, but then when I realized the linearity of the game was going to last most of the 30 hours or so the game took to beat and that the characters weren't going to get any less annoying it dropped way down on my ranking of the Final Fantasy games. I ended up totally giving up on the game very close to the end, and only came back to it just so I could say I beat the game.

Stupid FFX and its stupid ending that is sad!!! - Geno - 16th April 2005

After nearly three years, I still haven't gone back. I played through 2/3 of the game. Yeah, the characters aren't loveable at any point. The battle system was the only thing it really had going for it. Even the voice acting wasn't that good.

Stupid FFX and its stupid ending that is sad!!! - Weltall - 16th April 2005

I sold it to an ex-girlfriend not long after I got it.

People say that serieses need change to stay interesting, but it's the old Final Fantasies, those with experience points, level-ups, weapons, armor, helmets, turn-based/ATB and a dash of a slightly-different way to make better magic that can still retain my interest. The new Final Fantasies... it's not the style and the makeup of the games that's so much a turnoff, its how things have been 'improved' for the worse. Voices, wierd character-building, minigames and sub-games that are not fun yet at times overshadow the game itself, and the retreat from standard fantasy and into this wierd new metaphysical bullshit we saw so much of in FFVIII and FFX. I love character development, I think it's important, but those two games seem to focus on that to the exclusion of everything else, including a primary conflict that makes sense, and a compelling reason to resolve this conflict.

It's been almost six years, and I still don't have the slightest idea why Time Kompression is such a rotten concept, and why I should give enough of a damn to stop it from happening. I can't remember why the SeeDs could not remember anything from their past, especially that whole part about them growing up in an orphanage together. I can't remember the whole thing about Galbadia and the Timber Owls. I don't remember much of anything about FFX, except that Tidus sounded like a whiny, pretentious little bitch (unknowingly preparing the world for the coming of the whiny, pretentious bitch Anakin "Nobody Loves Me, Everybody Hates Me, I'm Going To Go Eat Worms" Skywalker a few months later). All that I do know is that there was a chick who became the next Britney Spears, some stupid fucking volleyball derivative that I hated, and a blue lion guy who talked in stilted sentences.

Bring back the spoony bards. Edward may have been a pussy and a whiner, but his wife was killed and his whole kingdom annihilated, so I can forgive him that.

Stupid FFX and its stupid ending that is sad!!! - Private Hudson - 17th April 2005

I really loved FFX.

Not as much as VI, VII, or IX, but it's great, non-theless.

That's about all I have to say about that.

Stupid FFX and its stupid ending that is sad!!! - Great Rumbler - 17th April 2005

The only FF game that I've ever been big into was FF7.

Stupid FFX and its stupid ending that is sad!!! - Geno - 17th April 2005

I don't think Edward and his lover were married, I think she was just his girlfriend. But yeah, I agree with Ryan, the new FFs are dull. I enjoyed FF8, but not as much as earlier FFs. FF7 was easily the best, FF4 and 6 also being really good. FF9 wasn't bad either.

Goddamn Tidus sucked though. "Wah wah, I wanna go home." Some hero. And Yuna? Monotone and annoying in the first FFX, stupid and slutty in the second one. And yeah, I didn't care much for Blitzball either. Hell, what am I talking about, Blitzball completely blew. FFX at least had a little fun factor with the Aeons though, but FFX-2 was just selling out. I'll stick with my old school FF ROMs and my PSX FF games, thank you very much.

Stupid FFX and its stupid ending that is sad!!! - Private Hudson - 17th April 2005

I couldn't even finish FFX-2. That's the first FF game I can say that about.

Blitzball was awesome fun, though. My only gripe was that there was no 2-player option. :( I enjoyed Tidus and Yuna. They're not the best couple ever in the series, and I still think the scene where they got together was just Tidus taking advantage of the poor girl, but still.. Auron was awesome. And the overall story I found v ery enjoyable. Would have been great if the final boss could have actually hurt you, but, whatever..

Stupid FFX and its stupid ending that is sad!!! - Weltall - 17th April 2005

Edward ran off with Anna to marry her. Whether or not they actually get that far before the bombs start falling is anyone's guess. Let's just say they would have been married, if they already weren't.

Stupid FFX and its stupid ending that is sad!!! - Dark Jaguar - 17th April 2005

Well does EVERY hero have to actually WANT to do what they are doing? Can't it just be that they have very selfish goals? Besides, he does change by the end. Yuna is certainly composed, but what do you want? She's been trained to be like that her whole life for this purpose.

Geno, I hated FFX-2 as much as anyone, but where do you get "slutty"?

Stupid FFX and its stupid ending that is sad!!! - Geno - 17th April 2005

Yeah, Auron was cool. He was the only character I liked. (Rikku was kinda cute, actually.)

And yeah, I'm not sure if Edward and Anna ever got married, but they had every intention of doing so.

As for calling Yuna "slutty", I use that term genetically. Maybe she doesn't spread her legs for every guy she meets, but she dresses like a whore. Of course, so does Tifa of FF7 fame and I like her character.

Stupid FFX and its stupid ending that is sad!!! - Dark Jaguar - 17th April 2005

Well okay then...

They certainly aren't modest, but Riku if any of them should be the one being told to wear more.

I'd at least think they would dress better when heading to the top of a freezing mountain peak, but that's a general complaint...

Tidus and Wakka weren't exactly modest either come to think of it....

Stupid FFX and its stupid ending that is sad!!! - A Black Falcon - 17th April 2005

Female videogame characters are underdressed most of the time because that's what videogame companies think the audience wants. Usually, they're right...

Stupid FFX and its stupid ending that is sad!!! - Dark Jaguar - 17th April 2005

That's certainly the case a lot of the time, but I don't think Yuna really fit the bill too much... I guess it was a pretty frickin' huge difference between her summoner robes, especially to those who really... erm... notice this stuff.

I've also noticed that males tend to lose their shirts pretty much whenever there's the slightest force applied to their clothing, or something during scene transition with no good reason at all (read: Ansem from Kingdom Hearts).

Stupid FFX and its stupid ending that is sad!!! - A Black Falcon - 17th April 2005

In Japanese games, perhaps. Less common in American ones... unless it's a wrestling game. :)

Quote:That's certainly the case a lot of the time, but I don't think Yuna really fit the bill too much... I guess it was a pretty frickin' huge difference between her summoner robes, especially to those who really... erm... notice this stuff.

We're talking about the teenage (and perhaps also 18-to-30) male demographic. Logic like that needs not apply, most of the time...

Stupid FFX and its stupid ending that is sad!!! - Geno - 17th April 2005

If the female character has some depth to her and isn't just some kinky whorebag in a bra and a mini skirt, then I can look past what she's wearing and appreciate the true character. Such is the case with Tifa.

Stupid FFX and its stupid ending that is sad!!! - Weltall - 17th April 2005

Or Maria from Silent Hill 2 (who dresses like a slut for a very good reason).

Tifa does dress like a slut but doesn't come across as one because she doesn't ever really act sexual. She loves Cloud, and it's obvious, but every overture she makes to him is one of covert friendship, putting her feelings across to him without being blatant. She holds hands and lays her head on his shoulder, something you associate with love, as opposed to lust. +

That's my take, anyway.

Stupid FFX and its stupid ending that is sad!!! - Dark Jaguar - 17th April 2005

What? Tifa is wearing shorts and a shirt. What's wrong with that, I ask you? The character design certainly did do one thing pretty blatant, but sans plastic surgery Tifa could hardly be blamed for that.

Stupid FFX and its stupid ending that is sad!!! - A Black Falcon - 17th April 2005

That, and the clothes are small...

Stupid FFX and its stupid ending that is sad!!! - EdenMaster - 18th April 2005

So much hatred for FFX, tis sad, really. I don't see how everyone hates the stroy so much. Yeah, the whole "gotta kill the giant monster that's destroying the world thing" is cliched, but beside the main story lied smaller stories, some of which you had to talk to the part and NPCs and even go out of your way to discover. Every character has their own little sub-plots and back-stories to discover, and the depth that the game reaches to define the characters is remarkable. I'll use Wakka as an example of how much you can learn about just him from the game.

Wakka is 24 years old and is the coach and captain of the Besaid Aurochs. He's been on the team for ten years and he's never won a game. He hates machina, that you learn early. You find out later that the reason he despises machina (and the al Bhed) are tied back to his little brother Chappu, who died when he joined the Crusaders, and used a machina weapon instead of the sword Wakka gave him. Wakka denies this, but it's obvious. Chappu wa sin love with Lulu, and you find out just before operation Mi'ihen, that it was Luzzu (the red-haired Crusader from Besaid) who convinced him to enlist, which prompts Wakka to punch Luzzu in the face. It was Chappu's death that led him to become a guardian, and before guarding Yuna, he was the guardian to another summoner, Father Zuke, but couldn't focus on his job because he was thinking too much of blitzball. It's also made apparent that Wakka is a devout follower of Yevon, and he is extremely religious. This is the other half of his hatred for the al Bhed, as they use the machina that Yevon forbids. This devout following of Yevon throws him into turmoil when he's forced to fight Maester Seymour, and when he's branded as a traitor fo his murder, it deeply affects him. He's also hesitant about fighting Yunalesca. Finally, when preparing to climb Mt Gagazet, Wakka finally starts to show signs that he's given up on his faith after all he's seen.

That's all I can think about now, considering it's 3 AM :D.

That just goes to show how much character development is packed into the game, and this is just for one character.

Stupid FFX and its stupid ending that is sad!!! - Private Hudson - 18th April 2005

As much as I love FFX, the story depth absolutely pales in comparison to FFVII.

Stupid FFX and its stupid ending that is sad!!! - The Former DMiller - 18th April 2005

The thing is that if you don't like the characters you won't care about the depth of the character development. Auron is the only character in FFX I can truly say I liked.

Stupid FFX and its stupid ending that is sad!!! - Geno - 18th April 2005

Dark Jaguar Wrote:What? Tifa is wearing shorts and a shirt. What's wrong with that, I ask you? The character design certainly did do one thing pretty blatant, but sans plastic surgery Tifa could hardly be blamed for that.

Shorts? Looks more like a skirt to me.

But yeah, as ABF said, it's a tiny shirt and skirt, plus there's her huge knockers that could very well be made of silicone. Not that it bothers me. Tifa is probably the least annoying of the three playable female characters. (I don't find Aeris annoying, but she is more flirty and optimistic than Tifa. Yuffie drives me crazy though.) So Tifa's design is eye candy--at least she's also a well-developed character. (Hmm... probably should've used a better term than "well-developed" to describe Tifa. Rolleyes )

Regarding FFX, I may just go back and play through it again from the start. Maybe, when I have time. Lately, I've been too busy with work and school (damn research essays and damn job that takes away my time to do those essays) to play any video games. But perhaps when the semester is over, I can devote some free time to giving FFX another shot.

Stupid FFX and its stupid ending that is sad!!! - A Black Falcon - 18th April 2005

Need to remember your smilie code, Geno, Rolleyes) will make a :), not Rolleyes )... it's annoying, like with acronyms like BG:DA (don't say it that way!).

Stupid FFX and its stupid ending that is sad!!! - EdenMaster - 18th April 2005

DMiller Wrote:The thing is that if you don't like the characters you won't care about the depth of the character development. Auron is the only character in FFX I can truly say I liked.

Well, that must be part of why I like the game so much, because I liked all the characters and how they played their roles. Their voice acting and dialogue were superb. I even liked the major NPC characters like O'aka, Rin, Isaaru, and Mika. If I had to pick a least favorite character, it would be a tough call. I'd say Dona (the cocky woman summoner you meet in Kilika, then several times after). I liked all the party members just fine and found myself driven to uncover each of their stories.

Stupid FFX and its stupid ending that is sad!!! - The Former DMiller - 18th April 2005

EdenMaster Wrote:Well, that must be part of why I like the game so much, because I liked all the characters and how they played their roles. Their voice acting and dialogue were superb. I even liked the major NPC characters like O'aka, Rin, Isaaru, and Mika. If I had to pick a least favorite character, it would be a tough call. I'd say Dona (the cocky woman summoner you meet in Kilika, then several times after). I liked all the party members just fine and found myself driven to uncover each of their stories.

I didn't really think the voice acting was all that good. The thing that really sticks out for me in that game was the scene between Tidus and Yuna where they were both laughing was excruciating to watch and listen to. Again, though, it's a matter of taste so if you liked the voice acting and the characters than chances are you would like the game.

Stupid FFX and its stupid ending that is sad!!! - EdenMaster - 18th April 2005

I hate that scene too. I really didn't think any other parts of the dialogue or voices were bad.

Well there was the part in the Summoners Sanctum of Home where Tidus freaked out when he found out Yuna would die. His voice reached a few octaves too high during his screaming.

Stupid FFX and its stupid ending that is sad!!! - Dark Jaguar - 18th April 2005

That laughter was supposed to sound fake, but it did sound pretty bad even considering that...

Stupid FFX and its stupid ending that is sad!!! - Geno - 19th April 2005

I absolutely despise that scene. I turned my volume down so low, afraid that someone would come to my door and ask "What the crap are you watching?!"