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So I just bought a 149.99 PS2... - Printable Version

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So I just bought a 149.99 PS2... - UltraMarioMan - 2nd June 2004

Quote:(in the most boring way possible, I want to actually CONTROL that airship... the way GOD INTENDED!)
*Looks at his 100+ hour "Vyse the Legend" SoA:L save* Any airships that you can't take into battle with other airships would just seem bleh at the moment.

So I just bought a 149.99 PS2... - A Black Falcon - 2nd June 2004

100 hours? What were you doing, getting every single thing in that game twice over? :)

So I just bought a 149.99 PS2... - UltraMarioMan - 2nd June 2004

Discoverys baby!

So I just bought a 149.99 PS2... - Dark Jaguar - 2nd June 2004

I tend to take my time, so generally I have most of my RPG's clocks maxed out by the end :D. Current ones don't get to half... Maybe I'm speeding up more than I know, but I think it's just that the RPGs are getting shorter.

I should get back into Skies of Arcadia. Battling Airships is fun. Oh yes, and in FF6 and FF7, there were in fact some airship battles. They were all prescripted though, not something you can do whenever you want. Eh, anyway it's just fun to fly your ship around after all that time stuck on the ground. Being able to select a region from a list after all the time stuck on the ground really doesn't have the same impact...

So I just bought a 149.99 PS2... - Private Hudson - 3rd June 2004

Just for the record, I think FFX-2 is the worst in the series. The story is just so... ugh.

UltraMarioMan Wrote:Private Hudson try as you might you are no Lazy.

You're damn right, I'm a good 3 inches short. But that also begs the question, if anyone tried, could they really be anyone else? For example; if Lazy was to try and be UltraMarioMan (whatever his reasons may be..) could he possible live up to the expectations brought upon by the original? Mark Wahlberg couldn't pull off Charlten Heston, so why would I be able to pull off Lazy? (Insert masturbation joke here). Thus, why would one want to pull off something that is un-pull-offable? Like.. some.. kind of.. an old man.. who can't swallow his.. viagra.... desperately trying to gratify himself one last time! Ha! Brilliant.

[Image: planet-of-the-apes-zaius.jpg]

Thus, it only stands to reason that I am not in-fact trying to pull anyone off, rather, being myself, given that being anyone else is just unfeasable, as proven by Mark Wahlberg.

[Image: planet-of-the-apes.jpg]

So you may ask yourself: are you (me [if you were asking yourself, and not being asked the question by me]) mistaken as to whom I actually am?

[Image: rboost.jpg]

For I can assure you having started posting at these forums some years ago, I was already posting at various forums, and indeed writing letters and other written forms of expression in such a manner that resembles someone such as lazy. The fact that you are a big fucking cry baby, with a little penis, and let's not forget a fettish for all things polycotton, should not interfere with my posting at these forums. And while we're on the topic of attempting to impersonate people, let's take a look at you! The so called "UltraMarioMan".

[Image: mario.jpg]

Are you infact this man? Unless you can prove otherwise, I'll assume you're this man:

[Image: nerd.jpg]

So I've devised this little poem, just for you.
Ode to UltraMarioMan/Stupid little piece of shit pretending to be something he's not

The way is clear for you, dear friend.
For years you've searched, you've reached the end.
For the many tears that have been shed,
You're a stupid fuck, I wish you were dead.

For when you type your stupid shit,
It seems like you're having an epileptic fit.
Dribbling, burping, being incorherent.
I'd be really ashamed to be your parent.

You're a dumb fuck, I think we can all agree,
On your face, I'd like a monkey to pee.
When apenis is erect, you get so excited,
You love to suck, you can not fight it.

And when my cock is in your mouth,
Try to resist the temptation to head down south.
For while my anus is supple and delightful,
It's your finger, which is truely frightful.

I've never seen so many spots and blisters,
You surely received them from your sisters.
You're dumb, and you practise incest,
You stupid fucking pedophile I kill you like pineapple growing on trees eating bugs and taking cadavers home to experiment rustic furniture LOOSE DICK LIP FLAPS I'll see your Full House, and raise you My Three Sons. Well I'LL see your straight, and raise you as a girl, in the rainforests of Peru, where dears play, and windows are glued to the leaves like some such cabbage of torture and George? What? You call it passover? I call it FUCKED IN THE ASS, stupid whore. As I discover L-I-M-P discover. Have you gotten artsy-fartsy, or are you just trying to be like Andy Kaufman? Man that was a good sandwich, like.. fruit. Elopean tubes? TUBES THAT LEFT MY MOTHERS BODY TO RUN AWAY WITH EACHOTHER AND TIE THE KNOT! THEY TIED IT! NOW THEY SURELY CAN'T CONCEIVE creationism, or darwinism? What? Who said apes weren't monkies? They all look like little girls to me, and that means... wait.... /erection. Holy jesus, there's a small black child on the computer next to me trying to play some God forsaken game and she's talking to me, but I'm continuing to ignore her, she's CLAPPING! "That's.. not bad" apparently, WHO GIVES A FUCK!? MOTHER FUCK, surely you jest.

[Image: monkeypee100.jpg]

So I just bought a 149.99 PS2... - UltraMarioMan - 4th June 2004

*Slowly backs away from Private Hudson* I'll be uh...running away very quickly now... *Runs*