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News From the Goron Front - Printable Version

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News From the Goron Front - alien space marine - 17th April 2004

concidering the Koran gives someone the right to kill I have to agree with lazyfatbum.

News From the Goron Front - Darunia - 17th April 2004

OB1/ Fuck Muslims. They are an inhuman race of idiot savages. Why dont you and all your little muslim buddies go pray to some bricks, douche bag.


News From the Goron Front - A Black Falcon - 17th April 2004

Quote:And yes, I know of the examples of the Crusaders and the Conquistadors, and all the other people who have done the same. My point is that this is Muhammad. the prophet. Not the people who claimed to be followers who just twisted the truth to their own desires. It is completely contrary to Jesus' examples, even when faced with torture and death. When the soldiers came to arrest Jesus, Peter attacked them. But Jesus told him to stop, and then healed the man who had come to arrest him. (Mathew 26:50-54)

I read a book about the Crusades last year... from a more Muslim point of view. I'd say that not only were the Christians bad, they were substantially worse than the Muslims. Saladin frequently was merciful and let people live while the Crusaders had a long bloody history of brutally slaughtering captives and wiping out cities...

Talk all you want about the few exceptions who did try to act like Jesus and turn the other cheek, but there are a thousand (or a million) Christians who did the opposite for every one of them. Oh sure they weren't acting by truly Christian principles, but did that matter to THEM? Massacring heathens is what God wants!

Quote:Above all things presented in the bible, it teaches us to hate Rome.

Ah, but Rome was converted in the end... there are good arguements that that conversion was one of the many factors that helped speed its decline, but still, it was

Quote:OB1, from what I have read Baha'i teaches Jesus is one of many messengers from God and that the meaning of life is to know God. "The purpose of God in creating man hath been, and will ever be, to enable him to know his Creator and to attain His Presence." That is awesome! So few people understand that, even people who believe in God. The thing is, Jesus said that he is the only way to God and himself God, not just a prophet. That is not the kind of statement you hear people make every day, and it doesn't fit with the idea that he is one of many prophets. I think you have to make a decision, that either everything he said is true or everything he said is bogus. Because either he was God or he was insane. Have you read the Gospel? I only ask because most Christians don't even read the Bible, and think quotes like "God helps those who help themselves" are scripture. Maybe you have thought about this and spent time studying, but if not I encourage you to do so. Read what Jesus said and look at how he lived and decide for yourself. At least then you will know you have all the facts before deciding. Just think about it, kay?

Sorry for it, but I have to say it... someone who acted like Jesus these days would go straight to an asylum... from my view he was a somewhat crazy man who had some views which are nearly impossible to follow but would be good if people did (love your enemy, turn the other cheek, etc...). And of course from the position of the authorities he was a dangerous rabble-rouser (which he certainly was) who threated the peace and so he had to be gotten rid of...

Oh yeah, and, um, isn't 'is Jesus the son of God, part of God, etc' a major arguement in Christianity which there is no common agreement on? :)

Quote:Lazy, I didn't mean to say that Jews hunted Christians on a large scale. They were the ones who persecuted anyone who followed Jesus in the first century, because they believed that the Messiah was supposed to set them free from being subject to Rome and that he would lead them to victory over the entire world. They didn't understand that Jesus did come to set them free, but not from a political rule. Instead he set them free from sin so they could have a life worth living. They also considered him a threat since he rebuked the religious leaders for being hypocrites, but by 70 AD Roman soldiers had conquered and destroyed Jerusalem completely, essentially ending the Jewish nation until this century.

Self-proclaimed prophets wandering among the common people saying things that could incite them to do things the leaders would not like... of course they'd try to supress it, especially under a foreign military dictatorship that at times got violent... oh sure Jesus's message wasn't about setting people free from political rule, but would that REALLY have mattered if he'd riled them up enough? Didn't think so. Sure their methods were brutal, but from the perspective of the people in charge he was most certainly dangerous, political asperations or no...

Quote:I'm confused that say Rome was in power for 15 thousand years. Did you mean 15 hundred years? The historical records are archeological evidence say that Rome was founded around 750 BC and collapsed around 476 AD, which is a little more than 1200 years.

But it only became a power of note in the 300s or so (200s?) BC, with the wars against Carthage... before that it was just a city-state, really.

Unless of course you add the Byzantine Empire, which lasted another thousand years... but in the East, not in Rome. :)

Quote:Also, again, what you've heard of only Christians being persecuted in many Muslim countries isn't true. It is illegal in China to teach just about any religion, and you cannot have religioug gatherings of more than a handful of people. I have a lot of Baha'i friends living in China so I'm well aware of this face. In Iran, Baha'is have been persecuted since the beginning of the Faith, and they still are today.

Yeah, I thought Baha'i was from Iran... and China of course persecutes everyone equally. :)

Quote:There is no evidence to suggest that the Bible has been changed over time. There is more collaborating evidence for the Bible than any other book or manuscript. Don't you think that if there really was evidence that the Bible was changed it would be very well known? Scientists and scholars are always trying to destroy the Bible, but they have not found anything to back their beliefs. In fact, some of the people who first intended to disprove the Bible have instead found the evidence to be so overwhelmingly in favor of the Bible that they have become Christians.

The Christian Bible has been pretty much set since that meeting sometime in the early years (200s?) when the Christian leadership decided which books to keep and which not to... except for things like translation errors of course, you're right that it's been pretty much the same since then. But you still have to wonder why they got rid of the books they did... to shape the book for the message they wanted to get out best, I imagine. But it was a decision by men for what exactly is in our Bible. They didn't just put in all of the Gospels (like the Gospel of Thomas, I think... wasn't that left out at that point?)!

Quote:One last thing about this: One thing I was often taught in college math classes was to perform a sanity check on your answer. Basically, it just means to see if the answer makes sense at all. So I propose this: If the Bible was change, why would the hero die? Why would he reject all the things we enjoy in life. If someone was trying to corrupt it, why would they instead make something that is completely against all human reasoning? How can one man dying save all of mankind? Why would they change it to say that you should love your enemy instead of getting the justice you deserve? Why would they tell you it was impossible to do it on your own, and doing good isn't enough? Is there any other religion that teaches that? Why would they say that Jesus is the only way instead of the idea that he is one of many prophets that many other religions say? Wouldn't they clean up the problems that the other famous Biblical leaders had? Like David's adultery? Like the continual rebellion and disobedience of the Jews away from God. If you are trying to make God look better, wouldn't you make his chosen people win all the battles in the end and live happily ever after? The truth the Bible teaches is completely opposite of human nature and goes against everything people want to believe, which is why it is so vehemently opposed.

Because without Jesus dying Christianity probably wouldn't exist. And if it did in nothing like its current form. They needed a martyr! Having it be the founder of the sect makes it even better... I'm sure that like all books that were written after events they are not exactly accurate (:D), but again like most books that talk of events that supposedly happened there's truth in them in almost all cases... and the closer to the event, usually the more truth is in the story.

Though choosing a torture implement/execution device as your main symbol does seem a bit morbid. :D

News From the Goron Front - OB1 - 17th April 2004

Quote:OB1/ Fuck Muslims. They are an inhuman race of idiot savages. Why dont you and all your little muslim buddies go pray to some bricks, douche bag. (What? I cant just leave the thread without starting a new argument now can I!?)

Wow, I hope you were just in your joke prejudice mode right there because right now you look worse than a hundred nickdaddyg's, ASMs, and Darunias combined.

And I'm not a Muslim.

News From the Goron Front - A Black Falcon - 17th April 2004

Quote:And I'm not a Muslim.

Muslims, other non-Christians, same thing... :)

(wait, that includes me too... Unitarian Universalism doesn't consider itsself Protestant anymore...)

News From the Goron Front - Weltall - 17th April 2004

lmao, OB1 overreacted.

News From the Goron Front - OB1 - 17th April 2004

Well what can I say, I'm never quite sure whenever lazy makes one of his bigoted comments if it's a joke or not. That didn't sound like a joke.

However, if it was a joke then please accept my apology lazy and ignore my post.

News From the Goron Front - A Black Falcon - 17th April 2004

It sounded like a joke to me...

News From the Goron Front - OB1 - 17th April 2004

Well I hope you're right. :)

News From the Goron Front - alien space marine - 17th April 2004

Quote:Sorry for it, but I have to say it... someone who acted like Jesus these days would go straight to an asylum... from my view he was a somewhat crazy man who had some views which are nearly impossible to follow but would be good if people did (love your enemy, turn the other cheek, etc...). And of course from the position of the authorities he was a dangerous rabble-rouser (which he certainly was) who threated the peace and so he had to be gotten rid of...

You sound like you would have been the first volunteer to execute Jesus, He was killed because he exposed the jewish leaders lies and hypocracies so they had their roman masters execute him to silence him before the people would see the truth.

His death was a ransom for mankind to free themselves from the devils control through sin. He died to prove a man could serve god without sining even under threat of being killed and prove Satan a liar.

All the books of the bible are valid , What is invalid are non biblical based beliefs that churches have kept for centuries, The Imortal soul and the trinity and so fourth are all Pagan things that have nothing to do with the bible

The few people who have truly followed jesus teachings have brought great things , Mahatma Ghandi studied all of his teaching and incorporated it into his pasifist nonviolent resistance doctrine which later would liberate india from british rule.

I think all men should ispire to follow Jesus and Ghandi.

I dont hate muslims , I just think Islam has some dark elements, Like killing unbelievers and crap.I wouldnt go out and attack muslims or anything their free to practice their beliefs.

The Cruisades was not the will of God, Jesus condemned violence and said we must hate violence. The Cruisades were imperialistic endeavers to conquere the middle east.

Saladin was a honorible man , I admired him since he was merciful and kind even to his enemies which is sort of what Jesus taught, Even though he did fight a war it was in self defense.Even though he was a muslim I think he was really more a true Christian like unlike the cruisaders.

News From the Goron Front - A Black Falcon - 17th April 2004

Quote:You sound like you would have been the first volunteer to execute Jesus, He was killed because he exposed the jewish leaders lies and hypocracies so they had their roman masters execute him to silence him before the people would see the truth.

He was killed because he questioned the authority of the ruling elite. He and his followers obviously greatly disliked the ruling elite, and their actions did by effect do things to undermine their power... I didn't say that I would one side or the other, but that if the ruling groups (both Jewish and Roman) had done anything else they'd be condoning actions that would undermine their power... not smart for them. Of course they were also often brutal in their actions, especially the Romans, but that'd just be more reason for the Jewish leaders to do something... they wouldn't want the security situation to get to the point where the Romans could justify action!

Quote:Saladin was a honorible man , I admired him since he was merciful and kind even to his enemies which is sort of what Jesus taught, Even though he did fight a war it was in self defense.Even though he was a muslim I think he was really more a true Christian like unlike the cruisaders.

That well might be true...

News From the Goron Front - Geno - 18th April 2004

I know the subject of this thread has long since changed, but...

I know the horror of viruses too. And hackers. Hackers suck ass. Though I seriously don't know why someone would want to hack my computer. Congratulations, you found pictures of my pets! Were you hoping for top secret government files? Well, you're out of luck. If you want something else on my computer, all you have to do is email me and I'll be more than happy to send it to you. Or do you just have no life and just live in your parents' basement at age 40 with nothing better to do than destroy other people's computers? In that case, try turning off the computer for once and getting a life.

Who am I talking to, you ask? No one in particular, I just needed to express my hatred of hackers, mail bombers, and virus makers. I've managed to save some of my most important files to disk, but I'll have to download Kazaa, RPG Maker 2000, Paint Shop Pro 7, and all my MP3s and movies all over again when I have my computer reformatted. Oh well, I didn't use most of them anyway. But as a matter of fact, my computer seems to be doing fine right now... maybe I won't have to reformat just yet.

Now, what's the current topic? The crucifiction of Jesus? Um... it was... bad... for him... but good for us. Yup.

That just about sums it up.

News From the Goron Front - EdenMaster - 18th April 2004

I find it mildly hilarious that a thread started by Darunia, <i>an atheist</i>, about computer viruses has ended up a thread about religion.

Only at TendoCity :)

News From the Goron Front - Geno - 19th April 2004

I think it started when ASM said something about Darunia offending him by insulting his spiritual beliefs. I'm not sure, I'd have to look back about a page.

News From the Goron Front - Great Rumbler - 19th April 2004

Yeah, it was ASM that brought the topic of religion into this thread.

News From the Goron Front - Laser Link - 19th April 2004

Sorry guys. I've been real busy all weekend and haven't been able to read or reply yet. I'll try to get back to you soon.

News From the Goron Front - Darunia - 19th April 2004

On a serious note, why do people take it for fact that Jesus existed? Completely serioues here, and asking this without antagonism---why is it taken for fact, it seems that everyone believes in that.

News From the Goron Front - Fittisize - 19th April 2004

That's already been discussed, in some other thread, I can't remember which.

News From the Goron Front - Weltall - 19th April 2004

Because it's documented history. You can't be such an important historical figure and bring about the incredible change He did if He never existed. He is mentioned in history books, the same as Buddha and Mohammed.

News From the Goron Front - Darunia - 20th April 2004

Because it's documented history.

The Bible isn't documented history. It's folklore and fables. On the other hand, Roman historical records which may coincide with the execution of Jesus...

News From the Goron Front - alien space marine - 20th April 2004

Thats for a unbeliever , The oldest most provible person in the book of genesis is Joseph, The Egyptians kept records of everything except its embarasements,The kept records of a 7 years of prosperity and 7 year famine and they had storehouses for grain , The Hiroglyphs spoke of sorcessor who became Pharaohs head of agriculture who warned about the 7 year famine through a vision. Sounds alot like the Joseph story.

News From the Goron Front - Geno - 20th April 2004

Even if Jesus wasn't the Son of God, He could have still been a normal human with a great amount of influence, much like Mohammed and Buddha as Weltall mentioned. I believe in Jesus for the same reason that I believe in Julius Caesar and other figures from before His time--because historic documents (and I don't just mean the Bible) claim that He existed, and I have no reason not to believe those documents anymore than I would disbelieve that Caesar existed.

News From the Goron Front - A Black Falcon - 20th April 2004

Quote:On a serious note, why do people take it for fact that Jesus existed? Completely serioues here, and asking this without antagonism---why is it taken for fact, it seems that everyone believes in that.

Ahh... I've heard this one before. See, the issue comes up because pretty much all of our knowledge of Jesus comes from the writings of the New Testament and other related Gospels that were left out of that book... so it's POSSIBLE that Jesus didn't exist. I'd call it unlikely, though. When you get into disproving historical figures (and Jesus IS one -- the Bible may not be a straight history, but it has a lot of history in it!) you get into conspiracy theories and the like, and I don't usually like to go down that road... so I believe he existed. He was a visionary, a man with a dream about humanity that would be near-impossible to attain... yes, on the same level as Mohammed or the Buddha.

Quote:The Bible isn't documented history. It's folklore and fables. On the other hand, Roman historical records which may coincide with the execution of Jesus...

Folklore and fables? It's more than that. Oh, it's heavy on the religious teaching, but taking old stories to just be fables is dangerous and often wrong. Let us not forget that before the late 1800s most people thought Troy a legend and the Illiad a fable!

Now, they are usually not exact truth, and you must try to figure out what the truth was... but with enough investigation you often can come up with plausible theories for stories. While saying others were just made up, or something of the like.

Like the theory that explains the Great Flood... that's a great example...

News From the Goron Front - alien space marine - 20th April 2004

King arthur is a fable that is common in europe especially england were it sopposedly originated. But some historians believe it may not be entirely false there may have been a Celtic warlord or King who ruled over the britains during the anglo saxion invasion as alot of the things in the story have celtic cultural trademarks especially the sword excalibre, They also believe that it could be a far older celtic King that served Rome and was made a govenor of Britainia. There is a place in britain called Camel and camel west which had remnants of a ancient fortress that sat on the hill top.

News From the Goron Front - A Black Falcon - 20th April 2004

That's a good example. There is very little evidence that he definitely existed... it was written much later, only a few completely reliable references, etc... but still, I definitely think that there was an Arthur. He was a Celtic warlord or king, yes, fighting against the invading Saxons in the late 400s and 500s AD... he was successful for years, then there was a battle where he and his main opponent were killed (530s?). The legend went from there... and in future times he was somewhat transplanted -- see Mallory's Morte 'Artur (I've read it). That mythical King Arthur was Middle Ages, not Dark Ages...

The Great Flood gains legitimacy when you realize that it wasn't just the Hebrews that had a Great Flood. Many Near East peoples had one. That's why the theory that it was the Bosphorous breaking and the great expansion of the Black Sea that was the origin for that story... the whole world wasn't flooded, but to the people there it sure seemed like it! And they scattered bringing the story elsewhere...

News From the Goron Front - Geno - 20th April 2004

I never thought about that, but that theory does have some merit... the idea that the Great Flood didn't cover the entire world as we know it, but the entire world as they knew it. The Bible was written by humans and is subject to contain errors of the sort, so it's possible that the Great Flood, if a true story, occured only in the known world.

News From the Goron Front - Darunia - 20th April 2004

What I'm asking is: Are there physical, unbiased, non-religious accounts of Jesus in existence at all, anywhere?

Even if Jesus wasn't the Son of God, He could have still been a normal human with a great amount of influence

You people have to capitalize 'he' when you talk about Jesus too...?

News From the Goron Front - lazyfatbum - 20th April 2004

Well, Darunia, you see; Some people do, while some people dont. The people who do, well, they do it as a sign of respect because they look up to God and Jesus.

And... Yes...

I am talking to you exactly as I would talk to a child........ Santa Clause isn't real!

And your mom likes black dick!



News From the Goron Front - Geno - 21st April 2004

No way... Santa isn't real?! *scratches Santa out from my list of things that exist, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, Cupid, and Leprechauns listed right above him, also scribbled out*

News From the Goron Front - alien space marine - 21st April 2004

Gnomes exists! look at Mini me.[Image: Gniville-the-gnome.jpg] [Image: Austin_Mini_Me.jpg]

News From the Goron Front - Darunia - 21st April 2004

No way... Santa isn't real?! *scratches Santa out from my list of things that exist, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, Cupid, and Leprechauns listed right above him, also scribbled out*

I could think to add a few more things to you list of non-existence.

News From the Goron Front - A Black Falcon - 21st April 2004

Quote:I never thought about that, but that theory does have some merit... the idea that the Great Flood didn't cover the entire world as we know it, but the entire world as they knew it. The Bible was written by humans and is subject to contain errors of the sort, so it's possible that the Great Flood, if a true story, occured only in the known world.

I was surprised at first to hear that there might be truth behind the Great Flood, but then I heard that more than just the Hebrews had the story... for instance the Babylonians and other Sumerian cultures did. And then I heard the thing about the Black Sea. To expand: Once, the Bosphorus/Dardanelles were higher. Only some water got through and it went down a waterfall to land in the much lower Black Sea. But at some point, that block broke. The Meditteranean poured in and the land flooded... as you can imagine, quite the disaster to the people living there...

News From the Goron Front - alien space marine - 21st April 2004

I heard that the meso american Mayan people had a flood legend as well , Whats interesting it spoke of evil giants that were sons of gods and violent humans that terrorized the world and the water and wind God Hurukan (were huricane name came from) flooded the hole world to punish mankind.Except his chosen ones.

Whats interesting is how did the same story with alot of identicle features end up across the world to the americas?

News From the Goron Front - -iLluSiON- - 21st April 2004

It's called the Epic of Gilgamesh my friend. Read about it. The Hebrews adapted that as well as many other things during the Babylonian Exile.

It's all fables and stories passed down from generations and cultures.

close-minded religious people = :gay2:
close-minded athiest who mock religions = :gay2:

I think a lot of people have some growing up to do when it comes down to religion and the controversies related to it. :barf:
We should just accept it as part of our culture and human race... it is never going to change. The histories and cultures pertaining to a certain religion are what make it. It doesn't matter if one is 'right' or 'wrong'.

I'm starting a cult called Idontcareism. Any one want to join?

News From the Goron Front - geoboy - 21st April 2004

Ooh! Ooooh! I'll join!

In all seriousness, my opinion of religion is very similar to illusion's. Some people take it WAY too seriously or treat its documents and teachings as undisputible fact. Religion isn't bad. It's a wonderful part of human history and culture, and if religion helps you find your path or meaning in life, then go for it! However, I'm not sure if it really is possible to believe in a religion and at the same time think its teachings are mere folklore. That's probably why I don't follow or believe in any religions...

News From the Goron Front - alien space marine - 21st April 2004

Tell me how can you say you believe in somthing yet call it a fable?How can you be a christian if you think Jesus never existed?

As for the flood , You can say because the babylonians wrote it down and engraved the epic of gilgamesh and its the oldest written documents of the event, But you come to that conclusion by looking at this and that and say this happend this way and not that. But no one alive today was alive then,If you have faith in the bible you will believe that the flood happend and the event was passed down generation after generation from Noahs decendants who would later found civilizations like sumeria and babylon and of course overtime the story was changed as it passed from person to person oraly, it make sense since the first people to event writing were sumeria and Babylon they would be the first to write it down.But what is interesting is that the meso american Mayans and asians have the same stories on the other side of the world.I believe that god caused the event and the hebrew acount is the true one but thats a matter of faith, I cant physically prove it but thats why they call it faith.

News From the Goron Front - Darunia - 21st April 2004

Faith or blind...well, in your personal case, ignorance? Here it is, 2004. We have people in space, plans to go to Mars, six billion people, the internet...science and technology advancing so fast, and people STILL praise invisible gods, fear invisible demons! If any of you Christians---ANY one of you, had been raised in a non-christian family, you'd be so different. How can you not see that it's all in how one is raised to determines one's religion. If you were born in Iraq, you'd be saying the same truths about Allah, and denouncing everyone else; if you were born in--well, the rest of it goes without saying. It's ridiculous, and I've had enough of it. It's time for action.

*Secedes from humanity*

*Forms new, better version: Perfectanity, version 1.0*

News From the Goron Front - lazyfatbum - 21st April 2004

Ladies and Gentlemen, Darunia completely misses the point!

I love you, darunia. Dont ever change.

News From the Goron Front - Dark Jaguar - 21st April 2004

Darunia, I was raised without religion and chose of my own free will to become a Christian. So did Weltall. Are you saying we are lying about our past? Do you SO believe that we just HAD to be brainwashed to believe what we believe that you would rather accuse us of lying than accept that maybe people can believe it due to their own free choice to look into it without a single other human being actually talking to them about it?

I will note that you listed a version number for your new group. Considering the name, is a version number needed? Perhaps you forgot what the word perfect means? :D

Now, I hope you don't take this as us forcing our beliefs down your throat. Currently, you are on the offensive and we are just defending. You are essentially showing a lot of ignorance of Christians and we are doing our best to tell you what we are ACTUALLY like.

News From the Goron Front - lazyfatbum - 22nd April 2004

Oh you are so definetly a woman.

News From the Goron Front - Geno - 22nd April 2004

Midgets and gnomes are two different things. But yes, I know that gnomes exist. They steal my underwear every morning around 3:30.

As for Darunia... yes, I realize that probably the main reason I'm a Christian is because I was raised that way and if I had been raised as an atheist I'd probably still be one. Could the same be said about you? If you had been raised in a Christian family (and for all I know, you could've been), don't you think you'd probably be a Christian too? I may've been born into a Christian family, but it was my own choice to stay a Christian this late in life, and I'd say I'm living a fairly good life because of it. I don't denounce anybody for having different religious views (including atheism) because everyone has their own reasons for the beliefs that they follow.

News From the Goron Front - alien space marine - 22nd April 2004

Quote:Faith or blind...well, in your personal case, ignorance? Here it is, 2004. We have people in space, plans to go to Mars, six billion people, the internet...science and technology advancing so fast, and people STILL praise invisible gods, fear invisible demons! If any of you Christians---ANY one of you, had been raised in a non-christian family, you'd be so different. How can you not see that it's all in how one is raised to determines one's religion. If you were born in Iraq, you'd be saying the same truths about Allah, and denouncing everyone else; if you were born in--well, the rest of it goes without saying. It's ridiculous, and I've had enough of it. It's time for action.

If you werent raised by intolerant parents you wouldnt be a devout ass hole.
It is you who is ignorant, There is people who are raised by achoholics and drug abusers uncaring parents like my Grandfather who beat his kids and beat my grand ma because he was always drunk if I had choice between that and parents who had moral standards as a christian I choose the christian.My father was raised by a athiest family but for some reason after his best freind died in a car accident he asked were do we go when we die, whats the point of life? So he studied bible since he was curious about it.My dad always said if I didnt believe in it I dont have to be part of the religion.So I am a christian out of choice.

News From the Goron Front - Geno - 22nd April 2004

Losing someone close to them is one of the main reasons some people convert. Who wants to accept that someone is gone forever, leaving nothing behind but a decaying corpse which will soon become one with the earth? Even if it is blind faith, at least it helps people cope and make it through the rest of their lives without having to sit around moping all day. Apparently, Darunia would have no problem accepting that a person ceases to exist when they die, but not a lot of people have that same strength.

Does this mean that I'm only a Christian because it makes me feel happier? No, I'm a Christian because I believe in several of its teachings. The Bible has its flaws, but it was written by men, and men are flawed creatures. I don't think God will persecute someone for choosing "the wrong religion" but will take in any who accept him. Again, I'm not denouncing anyone who chooses not to believe, this is just what I believe. From my experiences, I can't help but feel that there's a supernatural force working with me all the time. It's not just something that I say I believe because it was taught to me as a child; it's become a part of me. Even if I'm wrong, I feel that I have nothing to lose from this "blind" faith.

News From the Goron Front - EdenMaster - 22nd April 2004

Darunia Wrote:It's ridiculous, and I've had enough of it. It's time for action.

*imagines Darunia standing outside of a church, kicking it repeatedly, shouting French insults*


News From the Goron Front - alien space marine - 22nd April 2004

starts ringing a church bell to drown out Darunia's shouts.

News From the Goron Front - Great Rumbler - 22nd April 2004

What's so great about being an athiest anyway?

News From the Goron Front - -iLluSiON- - 22nd April 2004

I can say something about Darunia's ex girlfriend... but I'd rather not.

In fact, it would make this thread and his opinion irrelevant.

News From the Goron Front - Great Rumbler - 22nd April 2004

Quote:I can say something about Darunia's ex girlfriend... but I'd rather not.

In fact, it would make this thread and his opinion irrelevant.


News From the Goron Front - Fittisize - 22nd April 2004

Say it.

News From the Goron Front - EdenMaster - 22nd April 2004

Darunia...you're far too concerned with what you see that you cannot allow yourself to accept something you can't see or prove. There are still many things science has yet to explain, yet are certainly real. For example, Spontaneous Human Combustion, it baffles scientists worldwide why it happens. They have theories of course, but no one can say for certain why it happens. But it happens.

I don't need an explanation to believe what I believe. The thought that when I die I simply cease to be is a very depressing prospect. Even if that might be the case when my time is up (which I don't believe it is), it's more comforting to think that there is eternal heaven waiting for me. Life would seem awfully futile and pointless if there is nothing to look forward to when it's over. People seek religion for comfort, for guidance, even for a reason to live. Whether or not we have physical proof is irrelevant, because we don't need it.

Long story short: I don't need a speck of evidence to believe what I believe, and all the arguments in the world won't change my mind. That may sound foolish to you, but hey, to each his own.