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New Zelda disc details - Printable Version

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New Zelda disc details - A Black Falcon - 24th November 2003

First they weren't reviews, the disc isn't out yet... I am referring to various news stories that explained the contents, controls, etc... there was one on Gamespot I've linked here...

And as for Classic PoP being in the NGC version, I know that, I read it in a review of either the GBA game or the NGC one. See, that's a connectivity thing -- you've got to get PoP for GBA and find three switches in it and link to the NGC to get it... finding three switches in the NGC one and linking will unlock several levels in the GBA one.

... well I know I read that somewhere today, I just can't find where... :D

Not IGN or Gamespot, VE3D, Nintendophiles, PGC... forget it. I'll find it another time. :)

Wait, wait.... yup. Bingo. Its in Gamespy's review of Sands of Time for the GBA.

New Zelda disc details - Dark Jaguar - 25th November 2003

Ah, an obsure review mentioned it, I see. Still, it proves my point rather hilariously. Thanks for the joke. According to PA, you can also unlock it by beating the game.

Anyway, I did read reviews. They have the completed version of the disks. Also, it IS out already. It's being shipped to me as we speak, and you can get one right now if you buy a GCN. Saw the commercial too.

On another note, I read some GameFAQs reviews. All of them 10's, but considering only die hard fans get these things first-day, that's to be expected. None of them even mention that Master Quest exists. I find this most annoying. However, considering these are REAL humans, as opposed to McIGN slaves known for forgetting major details, I must wonder now if Master Quest is in there at all. It's possible of course they didn't want to say anything bad, considering all 3 are obviously super fans to have it already. It's also possible they just considered MQ to be part of OOT, so they may have just assumed we'd understand MQ was in there just by saying OOT. However, now I think it's more realistic to assume the first possibility. Well, while it was stupid of Nintendo to ditch MQ like that, at least I have it anyway :D. Oh, that and the mysterious nature of the total lack of info does leave it open. While I'm now leaning towards it being absent, I must say I'm utterly shocked so many many many sources would just not mention it. I'd completely expect it to be mentioned as being in there EITHER WAY, but it's not. Did we both get sucked into an alternate world?

New Zelda disc details - A Black Falcon - 25th November 2003

Gamespy is hardly obscure. Its a major gaming site... and they run Gamespy Arcade, which is one of the biggest online gaming networks...

Oh, and I also checked Cube-Europe and HomeLan before I remembered that it was Gamespy. Eighth time's the charm! :D

And as for the Zelda disc... I haven't seen reviews, just a overview of the controls and how they ported the stuff, and some other articles... but yeah, nothing mentions Master Quest either way. It really is bizare... as you say, if its there I'd expect it to be mentioned and if its not I'd expect it to be mentioned that it's not! Why has NO ONE said definitively either way? We'll just have to wait until someone here gets the thing...

And if MQ is there I might just get it somehow. Not sure how... erm, maybe Nintendo Power?

New Zelda disc details - OB1 - 25th November 2003

Quote:First they weren't reviews, the disc isn't out yet... I am referring to various news stories that explained the contents, controls, etc... there was one on Gamespot I've linked here...

Are you talking about the Zelda disc? It's been out for at least a week now. My friend has it since he just bought a 'cube.

Not sure if MQ is on it though, but I doubt it is.

New Zelda disc details - The Former DMiller - 25th November 2003

I asked Nintendo, and they said Master Quest is not in the new Zelda bonus disc.

New Zelda disc details - OB1 - 25th November 2003

That's what I thought.

New Zelda disc details - Dark Jaguar - 25th November 2003

Ah, that's what I was starting to think myself anyway with those reviews at GameFAQs. Still, how odd that no one would say either way, I must repeat again :D.

Well, with that said, I must say I wonder why Nintendo would do such a thing. I can't imagine space being the problem. I'd certainly expect Nintendo to be smart enough to know that something extra like that would especially entice people to do one of the three things to get it. For instance, ABF here says he'd be a lot more willing to get even a subscription to Nintendo Power *gasp* if it meant getting MQ. It's not like it would take TOO much more work, would it? I can only see it being as hard as putting OOT on there. Really though, why would Nintendo go through the effort of making MQ ONLY for one free promotion? I'd think they would want to make the money spent on that really earn it's keep and keep on providing this. Really, not exactly a smart thing to do. That is, unless Nintendo plans on actually SELLING this collection as it's own game at a later date (something I expected them to do with OOT/MQ actually).

Well, in any case it's fortunate I still have the old disk. I guess I'll just keep it around, though I was planning on giving it to someone else after getting a second copy of MQ...

New Zelda disc details - OB1 - 25th November 2003

Ah, I ask myself that very same question all of the time. Why on earth wouldn't they do that? How could they be so stupid? It makes no sense! Etc, etc.

The world may never know.

New Zelda disc details - Great Rumbler - 25th November 2003

Oh well, it's not like either of you [or me] don't already have MQ. :p

New Zelda disc details - OB1 - 25th November 2003

ABF doesn't. :D

New Zelda disc details - Great Rumbler - 25th November 2003

Hahaha, well it's his own fault for not pre-ordering Wind Waker.

New Zelda disc details - A Black Falcon - 25th November 2003

I just don't preorder games... never have, see no point when I almost never get games at launch and don't think most games are worth $50...

And as for Nintendo Power, I subscribed for two years and still read it sometimes at the library (our town library still gets it...)... its okay, but not $20 okay.

And yes, not including MQ is a very strange decision that I can't think of any reason for doing, except to annoy people like me. :(

New Zelda disc details - OB1 - 25th November 2003

I think they did it just to annoy you, ABF.

New Zelda disc details - A Black Falcon - 25th November 2003

Of course!

New Zelda disc details - Dark Jaguar - 25th November 2003

Was this, or even the previous OOT disk come to think of it, ever released in Japan? I never found out myself.

New Zelda disc details - Darunia - 25th November 2003

LOL---tonight my friend Cliff went to Target, bought a 2nd GameCube, and got the Zelda disc. Now having it, he promptly and immediately returned the GameCube, without even having left the store. Lol. Free Zelda disc---scam of the century.

New Zelda disc details - Dark Jaguar - 25th November 2003


New Zelda disc details - A Black Falcon - 25th November 2003

That's funny... :)

New Zelda disc details - Great Rumbler - 25th November 2003

Quote:I just don't preorder games... never have, see no point when I almost never get games at launch and don't think most games are worth $50...

Dude, you are totally clueless! You gotta know how to work the system! Here's what you do: find a store that is taking preorders for something. Preorder the game and get your free disc. Turn around and ask for a refund on your preorder. The people that work at the stores will probably not ask you about the disc since you had to bug other workers for half an hour before they finally found the box that had the discs in it. You get your disc and you keep your money for another day!

New Zelda disc details - A Black Falcon - 25th November 2003

Heh... that might work, but it doesn't sound very nice... :)

Sure, sure, I did end up spending $50 for WW, but it was in May when I had the money... well after the pre-order thing ended. :D

New Zelda disc details - Great Rumbler - 25th November 2003

Quote:Heh... that might work, but it doesn't sound very nice...

It's no less than they deserve for wasting your precious time!

New Zelda disc details - OB1 - 25th November 2003

You people are criminals... :p

New Zelda disc details - Great Rumbler - 25th November 2003


New Zelda disc details - A Black Falcon - 25th November 2003

Blame Nintendo for making it annoyingly hard to get their discs... that's who's really at fault here, on these issues at least.

New Zelda disc details - Sacred Jellybean - 26th November 2003

Don't feel bad if you missed out on Master Quest, ABF... there's really not a whole lot to it. The dungeons are slightly scrambled, but that's it... not all that exciting, if you ask me.

New Zelda disc details - Dark Jaguar - 26th November 2003

Not really just "scrambled". There's actually new puzzle in there, not just remixed old puzzles. Yes, it's not nearly as big a remix of the game as Zelda 1's second quest, in fact the dungeon maps are identical. Still, it's a very nice and challenging experience to go through the altered dungeons. I found it very fun indeed anyway, and am glad to have it.

In any case, as for this collector's disk, the only real reason I want it is that documentary, since I have everything else on it. Ya know, I do kinda wish they had an animal crossing style thing where one could load one of the two NES games onto a GBA and play those on the go, loading the data at a later date so it can be saved (sleep mode certainly lets it last long enough).