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Something for Weltall: - Printable Version

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Something for Weltall: - A Black Falcon - 6th November 2003

Its so depressing to think of all the people out there who agree with you, Weltall... so twisted...

All I'll say is that welfare, etc. has not been a failure in any way.

Yes, in today's America it is a better situation for poor people than has ever been true before in the history of the world. And much of that is because of the great social programs we have these days to help people who can't help themselves (for poor people, elderly, etc)... and you want to destroy that and try your best to put poor people back a hundred years.

And most of the failures we do have in our social programs (and there are plenty) are because the Republicans are unwilling to consider spending enough money to fund them... but many of them are definitely working. The only reason you can't see that is because you refuse to. Given that I know you will continue to refuse to consider looking at the truth, I see no reason to continue this arguement...

Something for Weltall: - Weltall - 6th November 2003

There is no point. You keep poor people poor by giving them everything they need to live. What you WANT is to give them even more so they won't be poor. Certainly I'm against that. I understand some people need assistance to make ends meet and I'm all for that. I think a poor person should be given enough to make efforts to raise their station in life. They should be encouraged to pursue an education or trade. That's not what is happening with your social welfare plans. You are not giving simple financial assistance, you are giving lifetime handouts, with no end in sight. You have completely destroyed the will to work for millions of people and in essence have created a class of people completely dependent on the government. Some of these people, those who are unable to work, need this. A painfully overwhelming majority of people do not fit that description, and you have ruined any chance of them rising above the financial tit-sucklers you have turned them into.

In essence, you have created a living cell of communist living and you used the poor of America to do it. And you don't even have the honor to admit what a disaster it has been, no, actually you're doing your best to make sure EVERYONE is equally poor and dependent on the government, which is proven by liberal's constant striving to assault everyone who ISN'T poor. And you get away with it, because you destroy these people and call yourselves 'compassionate' and enough idiots believe you to allow it to continue. Frankly, that makes me sick.

Something for Weltall: - A Black Falcon - 6th November 2003

So we cut off welfare. Lots of poor children starve to death. Poor people lose their only income and in this economy don't get new ones, even bottom-level ones, and resort to crime. Even now they have to struggle to keep two or three minimum wage jobs just to feed their families... that creates an awful situation! The parents are never home with their children since they have to work all the time just to pay the bills and put food on the table. Obviously in that situation they'll never have any kind of chance to better themselves... and millions of Americans are in that situation.

Add in the fact that they don't get health care so if one family member gets sick they're REALLY in trouble, and you have a recipe to keep poor people supressed into the lowest paying jobs... convenient for the rest of our society, but awful for them. Having them work? That is good. But making them waste away in two or three dead-end jobs? Pointless... that's the main problem with welfare-to-work -- it won't actually help the economic situation for much of anyone, it'll just hurt the children since their parents will never be around. Great...

The real kicker is how much better other countries have dealt with these problems by using social programs.

Something for Weltall: - Great Rumbler - 7th November 2003

What the government should do is instead of giving out free money to people on welfare they should give out some kind of card or stamps that allow the person to buy only necessary foods [i.e. things other than beer, cigarettes, ect.], clothing, and other necessary things. Also set up something with banks so that welfare recipients can pay their bills without getting their hands on any of the money, like having the person take their bills and a welfare card or whatever to the bank or something similar. And, if they don't already do this, offer free or reduced college/high school education. If they do that already they should incentives for people to get an education, although more money should be enough incentive, but whatever.

Something for Weltall: - A Black Falcon - 7th November 2003

"food stamps" ring a bell? And free lunches in schools for poor kids?

As for free college education... no, not even remotely. Poor kids really can only go to college if they go to really cheap schools and work a lot (and be lucky that their family doesn't need them to work full time), which really doesn't happen nearly as often as it should, or get a scholarship -- which is also quite rare. That'd be a good idea, but it'd cost lots of "money" and Republicans don't believe that poor people deserve a cent. Same reason they are fighting so hard to kill health care for the 40 million uninsured in this nation... that is a true national tragedy that kills lots of people every year and really should not continue. Its absurd that a policy as obviously good as that (and that the entire rest of the western world has gone much farther with) is still not accepted...

Something for Weltall: - Fittisize - 7th November 2003

You know what you guys need?

Oil. That's right, oil.

There are around 8-9 rigs around my tiny town alone, and everybody incompetent of working office jobs or going to school just becomes a rig pig! It pays excellent; a bunch of the pigs have bought houses and vehicles with cash. It's extremely hard on the body though, and many resort to alcoholism and drugs, but hey, nobody's poor!

I guess if you don't got oil then you should be on welfare though...

Something for Weltall: - UltraMarioMan - 21st November 2003

[Image: c6213_full.jpg]
Does it come with a cigar? :D