Tendo City
Does anyone have... - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Does anyone have... (/showthread.php?tid=117)

Pages: 1 2

Does anyone have... - Great Rumbler - 3rd April 2005

Hey, I never posted in this thread before. I wonder why...

Does anyone have... - jonsoh - 3rd April 2005

Heh, sorry...I didn't really check to see how old this thread was; I hit it using Google...

So far, no luck in finding any of the concert music, so I figured I'd try here. If any of you still have it, that would be great.

Does anyone have... - A Black Falcon - 3rd April 2005

Someone probably still has it...

Does anyone have... - Dark Jaguar - 3rd April 2005

Ah audio compression...

Try zip file compression. That is lossless audio compression right there. Zip compression NEEDS to be lossless. All data is exactly the same, so if it had loss, your word documents would be missing letters, your programs wouldn't work, and lots of other stuff.

No such thing as lossless compression.... pfft... it's easy. Basically just replace large sequences of bits with a notation stating how long the repeating bits last. Now, I'm not saying lossless compression does a very good job or anything :D.

Does anyone have... - Weltall - 3rd April 2005

I still have it, but it's on my computer, which is in the process of getting repaired. I'll stick it back up whenever etoven gets my part and installs it. Stay tuned.

Does anyone have... - deanna - 3rd April 2005

Great Rumbler Wrote:Hey, I never posted in this thread before. I wonder why...

Woah you spammer!!!

GR, you're such a loser

Does anyone have... - Great Rumbler - 3rd April 2005




Does anyone have... - Smoke - 3rd April 2005


Does anyone have... - Sacred Jellybean - 3rd April 2005

I figured someone else would have had this on their computer still, but I guess not (besides Weltall). I can make a zip file for you and send it. No prob. :) Just so you know, all the files are in .OGG format. That's compatible with winamp, but if you need mp3s, I'm sure there's a program that can convert them for you out there somewhere.

It'd be easy to do the file tranfer over aim... do you have a screen name on it?

Does anyone have... - A Black Falcon - 3rd April 2005

I used to have them.

Does anyone have... - Great Rumbler - 4th April 2005

I have them.


I'm just to lazy to do post them here...

Does anyone have... - jonsoh - 4th April 2005

Sacred Jellybean Wrote:I figured someone else would have had this on their computer still, but I guess not (besides Weltall). I can make a zip file for you and send it. No prob. :) Just so you know, all the files are in .OGG format. That's compatible with winamp, but if you need mp3s, I'm sure there's a program that can convert them for you out there somewhere.

It'd be easy to do the file tranfer over aim... do you have a screen name on it?

You know what? That would be great...except that I don't have an AIM account or the program. But hey, if you're seriously willing to send this to me, I can't find any reason not to get an AIM account.

Btw, if MSN is easier...I do have an msn messenger account. It's in my profile...

Thanks again.

Does anyone have... - Sacred Jellybean - 4th April 2005

I have MSN, too. I just added you, but it looks like you aren't online. I'll keep my name online, though, so whenever you see this, just IM me at warlockfromhell@hotmail.com.

Does anyone have... - A Black Falcon - 4th April 2005

Everyone here has MSN... just about.

Does anyone have... - jonsoh - 4th April 2005

Sacred Jellybean Wrote:I have MSN, too. I just added you, but it looks like you aren't online. I'll keep my name online, though, so whenever you see this, just IM me at warlockfromhell@hotmail.com.

Thanks for the files, and for all the trouble that you went through just to get them to me. The music is just great.

I got disconnected from msn and I didn't even notice it, but it's a good thing the transfer finished first. Unfortunately, when I signed back on (now), you weren't online any more. Thus, I am thanking you here.

Don't know about you, but now that I've finally got some craaaaazy SSBM music, I feel that I can finally let this thread die in peace.

Thanks again,

Does anyone have... - Weltall - 5th April 2005

Now you have to stay :D

Does anyone have... - A Black Falcon - 5th April 2005

Yeah... we don't let people just go away! :)

Does anyone have... - Great Rumbler - 5th April 2005

If you leave, you'll be cursed forever to the forbidden zone!

Does anyone have... - A Black Falcon - 5th April 2005

Yeah, all the other people who left are stuck there...

Does anyone have... - Great Rumbler - 5th April 2005

Hmm...maybe we should, ya know,...uncurse them...so that they can come back?

Does anyone have... - A Black Falcon - 5th April 2005

We could try, but it requires their cooperation to work... and we don't know where a lot of them are anymore. :bummed:

Does anyone have... - Dark Jaguar - 5th April 2005

Pfft, they not in forbiddy zone. They are in the N-Zone!

Does anyone have... - Smoke - 8th April 2005

You don't even want to know what happened to Pikachu159!

Does anyone have... - Great Rumbler - 9th April 2005

He was torn about by rock badgers while hyenas laughed at his mother!!

I know what happened to at least one of our former members, still not sure why he left though...

Does anyone have... - Weltall - 9th April 2005

I found him once and asked him to come back, but he declined. He told me why, but since I don't remember, I guess it wasn't important.

Does anyone have... - A Black Falcon - 9th April 2005

It doesn't matter, I'm sure it was a bad excuse.

Does anyone have... - lazyfatbum - 10th April 2005

He said he wasn't in to video games anymore.

In other words, he found out that masturbation is only a pretense to sex... or a formality.

A curse. :(

*masturbates* :crap:

Does anyone have... - Smoke - 10th April 2005

I remember when he first found the board and thought it was like a chat room. :D

Does anyone have... - A Black Falcon - 10th April 2005

And then Lazy made fun of him mercilessly... took a while to drive him away for good, but if that was the goal it worked in the end...

Okay, he wasn't our greatest member ever. But every lost member is one less person still around, so it's too bad in a small group like ours.

Does anyone have... - Smoke - 10th April 2005

You got to have a thick skin to survive the mean streets of Tendo City. :p

Does anyone have... - A Black Falcon - 10th April 2005

Yeah... let it get to you too much and you won't last.

Or you'll last, but not be happy about it. :)

Does anyone have... - Weltall - 10th April 2005

I personally think a lot of the people who left did so because I wasn't giving away free games every month.

Does anyone have... - EdenMaster - 10th April 2005

Where did Lord Shockwave go? I see him post very rarely, but he used to be quite active. Has he recessed from "active member" to simply "lurker"? Same with WhiteFleck.

Does anyone have... - Great Rumbler - 10th April 2005

You see, what happened was over the years as we all stopped being [for the most part] blind fanboys and became "multi-console owners". But the people that eventually left just couldn't hack it in the "real world" where everyone has all three consoles and more often than not there was no more bashing of the PS2 and Xbox. In the end, they became disillusioned with the world and faded into the distance in search of happiness elsewhere. The rest of us just went a little crazy.

Does anyone have... - A Black Falcon - 10th April 2005

If you look at the older TC archives, we had a lot of members in the Nurb days... but the total number of posts is probably higher now, because the members who are left post more. I mean, we have the list of "members who have left", but there were a lot more members than that... most of them just got forgotten or were never major forum members.

Does anyone have... - Weltall - 10th April 2005

Right. As I said, they were here hoping to win a free game. We'd have ten times the volume right now if I had the money to keep that going.

Does anyone have... - Great Rumbler - 10th April 2005

I know! Free Atari 2600 and NES games! It's GENIUS!

Does anyone have... - A Black Falcon - 10th April 2005

It wasn't just that. It was being linked by two major Nintendo fansites. That's what brings in the members: being linked by sites like that.

Does anyone have... - Weltall - 10th April 2005

That got them in. I don't think that's what made them stay. The enormous drop-off after I took over (and announced the end of ROTM) told me all I needed to know about that.

Does anyone have... - A Black Falcon - 10th April 2005

That helped, I'm sure, but it also definitely hurt that both of those sites then set up their own forums -- people getting here through Nintendojo, for instance, would then have gone to the new Dojo forum, not here...

Does anyone have... - Weltall - 10th April 2005

We outlived TendoBox too :D

Does anyone have... - A Black Falcon - 10th April 2005

Sorry, but Nintendojo still exists. None of the old staff, of course, but it's there... Unlike Tendobox, yes. :) Or Ninconvert's site, or that other one you mentioned, etc...

Does anyone have... - Smoke - 11th April 2005

Or most Nintendo fansites. How many from the early days are still around? Nintendojo is and N64.com became IGN. What others were there back then that are still around?

Does anyone have... - A Black Falcon - 11th April 2005

Nintendorks. :)

Does anyone have... - Great Rumbler - 11th April 2005

N-Philes bombed out about a year ago, there back up again but it's nothing like it used to be.

Does anyone have... - A Black Falcon - 11th April 2005

And this can be directly connected to DMiller leaving the site? :)