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Mega Man Collection - Printable Version

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Mega Man Collection - A Black Falcon - 17th September 2003

Its still popular enough... plenty of people like it, clearly, given how its still strongly supported!

Mega Man Collection - OB1 - 17th September 2003

Not nearly as popular as it used to be, my very young apprentice.

Mega Man Collection - A Black Falcon - 17th September 2003

But it is still popular. You cannot deny that. If it was not still popular and did not still sell many copies they would not be releasing lots of games in the series now, 15 years after it was started.

Note that the people they are trying to get to buy this just doesn't include people like you who've hated it for years!

Mega Man Collection - Dark Jaguar - 17th September 2003

Yeah, it's sheep like me!

Mega Man Collection - OB1 - 17th September 2003

Who says I hate Megaman? I still like the games, I just don't buy them anymore since it's gotten so stale.

Mega Man Collection - A Black Falcon - 17th September 2003

Oh, you just act and talk like you hate the series?

Mega Man Collection - Dark Jaguar - 17th September 2003

I think he loves the gameplay, but just doesn't like what he feels is pretty much buying the same game over and over. Personally I find the new weapons, bosses, and levels (and occasional new thing aside from that added) enough to get me to want to play the game. However, I will admit that lately I have qualms about actually buying these games full price. I wait until it's about the price of a cheap PC game expansion and then buy it usually, unless it's something really different and catches my interest. In this case, I'll be getting all the NES Megaman games I missed out on (and one I made the mistake of trading away, Megaman 3, for Ultima Exodus when I was a kid, because I figured once I had MM4 I'd never want to play MM3 again, though time has prooven me wrong...). Well, went off topic there, as per usual. Anyway, I can fully see why OB1 would get bored of the reptition. It's just a matter of how much "new" you want I suppose, and there's nothing wrong with high standards. Gaming IS an expensive hobby after all.

Mega Man Collection - OB1 - 17th September 2003

No you see, I don't actually act like that. That's just you putting words in my mouth. When I say "it's gotten old" you somehow turn it into "I HATE IT!!!!!!!".

Mega Man Collection - A Black Falcon - 18th September 2003

You think its gotten old, as in boring... as in you don't really like the series much anymore... as in they aren't making new Mega Man games for people like you... (though I'd say MMX7 is a definite attempt to enlarge the fanbase, with how much it changes the formula...) As for the collection, that well might be aimed also at people who thought it got old, because those are people who often liked the NES games and might buy a collection of them...

Mega Man Collection - OB1 - 18th September 2003

You seem to like extreme repetition and despise innovation and change, so I'm not surprised that you're defending the series.

Mega Man Collection - A Black Falcon - 18th September 2003

Oh come on... I like all kinds of games, I think that has been established quite well...

Some serieses are best when they change... some aren't. For example I like it more when strategy games change more... strategy game sequels which are near-identical to previous ones don't intrest me nearly as much... that's why I didn't like Age of Empires 2 as much, for example... its better when those games change more, like Blizz's games have always done. But Mega Man? That series came up with a formula that works quite well and stuck with it... I have no problem with that, given the structure of the series. As I've said, I wouldn't want it to change much... it works great as it is! They can change it some but not too much or it wouldn't really be Mega Man... Legends did the 'too far' thing. You don't like the repetition of the formula... fine. Me, and plenty of others, still do. And it doesn't mean that I like all serieses that are repetitive or games that are not innovative... not at all...

Mega Man Collection - OB1 - 18th September 2003

You'd rather have a repetitive, stagnant series than one that is fresh and innovation? Oh boy.

Mega Man Collection - A Black Falcon - 18th September 2003

Man, how DO you get that from what I said there... it has nothing in common with what I said. But you do that all the time, so I'm hardly surprised... I said pretty much the opposite of that, if you actually read it!

Mega Man Collection - OB1 - 18th September 2003

You said that you like Mega Man as it is and that change is bad.

Mega Man Collection - A Black Falcon - 18th September 2003

Uh... I said that I like Mega Man and in the Mega Man series too much change (Legends is the only example of 'too much change') has, so far, been bad. That is a quite different statement... definitely not a generic 'change in games is bad', as I specifically said I do not believe...

Mega Man Collection - OB1 - 18th September 2003

I'd rather see them fail a dozen times trying to do something new but then finally succeed than see the same thing for two decades.

Mega Man Collection - A Black Falcon - 18th September 2003

I'd far rather see two decades of good, fun games, that's for sure... not of course gaming needs innovation, but not everything needs to innovate... only some games. MM doesn't need to much. Not in my, or other series fans', opinion.

Mega Man Collection - OB1 - 18th September 2003

That's because you hate innovation and change.

Mega Man Collection - A Black Falcon - 18th September 2003

Given what games I like I somehow doubt that that has even a grain of truth to it.