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It's the age old question: Bacon or shoes?

I say shoes because you can wear them on your feet OR eat them! They're so useful!
Been here, done this.
We'll do it a hundred times if I say so!! Got that?!
Yes sir.
Iwoud definately have to go with shoes. Although I hit the wrong this to vote on... I hit boxers. I don't mind boxers either.,

*Forms a pro-bacon alliance consisting of the Goron Empire, Fantasia, Tatooine, Omicron Persei 8, France, Vulcan, the Borg, Jason Voorhees, the Trade Federation, MacGyver, and Easter Island.*
Bacon? Sure, it's crispy and delicious, but can you wear bacon on your feet? I think not.
One may live without shoes, but one may not live without substanance. Therefore, Bacon wins.
Phah! Show's what you know! Shoes are an excellent source of protein!
Yes, however, many of the preservative chemicals used to make leather into tough, water-resistant shoe material create a rather unhealthy element of poison. And that's not considering the makeup of most shoes today, which consists mostly of synthetic leathers and polyfibers, neither of which is digestable in the least.
Mmmm...synthetic polyfibers.
YES! BACON IS WINNING! Mmmm...crispy, juicy, life-giving bacon! WOO-HOO!!!