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Full Version: Finally, a mainstream media article about games that's true!
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Holy crap! This is a "surprising study". Rolleyes

Surprising if you're an 80 year old man who's been living under an elephant's but for 30 years.


At least this is the first mainstream article that didn't have "Doom" and "violence" in the same sentence. Things may be taking a turn for the better. :D
Doom? Violent?
According to the article, Doom is a "shoot-'em-up adventure".
Shoot-em-up adventure for DOOM? Now I've heard everything...
OH yeah, so it supports a certain bias of video gamers and hence its something that finally true ?

I hope you realize this is a survey, as opposed to a controlled study like many other past video game and behavior research. When was the last time you were completely honest on a survey some idiot handed to you at lunch time while you rush to class or are chatting with your friends ?

There goes N_A, bitching and whining about every friggin' thing he comes across. Of course this article doesn't represent all gamers (after all, the grumpy, bitchy type such as yourself is not mentioned), but it is nice to see an article about games that doesn't label all video game players as being lonely, "nerdy" people that spend all of their free time playing games.
I don't remember other studies labling all gamers as nerdy people who spend all their time playing games. They tend to isolate their study to people who spend an extreme amount of time playing games and come up with the conclusion that these types of nerdy people have a side effect of being socially challenged and so warns against becoming obsessed with video games. However, maybe the media and their unscientific idiot reporters put the spin that this applies to all gamers for some reason.

It looks like they don't mention smart ass gamers like you either, putting a rather positive spin on gamers in general.
Oooh, good one! Bet it took a while for you to come up with that! Chuckle

So what you're saying is that these surveys never cover all gamers, and that it's bad to write an article on how not all gamers are loney nerds? Wait but then you say that there aren't any articles about "socially challenged" gamers... which doesn't matter since that's the public's opinion (pssst! That was the point of this article!)... wait but then-- ah... never mind. I'll leave you alone with this.
What the hell are you talking about ? My original post poses a question that its ironic that you guys here on the boards blast just about every controlled research on video games, and then suddenly something goes your way and you applaud it as true while not stopping to recongnize that the survey study system is not a very accurate system.
What the hell are you talking about? I'm happy with this article because it's different from most mainstream articles about video games and players. It states that not all gamers are "losers". But oh no! That's not good enough for Mr. Cranky-Pants here! He has to complain about everything! Of course these surverys aren't totally accurate, but that's not the the point. It's a positive article.

Argue Explode
N_A will never, ever accept something positive as simply that... it just isn't in him.