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I was right!!! I'm guessing that Nintendo is going to test how well the franchise does with the GBA game, and then if that sells well they'll release the Gamecube version sometime next year.

Quote:Japanese magazine Nintendo Dream revealed recently that a new installment in the Fire Emblem series is in development for the Nintendo GameCube console. No further details except the game's confirmation were divulged, but the magazine expects that a release could come sometime during the second half of 2004. With the second Fire Emblem game on the Game Boy Advance, The Sword of Fire, coming to North America, this could bode well for this new title's chances. We'll have more shortly.

Thanks to EAD Ninja for the tip.

Source: Nintendo Dream

Posted by Christian on 7.3.2003

This is incredible news! Made my day. :D
This is awesome news! We'll finally have a Nintendo RPG on the Gamecube.
Wow, Lake Hell froze over this morning.
Yeah, this is pretty amazing...
I hope IS handles the development of the GC FE. They have yet to make a Gamecube game, and they only made one N64 game (the awesome Paper Mario)... I think. And then hopefully they'll release a Gamecube Wars game.
Fire Emblem AND Gamecube Wars? I don't know if you should get your hopes up that high...
Well Gamecube Wars was rumored long before FE, so...
Yes, I'm back!

And if it's been rumored that long I'm doubtful it'll happen... but it'd be AWESOME!

Hey... guess what I got last week.

Yup, a GBA. Original GBA, BTW. For $60 new at a Circuit City somewhere in Maryland on the way to Chincoteague... and I got Advance Wars 2.

Great game... I knew it was great since I'd played Advance Wars 1 before, but its even better when you own it. :)
Bad choice, bubba. You're gonna wish you had an SP in a few weeks. And you're gonna have to spend a lot of money on batteries. But whatever, we gave you advice and you chose to ignore it. Your loss.
I don't think so. I've only drained the 2 batteries that came with it so far and I used it a lot that week... then I bought 8 (alkaline) batteries for $2.50 in Virginia, and that should last quite some time. Its not like the batteries last 5 hours! And I don't use the wormlight much... no more than I did with the GBC, which means basically just in dark rooms or cars at night or things like that. And I don't think it hurts the battery life that much...