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Just a reminder to everyone, the new Ren & Stimpy show is gonna debut tonight at 10:00 EST on TNN. I know I'll be watching it. Just letting you all know...

On a related note: TNN was going to change to Spike TV but they're being sued by Spike Lee for using his name *snicker*.
Yeah, it's nice to see they are staying as TNN, but the whole "It's now television for men" thing is still going on, and that's the thing I hated most about this "change". Ren and Stimpy is non-gender specific, it's insanity is all it is! It's the only show I've ever even wanted to watch on that channel anyway, so it's not like I'll be hanging around for the rest of the stupidity or anything (like that idiotic animated rat lawyer show, which with all it's "manishness" can never stand up to REAL comedy like Harvey Birdman). This could be as big a mistake as Lifetime, television for women, which in and of itself constantly steals shows that were previously for everyone, like Mad About You and Unsolved Mysteries, and claims it's a woman's show.

Oh well, in any case, 9:00 Central, I'll be there! That WAS PM right Darunia? You kinda slipped up on that part. I'll assume it's PM.
You know what gets me? They call themselves the "first television network for men".

I think the Playboy Channel may have beat 'em on that particular title.

That Spike Lee issue is so absurd it's hilarious. the word Spike must now be a registered trademark, and everytime somebody says it, they'll have to send $3.74 to Spike Lee or face a lawsuit. When Spike TV was first announced, I didn't think of Spike Lee. I didn't think of any of the words many other potential meanings. It's a WORD. For crying out loud, does Spike Lee have nothing better to do than file this frivolous lawsuit?
Heh, another good point. A word is a WORD. You can't sue someone for using a singular word! Still, it seems TNN doesn't want to really make a big deal of it, which seems to be why they are not advertising themselves as "soon to be Spike" right now. Again though, this whole "television for < insert gender here >" has got to stop.
"Spike TV" is a really stupid name to begin with. Everyone should be glad they (were? are being?) sued.
Spike Lee is just being an idiot... but I'm sure he'll lose.
Quote:Still, it seems TNN doesn't want to really make a big deal of it, which seems to be why they are not advertising themselves as "soon to be Spike" right now.

Although it's obvoius that Spike Lee won't win, they can't say something like that while the issue is still in the air.
Well, interesting. I found it funny indeed, but what's with all the way too blatent gay jokes? It was better when they were just "friends" and it was just hinted at, and in fact they could have very well been just friends with the kind of funny they had before. Oh well, the first episode of Sealab 2021 wasn't the best and restorted to the sex stuff for laughs the whole time, but the rest are hilarious.
I'm not sure I'm thrilled about Ren and Stimpys new "lifestyle", but the show was great.
Yeah, like I said. Then again, since this show IS insane, they could just as easily change that "relationship" back to how it was without any complaints of logic or anything. I think the best house they ever had was the rotting corpse of a whale.
Damnit, I missed the show last night.

So they made Ren & Stimpy gay? Why?
I dunno, it may have been a one episode thing though. To be honest, if they lock them into a single relationship, they have limited the funny! That's bad! Ren and Stimpy is about having absolutly no limitations, save that the main characters are Ren and Stimpy. The rest of the show however was classic random goodness. They were living inside a bum's mouth and moved up to the high life inside a spitoon.
I hope they rerun the episode soon.

So what did they do that made them seem gay?
That sucks. They should have just left it as it was before.
LOL I started this thread and yet I myself forgot to watch it. They're gay...ugh that's...dumb! I hope that a stand-alone plot, because...that's not going to catch on en masse. "TV for Men"....most men don't like blatant gay references.

Spike Lee... what a douche bage about the whole lawsuit.
Funny? FUNNY? Jesus Christ that show was fucking awful.
What, you didn't enjoy the wipped potatoes, or the gravy? :D
I think you're being a bit too harsh, ApocX. You mean to tell me you didn't cracka smile when Stimpy used the wrong spoon, and it ended up sinking into his head? When Stimpy looked all distinguished and suggested they zip up each others fly? Sure, it wasn't as funny as some of their Nickelodeon classics, but it wasn't awful.
I thought they zipped their OWN flies, not each other's.
Anyone know when an encore will be on...
Quote:Originally posted by Dark Jaguar
I thought they zipped their OWN flies, not each other's.

That could be. I was half watching, half playing MegaMan & Bass at the time (Kings Fortress is HARD!) :).
I saw the second half of the episode last night and it was pretty funny. I really love this show.
Did Spike TV cancel Ren & Stimpy or something? I haven't seen a new episode in ages.
Neither have I! However, I do keep forgetting to check each Thursday. Well, tomorrow I'll keep an eye out. If it's not on, I guess they cancelled it again. Oh well, that whole station sucks now with it's new "theme"...
I checked tvguide.com and it doesn't look like it's on anymore.
My cable provider replaced Spike TV with Lifetime. *gags self with spoon*
So, Stripperela was replaced with "Why I have to kill the man who raped my job and stole my daughter."? Well, both are pretty much the same thing really... VERY stupid channels, and I hate how they claim one thing or the other is "for this gender". I was under the strong impression that Star Trek and Mad About You were gender neutral.
I hate Lifetime.