Tendo City

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This is just some of the big locations I thought people would like. I'm going with more of a geographic region and lifestyle rather than listing specific cities most of the time, because there are too many. Let me know if you want me to add one.

Oh, and tell why you want to live there. Discuss. Have fun. Waste time. That's what summer is all about.
The city I was thinking of isn't listed on there, but it might be considered "South", so I'll just vote for that. Anyway, the city I was thinking of Far Madding, were Rand was much of time in Book 9. The two reasons for me wanting to live there is that one, it's cool island town and two, it offers free protection from Aes Sedia, which is a must for any self-respecting male practioner of the one power.
I haven't read the newest book yet.

Considering that... I'm not sure. Most of the world right now seems to have a bad case of "which city gets taken out next", so how about under a rock in the middle of nowhere? :)
You can come and live in Far Madding. It has a huge crystal that protects the island from the one power and it's an island so it wouldn't be easily taken.

Or you could go to Tear, it's probably pretty safe.
Paaren Disen, definitely.

If it's relegated to modern times, I'd definitely want to live in a stedding, especially if the Ways are ever cleansed of Machin Shin/
You kids and your Wheels of Time.
Oh, I chose Caemlyn/Cairhien... because I like that location choice better than the others.
Leave it to Weltall to list a city from the Age of Legends. Is anyone else scared that the initals for that are AOL, and the Age of Legends seem to be a close equivalent to our modern time?

I was going to put Far Madding but then I forgot! I even left an extra space in the poll to add more if you thought of another place. Oh well.

I would like to live in the Two Rivers because it reminds me a lot of where I lived in Idaho. There are lots of forests and small towns and it's a place to relax. Yeah, some of the people have never lived anywhere else and think everyone does it there way and every other way is wrong, but it's not a big deal. Another place I would like to live is the Borderlands, like Shienar.
The Borderlands would be okay... if not for the Trollocs...
That's what would be so great about the Borderlands. You spend your life fighting pure evil, knowing that the people you are protecting don't even believe that the evil really exists. You fight and give up all the extras they enjoy while they call you a fool for letting your imagination run wild on you and getting scared by shadows. And yet you do it anyway, because it's the right thing to do, and it's the only thing to do. It's so ironic and so familiar, at least to me. A lot like the Matrix and what it represents...
That's a bleak life... fighting for something the people you are defending don't want to believe exists... important, but bleak. But it does seem a bit better than hiding under a rock somewhere waiting for the Trollocs.
Yeah, it would be bleak. RJ did a good job of making it feel that way too, when you read how the Shinearians live and what their cities and buildings are like.
He is a great author.
Quote:Originally posted by A Black Falcon
That's a bleak life... fighting for something the people you are defending don't want to believe exists... important, but bleak. But it does seem a bit better than hiding under a rock somewhere waiting for the Trollocs.

Hearing this come from you is funny on so many levels :D
Ie someone has to do it. Not me though. :)
Quote:Originally posted by A Black Falcon
Ie someone has to do it. Not me though. :)

Maybe you're not drawing the same parallels I am from the statement :D
Fantasy worlds aren't the real world... :)

In WOT the Trollocs are obviously a very real threat that if not stopped would destroy everything... I'd say that that's a bit more important for someone to deal with than the 'parallels' you are making.
Quote:In WOT the Trollocs are obviously a very real threat that if not stopped would destroy everything...

Exactly. Nobody believes it, because they need to see it with their own eyes. It doesn't change the fact that the danger is still very real. You know what I'm saying, and I won't push it any farther. Haven't you ever wondered if maybe what you consider foolishness and over-reacting is really not?
Yeah, of course. I mean... I sure was showed up when they found all those WMDs and that advanced nuclear weapons program in Iraq, wasn't I?
Quote:Originally posted by A Black Falcon
Yeah, of course. I mean... I sure was showed up when they found all those WMDs and that advanced nuclear weapons program in Iraq, wasn't I?

That time will come :)
Sure. Right after the Iranian leaders admit we've been right all along and that being a theocracy was a silly idea... Rolleyes
Quote:Originally posted by A Black Falcon
Sure. Right after the Iranian leaders admit we've been right all along and that being a theocracy was a silly idea... Rolleyes

It's looking like the Iranian people certainly seem to agree with that.
Yes, the Iranians dislike their government and are getting frusterated by the lack of change. And that's the one hope we have for that nation -- that something will finally come to a head and the hardliners will be tossed out.

But as it is now, the hardliners have all the power and they will never see the error of their ways.
Blood and ashes! (I had to say it) You guys turn everything into a political mud-flinging contest. Never mind.
Well with that comment he was asking for it!
Quote:Originally posted by Laser Link
Blood and ashes! (I had to say it) You guys turn everything into a political mud-flinging contest. Never mind.

It's like Daes Daemar! With a lot more stupid and a lot less death!
Wow, I was SURE ABF knew what parallel you guys were talking about, and suddenly it went to Iraq, something I wasn't even thinking about. That's okay ABF, you'll "get it" eventually :D.

Oh and yes LL, I too noticed the striking parallels between the Matrix and a certain something else, right down to all the names of things.
Quote:Wow, I was SURE ABF knew what parallel you guys were talking about, and suddenly it went to Iraq, something I wasn't even thinking about. That's okay ABF, you'll "get it" eventually .

If he meant something other than Iraq and the war on terror, I don't know what it is... but I'd certainly expect that that's what he meant.
Nope :D, not indeed, but LL, Weltall, and myself know what was meant. Think, what other thing do we have in common? Also note that LL never once actually took a side on the whole war issue, and the only thing he ever said was that "war is something I'd rather see avoided", or something similar.
LL? What does he have to do with Weltall's ... intresting ... use of that quote of mine? Nothing, as far as I know...

Oh, and I have no clue what 'parallels' you are talking about. But the comparison between it and my position on the terror war sure makes sense...
Haha, in time young one, you will see what on Earth that quote meant in regards to something OTHER than the war. Heck, I'd tell ya right now if I didn't figure you were smart enough to figure it out on your own.
Hell, even I'm confused now. I WAS taking a stab at his position on Iraq...
Yeah, I was sure you were.

Now how about you explain what delusions you are seeing DJ, because we don't have a clue...

And how about we get back to the topic? :)
Which topic are we getting back on? :)

No, I was not talking about the war. Even if I had some big opinion I wanted to share, I wouldn't cause it's over now. *hint hint let it go* :) But I was talking about what DJ is hinting about. No big deal.


Why not just tell us what this secret thing you two are thinking of is? Becuse I at least sure don't have a clue.