Tendo City

Full Version: A growing movie watching epidemic...
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or two...

First off, and this isn't that recent, but it still bugs me. I hate people leaving when the movie isn't over yet! You know what I mean, the credits are still rolling and boom, people leave! There's still content! If the file when read by a computer can't tell that it's the end, then we humans must obey and not, um, LEAVE when the credits are rolling, so there! I KNOW I don't make sense, but these pretzels are making me THIRSTY! Seriously, it's gotten so bad that the lights are going on now as soon as the credits hit! That's just bad! Some of us still want the nice lighting to watch the rest of the movie, in the hopes that something special awaits us after the credits (and in the case of a few trilogies I won't name, something does), plus the music is nice so listen to it you jerks!

Okay, that's not that bad, here's the REAL epidemic I'm talking about. People CLAPPING at a MOVIE! Who started this? What kind of retard did this in such a way as to get it to catch on? Was this retard friends with some actor or something? What is WRONG with people? Not only is clapping a generally annoying sound to boot (laughing and gasping are theater ambiance that are great and half the reason I watch movies in theaters, but clapping is an annoyingly distracting sound), it has no POINT to it! No one is HEARING you give this thanks you idiots! Don't clap! Clapping is only for live performance, not anything else ever! Soon enough mad catz will release a special controller accesory that allows a person to continue playing a game WHILE clapping at it like a moron, that's how much it's spread recently!

The first time I ever witnessed an applause at a movie was January, 1997...at the end of ANH:SE, when the Death Star blew up, a lot of people hooted and started clapping. It was awesome.
I always leave when the credits start rolling. I'm sure all those guys were hard workers, but the movies over so I'm leaving.
my dad is one of those sad clappers , But I can excuss the fact he goes to live performances more often.
I laughed when everyone left the theater after the Matrix Reloaded credits started, because there was a trailer for Revolutions after the credits.
I never leave before the credits are over... they are good to watch. You shouldn't just leave... though most people do.
First time I saw people clapping at a movie was in Port-au-Prince (yes okay there's like one theater in the entire city and it only has two rooms, but apart from that it's just like any other theater... seats were comfy). I thought it was great, personally. Instead of just leaving off in their own little groups, it was sort of a way for people in the room to communicate their appreciation of the movie with everyone else. I've only seen it done once up here (after the Pianist, which was quite good), think it's neat though.

And hey, if people wanna leave before the movie's over, it's their business.
So they are telling ME they liked it? Then can I fire a weapon into the air to signal to them my personal feelings that they should SHUT UP their hands? I don't care if it's some communal thing, it's stupid, and stupidity should be eliminated from humans, even at the price of humanity itself! What's so great about being human anyway? We are flawed, and sure that's part of the human experience, the flaws, but that's the BAD part and I'd rather NOT have the human experience if imperfection is a part of it!
Why is it a problem if they clap after the movie is over?

Quote:What's so great about being human anyway?

Fringe benefits?
'Cause it's like a DIRECT assault against my intelligence!

Fringe benefits? Oh yeah, there's that salvation thing...
I've seen it happen twice.

Once was when Yoda did his lightsaber thing in Ep. 2.

The other was when the aliens obliterated the White House in Independence Day :D
Yeah, I think people did cheer for Yoda's lightsaber duel. Not sure about other times... maybe at the end of LOTR: FOTR?
well blowing up the white house and then clapping after it is kind of peoples way of agreeing with it.
The scene was incredible, and seeing it on a full-size movie screen was nothing short of breathtaking. They may not have agreed with it, but really liked the scene.
Quote:So they are telling ME they liked it? Then can I fire a weapon into the air to signal to them my personal feelings that they should SHUT UP their hands?

You're entirely entitled to voice your opinion within the measure of legality, just don't expect your feeble voice to overcome alone the thunderous roar of the people.

And honestly, if you plan to struggle to eliminate "stupidity" as you call it, have fun... but don't expect to ever succeed, unless you have a few h-bombs at your disposal. "We should eliminate stupidity even at the price of humanity" isn't quite right: the ONLY way to eliminate "stupidity" is to eliminate humanity altogether.
I hate noisy people at movies
Quote:Originally posted by Dark Jaguar
So they are telling ME they liked it? Then can I fire a weapon into the air to signal to them my personal feelings that they should SHUT UP their hands?

Only if you place your face squarely in front of said weapon first.

Shut up.
I'm guessing Luke has done the incredibly stupid thing of clapping at a theater. Guess what? They can't hear you, it's just an image! Clapping henceforth shall be what it's supposed to be, aimed at whoever you are appreciating! Change meaning?! NO! Not do that! Keep meaning same must! NO NO NO!

If I was a comedian, you would have LAUGHED at that! But no, for some reason you actually had to answer me instead of agreeing and laughing together, you clods!

Edit: N-Man... You actually took my statement seriously? You ACTUALLY took it seriously?! The only serious part of this whole thing is that I truly think clapping at a MOVIE is a horribly moronic thing to do. The rest is such an obvious joke of exxageration that... Oh right, I'm in TC. No one seems to understand the difference between the serious and an OBVIOUS exxageration for comedic effect.
Quote:Originally posted by Dark Jaguar
I'm guessing Luke has done the incredibly stupid thing of clapping at a theater. Guess what? They can't hear you, it's just an image! Clapping henceforth shall be what it's supposed to be, aimed at whoever you are appreciating! Change meaning?! NO! Not do that! Keep meaning same must! NO NO NO!

I imagine people clap during movies for the same reason that people clap/cheer while watching a sports game on tv or laugh while watching something that is funny. Clapping/cheering/laughing isn't used exclusively for showing someone you appreciate them or their work, it is also used to express one's excitement or mirth.
Ah, Dark Jaguar. I used to be in your position. Three years ago, I was an adamant anti-clapper. Not just at movie theatres -- what was the deal, I thought, with clapping DURING music performances? "WE CAN KEEP THE BEAT WITHOUT CLAPPING ALONG, IDIOTS," I would yell, while keeping my hands firmly in place in my pockets. But then everything changed.

I had gone to my local movie theatre to see the critically-acclaimed film, "Before Night Falls." I was expecting drama; I was expecting emotion; I was expecting creative and innovative filmmaking. That is what everyone else got. I got nothing. "Scary Movie couldn't have been worse than this," I said to my movie-going companion, as the credits rolled. But, what was this?! To my shock, my utter dismay, everyone around me was putting their hands together in a hypnotic rhythm. Damnit, they were CLAPPING.

"What's WRONG with all these people 'round here?" I yelled, in the immortal words of Flava Flav. "That movie was the equivalent to a two-hour nap on a bed of nails -- just PAINFUL!" At this point, the clapping slowed and eventually came to a complete stop. My fellow film enthusiasts turned to stare at me, and just when I thought that things couldn't get much worse (I was measuring my odds of making a dash to the exit door), I heard a voice behind me. After enduring two hours of him, I identified the voice immediately, illogical as it seemed: it was the lead actor of "Before Night Falls," Javier Bardem.

"Hello, my name is Javier Bardem. You <s>killed my father</s> straight-up dissed my movie. Prepare to die."

That's the last thing I remember, though you can probably guess how it played out from there. Bardem was nominated for an Oscar; I spent two weeks recovering in a local hospital; and never again did I decline to clap in a movie theatre, celebrity guests in attendance or not.

The end.

P.S.: I also became a pathological liar. Later dudes!
Quote:Originally posted by Dark Jaguar

Because, I refuse to continue to allow you to be the puppetmaster and me the puppet! I will no longer run through the forest and into the tree just because you pull the string! Do you hear me?! Never again!! I'm gonna live how I want to live! And right now I'm thinking about taking a walk down the street! This is the happiest day of my...*is hit by a car*
To think I missed out on your incredible sense of humour... is the yolk on me or what.

p.s.: Luke, I desire your body
Yeah, to think... Wait, are you being sarcastic?

N-Man: ....no

DJ: Oh, good.

N-Man: ....

DJ: Anyway, could someone scrape Great Rumbler off the road? Oh wait, he's doing it himself. Anyone have any duct tape?
*jumps up* Oh, don't worry about me! I'm perfectly fine! *crick* Well, all except for two dislocated shoulders, ten broken ribs, both legs broke, a twisted ankle, a ruptured kidney, a punctured lung, a crushed left arm, three slipped discs, severe cranial damage, and some nasty hemoraging. But, I'm sure all that will be healed in four of five years. Nothing to worry about really...
The bones, always with the bones. You silly humans. A system of thick stacks of rings of muscle is all anyone really needs to support their bodies.
Where comedy ends and Ritalin begins.

Geez, I hope you haven't been posting like this since the original Tendo City.
Welcome back!

I have used the bolts you found to make new items! Check them out!
Quote:Originally posted by ApocX
Where comedy ends and Ritalin begins.

Geez, I hope you haven't been posting like this since the original Tendo City.

...Where you talking to me or DJ?
Why is it that Luke and ApocX always show up at the same time? It will be okay if you both always show up every day. So do that. Yeeeah, okay.