Tendo City

Full Version: Fellas, I'm telling you, I gotta have more spice.
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There's a lot to like about the new Dune movies, but there's one tiny thing that I just couldn't overlook, and that's Christopher Walken as the emperor of the known universe.  He's one of those actors who just looks like himself no matter what roll he's in.  I felt the same way about Steve Buscemi in The Grey Zone, which probably says more about me because that movie is HAUNTING.
I probably should watch the new Dune movies, I liked the books and I've heard the movies are good, but for some reason I haven't seen them...
When theat weardo fluttered down the stairs.. Whatever TF that was. And reversed vomited all that cinnamon from his cinnamon toast crunch into that other dudes mouth.. I was completely done with that strange ass movie. Like a very very hard.. Final form kind of done with that movie.

I sported my done belt.. And slapped it Thrice.. Once.. Twice.. Double Twice, Thrice.