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Full Version: Perfect Dark... the live service game
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Yep, it seems we've found that the upcoming Perfect Dark game is going to be an ongoing "live service" game, and the project leads are starting to drop off of it, reporting that while they have a vision, they can't stick to it without being told to redesign things to fit "live service" expectations.

Well... we had ONE good game everyone.  I guess we can just accept that and move on.  And to think, I actually liked Killer Instinct 3 (now updated and released as "Anniversary Edition" a few days ago).
What's a "live service" game? Is that one where you can play it via subscription only? The future sucks.

One good game for what?
(7th December 2023, 3:51 AM)Sacred Jellybean Wrote: [ -> ]What's a "live service" game? Is that one where you can play it via subscription only? The future sucks.

One good game for what?

Oh you sweet sweet old man...

If only, if ONLY it was JUST that.  A "Live Service" game is advertised as a "forever game" that drips out content for the "lifetime" of the game.  They will present a "timeline" when said content will be released, a timeline looking ahead five to ten years.  They will cancel the game within a year because who the hell knows what Perfect Dark is any more?  They are banking on this game being the million seller hit the first one was, unaware of the unique environment (partially contributed to by both of us) that such popularity was originally born in.

The reality is this.  The content will be time limited "events" where you grind up points in the multiplayer and MUST play a hefty amount during that month or the content goes away, either forever or until maybe a year later IF they decide to "recycle" the event back into circulation.  FOMO!  (This stands for "fear of missing out", a known psychological marketing tactic that the entire video game industry currently relies upon).

There MAY be loot boxes.  A "loot box" is a gambling mechanic obfuscated by converting real currency into "tokens" (usually crystals, and in this case those crystals will probably be Maian currency) which you then spend on a random chance for a piece of in-game "loot".  Most of this will likely be "purely cosmetic", but some of it will be "experience accelerators" to speed up "leveling up" Joanna, so her "skill tree" can be unlocked faster.

In multiplayer, you will level up to unlock more items for your initial loadout, so those who haven't been playing as much literally don't have as many options for configuring their character than those who have been grinding/spending the most.

And of course, direct-purchase microtransactions will be there.  Hundreds and hundreds of items with an end price totaling something like $500.  ALL of this is based on real world current examples.  The people spending the most are called "whales", and no that doesn't mean they are rich.  SOME may be, but statistically, people with gambling addictions and obsessive compulsive disorders are the most likely to become whales.

Welcome to modern gaming.  We are blessed, for now, that Nintendo hasn't yet full sunk into this depravity... except for their mobile phone games.  Tickle Nintendo's pipe and get a new mushroom to race with (for real money converted into Nintendo coins).