Tendo City

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Yes, Tetris has been ported to just about everything.  Heck they even proved you don't even need a screen by programming Tetris into the lighting system of a building using the windows to make blocks.  But, as "most ported game of all time", that wasn't enough.  It's become an SCP or something.  Get Agent Mulder in here because Tetris has been ported to the real world.

Just for kicks, here's the long history of this self-aware eternal essence becoming new things:

Tetris as an operating system:

Tetris on a soldering iron...

Tetris on a building as promised:

And it's happened multiple times.

Stop motion Tetris on an e-ink screen:

Tetris on Atari 2600:

And a calculator...

On some old TV's service menu:
[Image: jtdpxlsld4n51.jpg]

On an oscilloscope:

On a credit card reader...

(Not the worst thing a hacker can do with one of those...)

Tetris somehow evolved into existence in Conway's game of life:

Tetris also sinks even deeper.... ported into Minecraft:

And, in the ultimate show of superiority, yes, Doom runs Tetris:

Wait wrong Doom... dumb confusing sequel names...

There we go.

Oh and there were a few official ports over the years:
I hadn't seen a bunch of those before, fun stuff.  Tetris and Doom, the two games that must be ported to everything... :)
I'm pretty sure Tetris has been ported to more, and since Tetris got ported to Doom then by extension, every single time Doom is ported to something, Tetris comes along for the ride.  That said, a Doom port is more impressive due to how much more resource demanding the game is than Tetris.
This isn't exactly a new system port but it's interesting.  Tetris with both ray tracing and physics acceleration.