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Full Version: Marty Stratton
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The man who was likely heavily involved in the decision of Id to sell themselves to Bethesda in the first place appears to be a terrible leader in general.  I feel sorry for Hugo Martin, and of course especially for musical contractor Mick Gordon.  After he left, the music for the expansions were done by David Levy and Andrew Hulshult.  Andrew in particular is a legend in the industry in his own right but considering the very unique nature of how new Doom's music works (dynamically stringing together hundreds of "music pieces" into music that's never the same way twice), they were hard pressed to mimic that style and fans noticed the difference.  It's also that unique composing style that led to the OST for Eternal being so poor quality in the first place.  It wasn't as simple as just stuffing "recordings" onto a disc.  Someone with a musical ear would need to find and pick an "idealized" version of every track and use that to represent the entire "musical space" any particular track was capable of.  I hope this provides some badly needed context for how this situation arose in the first place.