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Full Version: Roberta Williams making a new game!
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This is rather stunning, but she's very rusty I might imagine.  I have no idea what "The Secret" is going to be like, but I'm keeping an eye on it.

Incidentally, someone finally completed a project to convert KQ4 to point and click interface:
It's a much lighter upgrade than the full on VGA remakes KQ1-3 got.  No upgraded graphics and no voice, but it's very well done.  The soundtrack is recordings of the original's MT32 music, and the sound effects are taken from the Amiga version.  The designer added item descriptions taken from the AGI version.  All in all, very solid enhancement.
The preorder is set up now.  It's a total reimagining of Colossal Cave Adventure, the old text based adventure game.


I'm interested!
Roberta Williams is making a new game?  That's amazing!  It's been over 20 yeras since she retired early! 

And it being a remake of Colossal Cave is pretty cool too...

... except that it's a VR game?  Blah...
My biggest concern is that it'll be exclusive to one specific VR helmet, but that doesn't seem to be the case.  It's also not exclusive to VR at all.  Look at the page.  It's being released on everything from XBox Series to Switch.  Don't worry ABF, you'll be able to play it.