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Robin Williams' uncanny energy really comes through in this song. Casting is everything.

The fact that so many theatre kids (current and recovering) break out in this song is a testament to its greatness.  ...aw, hell, they also break out into Rent songs, that doesn't mean anything. But this is a great feminist anthem of a girl becoming a woman, and smashing through her socially inculcated pressure to always be kind and agreeable.
I love the sequence where she's simultaneously creating and running up a frozen staircase. Badass!

Picking just one Lion King song is no easy task. This one is the most popular. I kinda prefer its Book of Mormon spoof, though.

There are more, but I won't suck up all the oxygen in the room.
I'm pretty sure I can just list any song and assume it's a Disney song now.

It's sad that, when they're talking about the multitude of streaming services, I can't tell how much of them are jokes vs. reality. :( I'm a Netflix fanboy, so I'll probably keep that no matter what, particularly because I can still rent the discs via mail. You can find pretty much anything there. Here's hoping they continue to do that... as physical media goes the way of the dodo-bird, it's only a matter of time before that's gone too.
I'm gonna go with "Alice" by Avril Lavigne from the 2010 Tim Burton "Alice in Wonderland" flick. Good Canadian content, and has no business being as uplifting as it is!
Avril Lavigne? The Guilty Pleasures thread is thataway, bucko. j/k, I'm sure she's grown as an arist since that terrible "Complicated" song.

Post the video, foo. I don't want to hunt it down. That's a whole 10 seconds of 20 keystrokes and 5 mouse clicks I'll never get back.
Wow this place is bouncing. Bouncing is relative, of course. Alright, Disney Disney Disney....

Heck I'll just toss in the whole soundtrack to The Lion King. Yes, even THAT one.
Which one is THAT one?
Yoooou know.

Oh, you don't know. The morning report, with Jon Oliver.
Wait, does he sing that in the new version, too? I don't want to sit through that turd. Is there a clip online somewhere?

I don't get the live-action updates of old, classic Disney movies. They just look weird. You can stomach it to a degree with real actors, but when all the characters are animals? You just can't anthropomorphize animals in live action like that. Even with the best CGI, it will always look weird.

I wonder what furries think of it.
I haven't watched any of the live-action Disney remake things, but I'm sure there is some audience for them... what I don't understand, though, is why they're making them so quickly -- aren't there, like, three of them this year alone?
I was making a joke with the Jon Oliver thing, but the broadway stage play Morning Report is pretty catchy.

Anyway, personally I don't really like this trend. Why is Disney pumping them out? Well, in case you didn't notice, Disney is currently a media empire all by itself. Warner Bros is like a kitten compared to the Lion that is Disney at this point, they don't even compare. They own, well, most of your childhood now, and rumors are they intend to get more. They intend to make a new Star Wars movie every two years until we are all dead, and Marvel movies way past that. Personally, I have checked out of Marvel movies. Thanos is dead, so I'm done. I don't want to get caught up in another wave. I have a life, hypothetically.

Disney owns The Simpsons. Let that sink in. They didn't get the News branch of Fox because, well, there is no winning scenario for them. If they kept Fox News as a right wing pundit branch, they'd lose all their left wing fans. If they completely remodeled it into, let's face it, a centrist news station like CNN, they would alienate all their right wing fans. No, Fox News is too small for Disney to care, stuck in a very particular niche. Disney is bigger than Fox News by a few planets.

So, Disney can spit out remakes of their classics for decades, costing them millions, and it's still just a drop in the bucket for them.

Also, the Lion King remake isn't live action in any sense of the term. That's what's so bizarre. They sucked all the life out of it by making it more "lifelike". A couple of these things have tried doing unique changes to the story, like Pete's Dragon or maybe the last act of Jungle Book, but frankly everyone's already forgotten those. They'll forget this year's remakes in a couple years too. None of them serve as replacements, and past the two I mentioned none of them do anything new with the material either. They are frankly useless.