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Really, this is a thing? Another live action Nintendo movie is finally made... and it's Detective Pikachu, of all things? Crazy... maybe not as crazy as the movie's trailer, but crazy.

On that note: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1roy4o4tqQM

It looks kinda charming, and well, it actually seems to exist in the Pokemon universe, instead of like New York but a portal opened up and Pokemon stepped through.
It does look oddly charming. I wonder though, will this lead to a Switch port of Detective Pikachu? And why is this the game adapted for a live action movie, and not anything else? I don't think the game did that amazingly well... though it does have a weird enough concept to work, so sure, why not.
So I haven't seen it, but going by reviews Detective Pikachu is actually a good movie. It's the first videogame movie with a review average over 70% on Rotten Tomatoes. Impressive.
Well, maybe besides anime movies, but those don't really count. When people want a good video game movie, they mean hollywood. Japan's doing just fine on that count but they're niche. Very niche. Wreck it Ralph doesn't count either, as it's not an adaptation, it's a movie about video games instead.

It's great that it all came full circle. The first video game movie was Nintendo's, and it was awful. The first GOOD video game movie is also Nintendo's. and it's good. It seems this time Nintendo and the pokemon company were directly involved in the process.

Then there's the Sonic movie... That one is a long lost 90's video game movie, right down to 90's Jim Carrey and Gangster's Paradise. What's the plot? A portal opens up and Sonic comes to New York! Of COURSE!