Tendo City

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What, the middle part of America is desertifying? The solution is more coal, right? That fixes everything...
So a big new climate report is out saying that things are getting really bad and will be significantly worse soon.


The solution is, of course, as the Trump administration's latest report said I believe, to do nothing. After all, the Obama administration's efforts weren't anywhere near enough, so wouldn't it be better to just give up and make more money for big business until everything falls apart? Actually doing anything would be hard, who'd want to do that...
The parts of this state which are biggest on coal, in large part, really don't have any other industry or stable employment to offer.

Coal needs to be retired as an energy source, but what happens to the communities who rely on it? They need a whole new economy and nobody is even trying to make that happen.
It was over 80 degrees yesterday. In Maine, in October. And it is supposed to be 80 degrees again today. And there has not been a day yet where it went below freezing at night. In October.

Yes, everything is normal and fine, and not getting really bad in a hurry...
It's been surprisingly cool today. Light jacket weather, but otherwise every other day has been annoyingly hot.

So coastal Maine is going to go from its current average of 1 or 2 days a year over 90 degrees, to 36 per year by 2099, according to this study. And a lot of places south of here will be a lot worse off than we are.

But that's fine, let's mine more coal!
If the choices are global warming or the occasional Chernobyl (and let's face it, those are our choices until a dramatic update in battery technology comes along, at least in areas without geothermal and hydroelectric options), I pick Chernobyl.