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Full Version: God dammit Japan...
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Seriously, who is this game FOR? Shut-in MRAs? That's who it's for, isn't it? Why would the giant Furby be sexually attracted to humans? Is that furby a deviant of his species? Also, I'm pretty sure that robot is built like a child, so, pedophile. This game is intentionally trying to appeal to pedophiles.
It's for anime fans in Japan, I presume, the diehard anime otakus. You need to try to interest as many of them as possible, so you have a character for each potential interest...

So, I like anime, which is why I also think that anime is the worst. I think this makes sense for anyone who has been exposed to it.

But yeah, the overly sexualized costumes and such in this game definitely look ... overdone, and unnecessary. I don't think the game has very good character design in general - the male protagonist's design is also bad, though for different reasons, from what I've seen. It's too bad, because otherwise the game looks great, but it is a definite issue.
That's a rather understated response to this.
Yes everything relating to the robot character is really creepy, but it is also very common anime-trope stuff, unfortunately. So yeah, as I said, I like watching anime but in some ways it's the worst...
"But it is also very common" isn't much of an excuse, frankly it's even more damning.
To explain it (in part) a bit more, the idea of the joke there is that the rabbit guy likes maids and dresses robot-girl as a maid. Then she does a cat-maid pose and says a standard maid line about 'master'. In Japan there is a definite fanbase for maids, and that generally means maids with French-style outfits. It's not only anime either, there are apparently themed restaurants where the waitresses dress as maids, and, of course, call the customers master. It's kind of weird and problematic but it's a common thing. The very young-looking age of the robot girl makes this creepier than most, but that is the idea. It's not (just) a sexual thing. That scene makes a lot less sense for anyone who doesn't know about Japan's fascination with maids (and, to a slightly lesser extent, [British-style] butlers), certainly.
No, I got that. America has a fascination with french maids too. I'm not sure why. However, it was supposed to be a joke? I didn't really catch a comedy vibe right up until the main characters acted shocked (which, at the very least, is an appropriate response). Frankly, it's the very young age that's the MAIN problem here. That's not a footnote to be found at the end of a paragraph, it's most of the problem. It would be a problem anyway considering that's a FURBY we're talking about, and I have no clue as to why it would have a sexual interest in humans in the first place (nor do I get why Jabba the Hutt would for that matter).