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Full Version: Louis CK is yet another creep
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Turns out he's a hypocrite, but um, how much is he really? He's pretty much told us already that he doesn't actually live up to any of his morals.

So yeah, can't say I'm surprised.
Yeah, haven't there been bad stories out there about this guy for some time now?
I don't have a "quiet whisperings of evil" feed in my RSS, so it's only recently this stuff was confirmed for me, but yeesh he seemed to be hinting pretty strongly at it in his own comedy act.
I guess I don't have those whisperings either, because I did not see Charlie Rose being the next one proven to have a long questionable history coming... this one's really disappointing, because I always thought of his PBS show as probably the best somewhat intellectual interview show on TV. I only occasionally watch it, but always thought well of it... but the behavior detailed in the Washington Post's long article is scummy at minimum. Disappointing. :bummed: (This is one of those pretty much no-doubters, too, I think; it's a well-researched article.)
You (accidentally I presume) moved this to one of the hidden forums, not the actual Ramble City forum, so I fixed that.
Yea accidentally. Some cleanup should be done on those "hidden" ones at some point.
Of all the celebrities getting exposed (heh) as creeps, this one hurt the most. :bummed: He's my favorite stand-up comedian, though as of now, I don't know if I can separate the artist from the art. It's a shame he's retreating out of the public eye, but it's for the best. At least he had the decency to issue a long, well thought-out apology. Wonder what his daughters think of him now.