Tendo City

Full Version: The problem with Wind Waker dungeons
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This video articulates a problem with the dungeons I could only describe as "too easy".

Frankly, the issues he's got with Wind Waker dungeons go beyond that game to the later games as well. I myself had noticed by the time I played Skyward Sword that I never seem to even be able to get more than one key in a dungeon any more. I feel as though this was Nintendo's answer to "problematic" dungeons like LTTP's Ice Palace or OOT's Water Temple. (Please note that I use quotes because I loved those dungeons, mainly because they were so challenging to figure out, but it was very clear what the logic was when you finally did).

I'm really hoping the non-linear design of Breath of the Wild goes beyond the overworld to the dungeon design. I want a return to more free-form solutions where two people can solve the puzzles in different orders. Metroid Prime, in the US, has wonderful "sequence breaking" potential, if you are very clever with your acrobatic skills. For whatever reason, Nintendo saw that wonderful potential as "glitches", and went about disabling every instance of sequence breaking they could find with impossible to open doors that literally just pop open when you get the item you're "supposed" to reach that door with. Fortunately, it does seem like Nintendo has finally realized that sequence breaking is a feature, not a bug.