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All of the writing, enemy names, locations and etc are basically adorable insults. Wii U version confirmed but nothing said on NX. I've been waiting a long time for a new Banjo or DK64 or... anything Rareware and i'm hoping that if this makes an impact in the gaming world we could see a similar re-imagining of IP for Blast Corps.
I'm excited, it's looking so good... I have been thinking too, about how long it's been since we saw a new 3d platformer from Rare -- it's been since 2001, such a long time ago for this industry! Kameo does have platformer elements, but it's a beat 'em up first. So yeah, it's been a long time, but Playtonic's game is looking great and I really want to play it. I'll definitely be looking forward to hearing about that 'toybox' demo once they release it... here's hoping the game plays as great as it looks! Oh yeah, and the humor's great too in this article, classic Rare-style stuff. :)
I'm hoping it ends up good. It's been too long since I've played a good "collectathon". I recall that becoming a dirty word, with Sunshine even being criticized for being "yet another" one. There's an argument to be made about having the market flooded with them, but if they're paced out every 5 years or so, they'll be a welcome break.

It's the first trailer of the game! And it's looking incredible. This is a Rare-style 3d platformer, but with modern graphics. Just fantastic stuff!

E3 press demo. Unsurprisingly, the game is looking really, really good...
It's exactly what the industry needs. If it does well we're basically back in business with Rare and that means the team that helped perfect the single player experience in games will try their hand at online. Free of any disconcerting rules from Nintendo's bizarre limitations of how their online... anything? is ran

first player games are approaching high brow art which is great, incredibly introspective and actually getting personal with it's players. It's not the norm yet, but we're getting there. Rare couldn't come back at a better time in the industry
As for Rare's upcoming pirate MMO, it looks cool, but only for people who have people they know to play with online, given how it seems to be VERY reliant on people working together to sail the ship...