Tendo City

Full Version: TC's Downtime
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What happened, did someone forget to pay the bills? I, at least, missed TC badly these past few weeks! I was getting worried about if it'd be back at all, but I'm quite glad it is. :D

... On that note, I hadn't made a backup of the database since 2012. I need to correct that. :p
Toven said the web company screwed up on their CC billing. I alerted him that it was down a few days ago, I don't know how much longer it would have gone had I not said anything. :D Glad to see we're back, even though I never post and barely even lurk!

I still love you guys! Lovers
I tried to figure out how to contact etoven, but old msn messenger/skype addresses aren't much of a use when nobody uses those anymore. If it had gone on much longer I was going to try to see if I could find any email address(es) or something, but it finally came back online first... thanks! Did you have a working email address for him, or something?
Nah, I just messaged him on FB. If he doesn't chime in with an e-mail address, you can e-mail me next time, and I'll pass the message on along.

I'll PM you my e-mail address.
Yay! I was worried I'd lose all ability to contact you fine creatures.
Yeah, same. I did try to contact a few people, but those old msn/skype names are useless and I found I didn't have much else... so thanks SJ, that could be helpful.

(For me, I have that blog linked in my sig of course, and I still have that yahoo email.)
I'm still a big fan of having all my "worlds" separate. The biggest reason I stopped using facebook was I found that anything I said to one person was seen by every single person that person had ever interacted with in their entire life, and I am just not prepared for that level of scrutiny. Twitter is a bajillion times worse, as every single thing I say gets to be judged by the entire mass of humanity every single time.
... Okay, so I'm looking through the admin panel, and where the heck do I go to make a backup of the dabase? Not seeing it...

Quote:I'm still a big fan of having all my "worlds" separate. The biggest reason I stopped using facebook was I found that anything I said to one person was seen by every single person that person had ever interacted with in their entire life, and I am just not prepared for that level of scrutiny. Twitter is a bajillion times worse, as every single thing I say gets to be judged by the entire mass of humanity every single time.
I partially agree and partially disagree. On the one hand, I like keeping things separate, yes; I certainly would say thing here I wouldn't post on other forums. On a related note I don't like things like how Steam or Xbox Live lists all the games people have played recently, you should be able to keep that secret if you want (and I would)!

On the other hand, though, I really would not want to lose contact with you people here, those last few weeks reminded me of that for sure. If it's JUST through this forum and nothing else... well, when things like that happen then there is a problem. We used to also have MSN Messenger and such, but that's kind of dead now (yes, I know it's Skype, but this group at least does not use it anymore, me usually included).
Actually, you can go into your privacy settings on your Playstation and XBox accounts and "hide" what you're currently playing from others if you wish. I've not disabled that myself, because I don't really mind, but I did disable showing what movies I'm watching.
Oh, you can? I might want to do that then...