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Full Version: *gasp!!* Advance Wars 2!! Woooo!!!
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From PGC!

No details, but we do have screen shots!

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Now where the hell is Fire Emblem and Magical Vacation?
It looks like it got a graphical downgrade. The buildings, at least, have less detail.
Very slightly. But everything else looks a tad bit better.
Now that I think about it, it looks as though units are getting borders and the environment gets none.

Also, that AT-AT or whatever looks like a new unit, versus a souped up Heavy Tank.
But anyhow, who cares about graphics? AW is all about gameplay.

Now let's pray to the Nintendo gods for a GC Wars game that links with the GBA version for cross-system multiplay.
Ah, Gamecube Wars, that would be cool. Advance Wars is a nice turn based strategy game if ever I played one, though to be honest, I think Ogre Battle tops it. Japan still hasn't gotten Advance Wars 1 though, as far as I know, and we have yet to get any Fire Emblem games. It's like they are just hoping a single series is enough for both territories. Those spider bot things look cool indeed. Maybe that's just the next technical step (I do remember seeing something on Discovery about work on new pedal tanks, the first ones being very small bipedal walking machinegun/camera units).
That would be ridiculous if it's true. Why can't both countries have both titles?? And what about Magical Vacation? If they'd change the stupid name I'm sure it would sell well here in the states.
I totally agree, both regions should get both titles. However, perhaps Nintendo isn't willing to spend money translating both titles for both regions and figures they won't get enough of a sales boost from both being out. As for Magical Vacation, I don't see why that's a stupid name, from what I've heard the game's about, it's accurate, and with Micky Mouse games having hte world magic in them all the time, plus Kingdom Hearts being one of the biggest selling PS2 titles, with that kind of name, I don't think the name would hinder sales.
If it were a Disney game the name would be fine, but right now the name will probably turn off a lot of older gamers. And the name is pretty silly.

And Advance Wars sold incredibly well in the states, which is why I'm so surprised that Nintendo won't release Fire Emblem here. It's pretty much just Advance Wars with a fantasy twist.
Yes, but that may be the problem. People would see two games, both with the same gameplay (to them, they wouldn't see the more advanced leveling up and equipment management parts of Fire Emblem), and just decide to get one of them. Sure, some would get both, but the million dollar question is this. How many people WOULD get both? Would it be enough to warrent the money spent on releasing both? I say yes, and you say yes, but we of course are one of those who would. Then again, Nintendo is finding out more and more that they really should stop hiding the fact that Nintendo is in fact a Japanese company from the American people. This could be an important step.
Using that logic you could also make the assumption that nobody is going to buy more than one Mario Advance game. Advance Wars was the best selling GBA title for a long time, and since so many people liked it so much I'm sure they'd want more of a similar thing.
Yes, that is a good point. I'm basically offering Nintendo's logic behind it. Never said it was good, and you pointed out exactly why.
Stupid Nintendo.