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Then do I have a game for you:


So this game was clearly made around the time of the Nintendo 64... wait, 2007?! This game was made in 2007?

What is it with racing games lately? It's like all at once every single thing that's awful about bad games crystallized into a constant barrage of terrible racing games. Was Mario Kart just... too awesome? Did the universe have to generate THIS much bad just to balance the cosmic scales?
I hadn't heard of this game before seeing that video, but it sure is .... impressive.

Has anyone else here been watching videos of the flood of atrocious Steam games that have released in the past year since Steam made publishing there easy, though? It's incredible how many horrifically bad games there are on Steam now! Mountains of awful online-focused crafting games with no actual gameplay, terrible platformers, broken piles of uselessness, barely-functional "simulators", bad horror games (often "walking simulators" with barely any gameplay beyond just wandering around), etc. It's kind of sad, there must be a market for that stuff if people keep making them...
My buddy is making a point-and-click adventure in the vein of Monkey Island. He's releasing it on Steam. I can't wait until it's out, he has a wonderful sense of humor, inspired by the likes of Pratchett. Kind of goofy but subtle (I don't know how well this describes Pratchett himself, I've only read a few pages of his material).

I'll link it here when it's finished. Honestly, I think anyone who loves those old adventure games will love this too. For me, I never got into them, but I know how talented he is and I loved the demo. Also it's fun just to experience something my buddy created.
Damn, OB1, if you hadn't been a dick I bet more of us would have played your game! The only one was toven, right? Maybe you too Falcon? Anyway, I wish that guy would come back. I want to see if he's still neurotic about his little brother knowing that he used to (?) be an asshole on the internet. C'mon, Obes, everyone here has done that! I bet your bro has done worst shit on the internet than being a pedantic, belligerent little chode about Star Wars and video games and just about every other topic under the sun.

I'm being harsh but I can't help it, it's too much fun. In all seriousness, I wonder what he's up to now. Is he still in video games? He had good taste, I wonder what kind of worlds he'd create.
I played his game. It's okay. The art's good (remember, he was the artist, not the programmer). Gameplay's alright, but it's no Contra or Metal Slug. I still think he should have considered keeping it as a platformer, the indie platformer market was MUCH less overloaded then than it is now!
I thought Eduardo WAS a platformer. He turned it into a shooter? Huh.
It was a shooter with a few platforming elements, yes, like Contra.

It's as ABF said. The artwork in that game was great. I basically kept pushing forward entirely motivated by seeing what backgrounds were next. They all were very unique, like you were stepping into whole other worlds as the game went on. The music's pretty decent too, and help "sell" the stage artwork. As ABF said, he was the artist behind it, not really responsible for game design.

This is for the best, because frankly the gameplay isn't all that good. It's no Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde mind, but it is very bland. The level layouts don't really lend themselves to the gameplay. Enemies just keep showing up off screen and rushing right towards you. There's just no thought as to placing enemies in interesting locations fitting the layout of the platforms around you. Heck, most of the time you're just running in a straight line from one end of the stage to the other. Sometimes they switch it up a bit with ramps, but there's just no point there either. The enemies aren't actually "placed" anywhere, so the layout of the stage never actually matters. Some parts go for an auto-scrolling style, which unfortunately also doesn't matter because instead of specifically laid out enemy spawn order like a game like Raiden would have, the enemies still just randomly spawn in forever until you're done. There is basically one boss, and you'll fight that same boss over and over again (sometimes like ten of that boss). The controls are very basic, and there's no sense of inertia. There's no real sense of "weight" when you start... sliding off to the right or left or jumping about. Hard to describe, but I don't think they did the testing and iterating that old platformer developers used to do.

I really hate to come down so hard on this game, but I still have nothing but praise for the visuals, the part OB1 himself was directly responsible for. I just... really don't have anything good to say about the game itself. It's very mediocre, I'm sorry to say. However, I can say this. You'll never throw your controller in frustration. The gameplay is mediocre but not awful, so you'll get through it just fine. I recommend it to anyone at TC anyway though, because hey, someone from this forum was part of making a game. It's worth checking out for that reason alone. I really have no idea what happened to that company afterwards though.
Did you ever play the platformer version? He sent me a two-level demo of the platformer version for PC, years back. Was that just me, because we talked/argued so much? It's a platformer, but sort of like Bonk if you want to hit enemies you have to flip over in the air. There are also limited projectile attacks (with pop-tarts of course). The graphics are a lot better in the final game -- I really like the varied level settings, that kind of artsy stuff is popular in indie sidescrollers for a reason, it's cool -- but the gameplay might be more fun in the platformer version... not sure though.