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Full Version: Blizzard Outcasts - Blizz's latest great April Fools' Day site!
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Lots of great stuff here, but of particular note is the Lost Vikings theme music in the trailer, some of the character descriptions (some pretty funny stuff there! Kael'Thas... Lol ), the controller (complete with triple credit card swipe!), and their mention of pay-to-play gaming. Good stuff! :)
You know what they say? All toasters toast WAAAAA!

[Image: 2014-04-01-finaluigi.jpg]

[Image: 2014-04-04-556-WarioandWaluigi.jpg]
Most of those don't make much sense... a few were funny, though.
They were funny BECAUSE they didn't make sense. Why don't you understand that?

Waluigi hates this.
Completely random stuff that makes no sense isn't necessarily funny, though...
What, Star Skunk doesn't make sense to you?
I don't know, at best they're moderately amusing.

If only this was an April Fools' joke... if only. Oh Blizzard, what have you become... :(
Huh, so Blizzard's promoting Warcraft with a reality show?

Painful, but I don't watch reality shows so I can avoid that problem.