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Full Version: Sony is doing very poorly as well...
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The PS4 is selling very well, but Sony as a whole is losing a lot of money. Perhaps this "all in" strategy on 4K TV sets was a mistake. Frankly, I don't see the need for such high resolutions. Yes, I've seen the in-store displays, but those things are HUGE, so YEAH I'm going to notice a difference. So, I have to get an even bigger TV than I already have, making the pixels in my SNES games the size of yams, just to notice a difference? I think I'd rather just keep my smaller TV, which is, well, good enough.

Maybe I'll change my mind in 5 years when "gamma ray" movies come along that actually take advantage of this technology.
Yeah, apparently Sony's TV division and one other one are losing them a LOT of money... oh well. I still dislike Sony anyway. :p
The biggest problem is that Sony has stopped even bothering with the lower end TV market. If you check, all of their current TV models are in the thousand dollar price ranges, with nothing at an even slightly more affordable end (say, $400). As a result, you've got all these outside companies swooping in to pick up those sales, and they are selling.
Really? That's unfortunate, not everyone wants to or can spend like a thousand dollars on a TV...
If they do still have more entry level TVs, they sure aren't stocking stores with them. I had a Sony sales rep at Best Buy tell me straight up that Sony flat out didn't HAVE any TVs in a certain price range at that store.
The odd thing this generation? Japanese consoles are getting released in the US months before their Japanese launches. It seems the Japanese market is seeing incredibly slow sales across gaming in general (with perhaps the exception of the smart phones).

The PS4 launched in Japan fairly strong, but the PS4 sales have sunk to below Wii U levels in the following weeks. I think Japan is experiencing it's own "video game crash". Okay Atari, now's your chance!
The PS4 is pretty much completely sold out in Japan right now, the low sales aren't indicative of a lack of interest.
Oh so... what then?


Oh! Right, low supply means they can't find it. Wish the articles I'd read had bothered to mention that.
Well, saying how things are doomed is so much easier and more fun than saying that something is actually doing okay, particularly in these stupid "all consoles are doomed, tablets/phones are the future!" days, so yeah, that's not surprising...