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Full Version: Wow, Bill Clinton's DNC speech was amazing!
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Seriously, best speech by far from either convention. Obama's speech was good too for sure, but Clinton's was even better. And almost half of it was just said on the spot, too; over 2,000 of the 5,000 words weren't in the prewritten version. Clinton's good at that kind of thing, of course... Obama's great at prepared remarks, but really isn't very good at off-the-cuff speaking like that. Different skills.
One word: arithmetic.
Oh math... how we've missed you. Now then, if only Obama could list off what his FUTURE plans are.

Oh and, those 4 more years folks? Sure, but Clinton's already had his 2 terms.
I agree, the one thing missing is a plan for what Obama will do in a second term. He must have SOME kind of goal in mind, right?
From what I've gathered, Obama's plan is to keep doing what he's been doing. His argument is that his policies are working, but they work very slowly and Romney would reverse the progress he's made. But yeah, it doesn't seem like Obama has brought any new ideas to the table.
The thing is, there is no reason for any politician to actually hide the specifics of their plans from the public. What are the exact things he's going to attempt to do? For example, does he intend on actually closing Guantanamo or hope everyone forgets about it?

"Yes we can.... but" ~ Obama's current slogan.
To be fair about Guantanamo, the Congress blocked him on that one. He wanted to close it, but Congress made it impossible.
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/WcMWnNcOxg4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
You find that funny, DJ?
Just thought it was interesting to peer into the mind of an undecided voter for a bit.

Such people do exist, still. And, as near as I can tell talking to them, it's sheer and utter lack of interest in anything outside their own immediate concerns that drives it. They literally couldn't care less.
Yeah, the campaigns are spending hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars to try to get the votes of a couple of million voters who can't decide mostly because they don't care enough about politics to actually pay much attention to it. It is kind of sad, but what can you do... you won't win without their votes, so there's no option but massively, massively overspend to match the opposition.
I'm actually curious about where the money is actually going though. Is it advertising? I can safely say that I've yet to see even a single presidential ad on TV here in Oklahoma.
No one would waste the time/money to put presidential ads on TV in Oklahoma.
I mostly see presidential ads before online videos, but then I don't really watch TV anymore. Who needs TV when there's Netflix?