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I should have taking a picture of this, but stupid me didn't think to..

I found a old bowl of beans in my frig that was at-least a year old.. The fungus growing on it was about a 6 inches high.. It was like a god damn mini fungus universe. :barf:
Well thank you for this little snapshot into your hygenic habits. :D

A couple years ago, I left a roast chicken in the fridge for a couple weeks, and it grew enough tufts of white fungus to look like it was sprouting cotton. D: As though it were a stuffed animal chicken that the cat mistook for real and tore into it. Really, really gross.

The nastiest thing I've ever done food-wise is this: one of my regular recipies is chicken drumsticks or thighs in a crockpot. The recipe calls for a chopped onion to be placed on the bottom before cooking. By the time it's done, from the juices from the chicken and the onion, it's a kind of thick brown broth.

Well, one summer, I left that out for five days. It developed a really rank smell. Heck, it'll do that if you only leave it out overnight. But that's not the worse part. I don't know if seeing this is what prompted me to clean it, or I was on my way to clean it anyway, but I glanced inside it and saw something twitching in there.

You guessed it, there were maggots. D: Decently sized larvae from what I remember. I sprayed the shit out of the inside of the pot with Raid, which seemed to do the trick. They died quickly, and I spent the next 10 minutes pretending that I wasn't cleaning a fucking pot that had dead maggots and Raid mixed inside it, a pot that I knew I'd eventually use to cook another dinner, nope, no way, I'm just rinsing out a respectably dirty pot right now. Ugh.

I must not have gotten them all, or maybe there were larva elsewhere. Because I came home one night to a good dozen or two of flies just swarming around my kitchen. I would kill them over and over with either bug spray or swatting them with a dish towel, and I'd feel like I wasn't making any progress. I finally thinned their numbers and killed the last one, but god damn. That was pretty eye-opening.

I'm pretty good at cleaning dishes now. I wish I could say it was because of that, but I didn't immediately improve my habits after that. I guess I just got sick of having to take an hour to clean a mountain of dishes inside my sink, so I basically stay on top of them now.