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Must read! With cool screenshots...
Can't wait until this comes out! But the game looks noticably worse than Deus Ex 2, even though they use the same engine.
Yes, it looks great... as for graphics that was never Thief's strong point so it doesn't matter too much. Its the gameplay that makes it so good... and this looks like it'll be the best Thief yet. The first two Theif games are so much fun... much better than most FPSes...
Yes indeed. I should really buy that Theif 1 & 2 box from Best Buy...
Very fun games. So different from normal FPSes... it shows what a great developer can do with a genre getting stale. Its so tragic that Looking Glass went out of business... sure Thief 3 looks great but it won't really be the same...
I thought that most of the ex-Looking Glass members are working on Thief 3.
A few are. But its a new team and a new company...

And losing Looking Glass wasn't just about thief. They were the msot innovative first-person game developer in the industry... Ultima Underworld, Thief, System Shock, etc... and also made great games in other genres... :(

At least System Shock 2's developer, Irrational, managed to survive... they made Freedom Force, remember, and are now working on Tribes 3. When I first heard that I thought 'Irrational? TRIBES? Why waste a great developer like them on a multiplayer FPS?" But the game actually looks great... since it'll have a REAL single player game... AND the story will actually fit into the Earthsiege/Starsiege universe that the games are set in! I thought Sierra would just make another multiplayer FPS... so seeing that new was great. ONE Sierra series that existed before 1999 seems to be back, for one game at least... even if you won't be piloting Mechs (er, sorry, "Hercs"...).
Most of the old Looking Glass members are working on Thief 3 and DX 2.
But Looking Glass was at its best when making new, innovative games... they made good sequels too, but their new games were often so different from what else was available...
And your point is....?
I hear the new guy in charge of Thief III is going to change the combat system of the game because he didn't 'get' why people enjoyed it or some rubish of the ilk. The whole fun of the game was the tenstity of sneaking around, not the ability to kill everything in sight.

'Omg, where are teh jet packs and 20 megaton explosions...don't make me frag yuor a$$!"
They'd better not. Theif is GREAT the way it is.