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Ice World

<audio controls=""><br> <source src="http://www.brawlinthefamily.com/media/iceworld.ogg" type="audio/ogg"><br> <source src="http://www.brawlinthefamily.com/media/iceworld.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"><br> <embed src="http://www.brawlinthefamily.com/media/iceworld.mp3" height="16" width="200/"><br> </audio>

<img src="http://www.brawlinthefamily.com/media/388-IceWorld.jpg">
You get +500 points for the HTML5 media player! :)
It's the present, TODAY! Come in, and know me better man!
Bah, ice worlds aren't usually much worse than the other types of themed stages... sure, slippery controls can be annoying, but snow is beautiful!
Actually the very maker of this comic enjoys ice worlds. This was just a fun comic to vent. I like 'em too. All the same, I've still died more times than I care to admit to a little more slide than I expected on some tiny block, or crashing into some unexpected tunnel in Mario Kart.
I would think that underwater levels and swimming controls are notoriously more clunky and frustrating. In the 3D Mario games, they never did seem to nail down a more intuitive method of both swimming in all directions and jumping out of the water. I remember yelling at Mario, as though it were some extra-controller maneuver, saying "no, up, UP ya dumb bastard! Arrgghh!"

I was always partial to the breathtaking (at the time) snow and ice levels in Donkey Kong Country.
Indeed, but water isn't very Christmas-y so it wouldn't work for the song very well.

I remember the steady increase in snow density as I went through the snow levels in DKC. It still looks pretty amazing.