Tendo City

Full Version: The new Youtube layout is horrible!
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Seriously, what the heck happened there... so bad!
Its too much of a change, I don't see the point
Looks fine to me. Confused What don't you like about it?
Something's new and different. ABF naturally hates it.

It sounds like a question that doesn't need asking.
I don't get it. The front page changed, but other than that nothing else has, and who ever bothers with the front page of Youtube?
Well, I use the "new videos from your subscriptions" page all the time to follow if anyone I'm following has added new videos... I don't use the main home page itself, but that I use all the time, and this change wasn't a good one for that.
It looks fine to me.
I agree with ABF, it looks like YouTube barfed on my screen!