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Prey with no gravity switching and no portals? Why is this even called Prey? So stupid...

I mean, maybe it'll be good, but it's not Prey.
Who cares?
ABF. What good has the question "who cares?" ever been?

Ya know, Blade Runner is a good movie, but did anyone else ever wonder why the main character seemed so... for lack of a better word, incompetent in a fight? I mean he spends most of the movie struggling just to stay alive and being saved by someone else. Sure it's Noire, but if someone's going to have a job title like "Blade Runner", I expect to see a little running with, if not blades, at least some skill here and there. I'm not expecting the guy to be a ninja, and struggling against superior odds is a bit of a theme, but at the very least, I wanna see why someone decided THIS was the guy to hire for an elite force.

Anyway, there's no portals, no native american mysticism, and the new aliens are much less alien than the truly bizarre inscrutable thoughts of the previous alien hive. It's hard to see how this is in any way connected to the previous Prey. It looks like it'll be good, but yeah, maybe call it something else?
Well, Deckard did a much better job than Holden.
Maybe most humans in that world are in about the physical shape of the humans from Wall-E? In that case he'd be a prime physical specimen in comparison.
You'll notice, however, that Deckard only need to be rescued after a long fight and/or chase. Getting saved by Rachel? Happened after he got ambushed by Leon, which was right after chasing down and retiring Zhora. Getting saved by Roy? Happened after he fought and retired Press and then fought and chased/was chase by Roy.

And we're given to understand that he'd been away from the game for awhile and had no desire to come back to it. That's definitely going to have an effect on his skills.
Well when you've been sitting around playing NES games in a dark apartment... Still, that begs the question. What was the chief or whoever thinking dragging him into this to start with?
Because he's trained to spot and air out replicants, which he does.
I've seen those guys. They stand out in a crowd. It's not like it takes a lot of skill to spot an insane albino.
In LA?
That joke is so lame.
But true.
Who cares? Why wouldn't you care? Portals were pretty much the whole reason for the existence of the Prey project. Prey without portals is pointless!
It's a sequel, it's different.

Also looks awesome, so I have no problems.
Sequels that have nothing to do with the game they're a sequel to, what's the point of calling it a sequel?
It starts with an event witnessed in the original Prey and takes on the role of a different character as he explores a different part of the game universe. Also, it does have Tommy in it, just not as the player character.
<iframe width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/WMZva__rU14" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>