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Full Version: Serbia caught Ratko Mladic
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Ratko Mladic is the man who led the Serbian army during the wars of the '90s, of course, and who has a lot of responsibility for many of their war crimes, genocide included. He'd been hiding in Serbia ever since the wars ended in '99 or so, protected by some people there. Apparently the Serbian government's somewhat serious efforts to catch him (how serious they were has varied) finally actually got somewhere and they found him. Great news, this is a major step towards finally having justice for what was done, and towards Serbia normalizing its relations with other countries.
Something the media fails to point out clearly enough for years, Is that there is a difference between the "Bosnian Serbs" & Serbian Serbs, The Bosnian Serb territories aka Republika Srpska are outside the state of Serbia , I say this because the media has been vague on what's what and which parties were involved.