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Full Version: SSFIV Arcade Edition PC details
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I'd missed that they'd announced a PC version of this for sure, that's great news because I have SFIV for the PC but couldn't get SSFIV because they didn't release a PC version. Now they finally are, and with the AE addon content too. So that's the good news -- it's coming.

The bad news is that it will still use the annoying Games for Windows Live, unfortunately, and it's got some irritating DRM as well -- it requires you to be signed in to GFWL and online in order to access a lot of content in the game. Not online? There's a lot of stuff you can't do. Idiots, all that does it make the pirated version better (such things will surely be patched to competence in that version). At least we're getting it, but come on, this is stupid. It does reduce my interest at getting this for anything less than one of those "really cheap DD store deal" specials. We'll see though, I'll certainly be getting it eventually some way or another.
