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Full Version: Sony v. the hackers...
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Sony has a full-on effort to crush the hackers who have hacked the PS3. They've sued people, gotten court orders to sieze computers, and more. They even tried to get Youtube to turn over the records of the IPs of everyone who watched the video telling you how to homebrew-ify your PS3... that was refused, but they are pushing the hackers hard. They're going way, way farther than any other game company today, and it makes me hope the hackers succeed, because these tactics are just awful... if we needed any more reminders of how awful a law the DMCA is, and that other Western countries are maybe even worse, this should provide those.

I mean, if you own the hardware, you have a right to open up the box and modify what's inside. Sony does not own the inside of the box. It's pretty important that eventually this gets recognized, manufacturers would love a world where they have absolute control and opening the boxes is illegal, but seriously, that's insane. (Plus, I know I've heard in the past about the idea of computers that would be illegal to open... sure, I think it's pretty unlikely, but what if this did spread to PCs too? Bad, bad things.)
