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Full Version: Woah... I finally beat misison 14 (the last level) of Warcraft II!
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Human campaign, though both are similar really. No cheat codes used.

Back when I got the game in 1996 I managed to get to level 13, but found it really hard and was stuck there for a very long time. When I finally managed to beat that level, I promptly got stuck on level 14, and gave up. I decided to play the game some today though, because I was listening to the soundtrack and it made me think of what an exceptional game it was (and of how it'd been quite a while since I'd played it), so I decided to try to finish the thing.

Well, it took me a good five tries, but I finally did it, and won the level. It's a pretty tough level to survive in, money and wood are quite limited, you have little time to set up a base after beating the enemies inhabiting the first base (if you beat them), and then you start getting attacked by dragons, a plague which does not let up until you're mostly done with the mission. It's got water parts, only a few oil patches and the nearby ones start with enemy oil tankers on them by the time you get there, dragons, more dragons, death knights attacking your towers with that corruption spell (because building arrow towers is probably the best way to kill the dragons)... and all with having to worry about money all the time, because there are few mines and all of them are guarded by enemy forces, and not much wood either.

When I finally managed to get a good base set up I cruised to victory without too much trouble, but that first part, the setup and early defense, was quite hard, and that's where I failed the first four or five times. I think later on the main danger would just be running out of money before you have the strength to beat the enemies... it's possible, I guess, if you waste it. There is enough -- in the end I had dozens of units, including a good 14 or so Gryphon Riders -- but also I'd mined out every mine on the map (all four I could get to that is) and only had 3000 gold left, so yeah, kind of tight. I wasn't exactly incredibly efficient with my money and units, but it was good enough to win.

It was a fun challenge overall, though, and really meant something because of how this is a game I failed to beat when I was younger. Now I wonder if I should attempt Beyond the Dark Portal too, I remember at the time finding it one of the hardest games I'd ever played, and something I never even got halfway in in either campaign. Considering that I managed to finally beat this, I wonder how I'd do. :)
Took you long enough!
Well done! Cross it off the bucket list!

Level 14 Warcraft II is to you what Turok 2 Level 2 and beyond is to me.
Level 2? Hah, in Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal I don't think I ever beat mission 2 without cheating, back in the '90s... I remember skipping it (with cheat code) and managing to beat missions 3-5 or something on the human side before giving up from how crazy hard it got, but yeah, never beat mission 2.

Of the other Blizzard RTSes, I did beat both WC1 campaigns back in '95-96. That game actually gets easier near the end thanks to the summons. I did beat Starcraft too, but it took a while, I was stuck on the last mission for a long time. Brood War though, I never finished the final Protoss mission without cheating, or the last few Zerg missions either. The only campaign I actually beat legit was the Terran one, which actually came after the Protoss... WC3 though I beat because it was easy, but I never actually finished The Frozen Throne; it was also easy, but I'd just lost interest in WC3/TFT's single player mode. It wasn't nearly as good as SC's, or WC3's online play. I beat the first campaign, the Night Elf one, eventually, but I think I'm still in the RPG-ish Orc campaign.

As for the Turok games, I've only owned them for a few years now so they aren't games I haven't finished for a long, long time like this game, but yeah, I haven't beaten any of them either. Turok 2 is way too hard, it's a great game but the checkpoints are extremely far apart, you have limited lives, the enemies are hard and there are lots of them, and more. I ground to a halt at some point where I had almost no health left and a really hard segment in front of me.

Turoks 1 and 3 are easier games though, as far as I got, I should be able to get farther in those at least. :) I am somewhat bad at FPSes, though, of coursem and it's not a genre I love or play a lot. That certainly doesn't help with any of these, as good as they are (and they are very good games).
I was always most partial to Rage Wars. The Turoks always seemed to do well with arena deathmatches and cool weapons. Most of Turok 2 for me was farting around with cheat codes, exploring the guns. The level design was just okay, and yes, it definitely would have benefited from more generous save points. I'll probably dig it out and restart it some day, it's good to know that it's in my cabinet.