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Next thing they'll do is announce new enemy type: Noids.
[Image: 0.jpg]
Quote:I don't want to live on this planet any more....
For some reason Colonel Sanders is popular in Japan, I think... I have no idea why.
Colonel Sanders is moe.
Really? How so?
Did your sarcasm-detector break recently?
Moe? Moe.... Moe.... Moe.... Simpsons Moe?
I didn't know what it meant either.

You two don't know Japan much then... but yeah, I don't know, it was weird but somehow seemed plausible, who knows... :)
I'm constantly surprised, even though I shouldn't be, by the things that Tendocity is clueless about.
You act like this is supposed to be some sort of common knowledge. Why would it be? I've never once heard anyone in the real world say that word, or seen it online, or in any games I play. Where ELSE would I hear it, except sometimes here? ... Okay that's just perverse... I guess I misunderstand what they mean by "young girl" but, I'm just remembering, half the definitions on urban dictionary are exaggerated or made up just for the laughs. So near as I can tell, streamlined, moe means "cute"? Someone tell Moe! Then again, if Colonel Sanders is supposed to be "cute" then Moe isn't far behind.
I get the impression that you guys would probably be in for a shock if you ever actually visited Japan, getting all your knowledge indirectly from anime fans online or wherever you do. The internet is a vast place full of hidden subcultures. It'd be like if someone found out about our "lovely cow" and spread it around as a common American cultural thing.
Moe is a term thrown around in anime all the time. Go watch some Lucky Star.
Dark Jaguar Wrote:I get the impression that you guys would probably be in for a shock if you ever actually visited Japan, getting all your knowledge indirectly from anime fans online or wherever you do. The internet is a vast place full of hidden subcultures. It'd be like if someone found out about our "lovely cow" and spread it around as a common American cultural thing.

That would be accurate if I thought that all Japan liked that kind of stuff, but I know that that's not true, so no, not really in the way you mean. Many people would be though, yes.
Great Rumbler Wrote:Moe is a term thrown around in anime all the time. Go watch some Lucky Star.

What is it? What channel is it on?
Dark Jaguar Wrote:What is it? What channel is it on?

[Image: 51WtF31D-ZL._SS500_.jpg]
I liked Lucky Star a lot, really funny... though it'd probably be much less so for someone who doesn't watch anime much, I'd bet.
That picture says less than nothing. I now know less about the show than before I saw it.
Google's right over there, chief.
You shouldn't be surprised that we don't know a weeaboo term, GR. This isn't an anime forum. The anime topic in Ramble is dominated by you and Falcon... the only two who knew what "moe" meant. ;)
This is the internet age, Bean, that is no longer an excuse.
Of course it's an excuse. We aren't the frickin' borg. You act like we should automatically know every single term ever used in perpetuity throughout time and space JUST because it's probably somewhere on the internet. Guess what? If you've never seen the term on any page you've been to, you will never know that it's there TO be known! I've never heard the term "moe" before you guys mentioned it! How the heck would I even know to "use google" if I hadn't ever heard it! You act like I just should start typing in random characters in search engines on the off-chance it matches up with some sub-cultures list of jargon phrases.

I can promise you there's plenty of terms you've got no idea on the meaning of pal.
Yeah, sounds like you lack perspective, GR. ;) You've been inside too long watching anime!

If I went up to one of my co-workers and told her that her dress is SO TOTALLY KAWAII ^_^ SOO DESU NEE she'd look at me like I'm from another planet, and rightfully so.
There are some things that people who post on forums for a decade just know, yet TC constantly seems like the internet's own Appalachian Mountains.
You're both right, on the one hand thanks to the internet it's very easy to learn about things, but on the other hand you shouldn't just assume that people know stuff about everything, if people don't watch anime I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't know the word moe.
Moe has been around for a decade? Must be mad obscure, I've literally never heard of it. Either that or saw it used, didn't know what it meant exactly, and just skipped it as it wasn't important.

I took a Japanese class in college, went out to a few anime-watching outings, but I've never heard anyone say it. It's not like this is not knowing what epic fail means or anything. You'd have more of a point if this wasn't focused on anime.
It's not obscure at all, it's a common anime term popular for at least the past four or five years, maybe more.
Funny how you two so much about a term that has origins in having a sexual attraction to an idealized young girl.

That reminds me, how long has the pedo-bear meme been around? ;D
If it was just "moe", that would be one thing. But, like, every time somebody mentions some popular internet meme, everybody here is just clueless about it. Tendocity is like some kind of bizarre deadzone.
Great Rumbler Wrote:If it was just "moe", that would be one thing. But, like, every time somebody mentions some popular internet meme, everybody here is just clueless about it. Tendocity is like some kind of bizarre deadzone.

Name one instance?
What is pedo bear? Is that some engrish way of referring to big foot? Sounds like it...

SJ, that string of nonsensical gibberish was awesome.

Here's the thing GR. I don't go to "Memeforum.com" where everyone's discussing the internet's latest culture. I go to specific forums that are "relevant to my interests". Sometimes a meme crosses those forums, but not always. Heck if I started quoted "doggerals" (a local meme to the skeptics) you'd scratch your head too. I watch anime, but I don't vist anime forums. I get my fill of whatever finds its way to me from TV or one of my friends, and that tends to be enough.

I will say this though. I used to think I was among "my own" at the local convention in town, but this last year was some sort of revelation. Every single person there was dressed as some insane thing from something I've never seen before, and they were constantly quoting memes I didn't understand. I just walked around scratching my head saying "what?" the entire weekend, in what I'm sure must have been the same way MOST people see previous conventions. Sure there was the occasional Crono or Cloud here and there, and I think even a Portal thing, but most of it was just... bizarre... An example: There were people dressed up as nationalities. That is, as the country ITSELF, not like wearing a big country shaped suit like a PBS special, but dressed as, say, an SS officer with the tag "Germany" on it, responding like their name WAS Germany, like they were the literal personification OF Germany. People were constantly shouting out "Mother Russia!" to someone dressed as the anthropormophosized concept of Russia. Some of them... were rather odd, but what struck me was that two people dressed as the same "country" had the SAME costume. I just had to ask. The response was this was some sort of popular show in Japan which apparently, from what I could gather, is World History as told via high school drama. Honestly, the concept is so hilarious that I can't help but want to see it, but it struck me as clear from that and a number of other random quotes that I'm OLD now.

Here's the deal GR. It's not JUST TC. If you went to any number of online public forums that don't deal in anime, I'm sure bringing up memes would just get you blank stares. "Narwhals narwhals livin' in the ocean" would probably just get you a confused look instead of someone quoting the rest of that awesome song. Nobody at the Big Brother forums would get it, or Home and Garden, or most of the various sciency forums I visit, because well, it may be the internet, but due to the nature of humanity, there will ALWAYS be subgroups and their own popular fads that never cross to other parts. Language barriers included. It's really a miracle that something like this "moe" thing managed to cross borders.

Edit: What most disappointed me is that the memes I'm most familiar with really just set me apart from the "new nerd crowd" when I quoted them. Like, no one there got the "all your base" thing, and when I brought up classic gaming, well, boredom was the result. It seems like "my crowd", tiny as it was, ended up terrified and segregated from the dominating new crowd. Well, can't stop the future, but for the most part a lot of that stuff really just seemed like recycled versions of the anime shows I've seen, just with slightly different groups of enemies who fight and become best friends to fight stronger and stronger challenges while learning a little something about themselves and getting whatever that show's version of "Super Saiyan" is. Every show is someone's first, but it's telling when the convention has NO Star Trek guys or anyone dressed as Spiderman.

So yeah, I end up just hiding away in the Smash Bros Brawl area just fightin' away with everyone in the room. Classic. There was a kid there dressed as Pit, adorable. Unfortunately, that's where the convention got creepy. These women walking around with leashes kept trying to get this kid to be their "pet angel", and otherwise just being ridiculously creepy... I guess it was some sort of in-joke? But... it wasn't funny... To go with the modern meme thing, where was Chris Hansen during all this?
Besides, for every meme you're surprised we don't know about, there's the ones we all love! I mean, have you heard? Sorry I thought you'd heard. You know, about the bird? Because the bird is the word GR.
EdenMaster Wrote:Name one instance?

Trololo guy
Birthday song copyright

That's off the top of my head.
Quote:Birthday song copyright

This is not an internet meme.

Quote:SJ, that string of nonsensical gibberish was awesome.

I don't know if you're being sarcastic, but that was all Japanese, and something you'd probably hear from a young, spastic weeaboo. Translated is "THAT DRESS IS SO PRETTY/CUTE ^_^ IT SURE IS!!" Incidentally, I barely remember anything else from that Japanese class, since I haven't come across it again and didn't have enough interest to continue my study.

In case you don't know weeaboo:

Anyway, we've now got a thread for this discussion.
Obvious statement is obvious. I win at memes!

Urban dictionary is interesting, and so is that Weeblo definition, though the biggest thing about it to me is the fact that, well, a good chunk of those definitions are just made up on the spot, as are a number of made-up "slangery words", just to confuse others. I support that.