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Full Version: Sony takes aim at Kinect
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You gotta hand it to Sony. If nothing else, they certainly do aim for the balls in their advertising.

Haha, very nice.

The Kinect has no buttons?? That seems strange, hopefully its motion controls are good enough to make up for all its apparent limitations (like only 2 players at once).

I'm surprised, usually Microsoft is smart at these things. There must be some reason they didn't include buttons... any ideas?
Your whole body is the controller, you'll never need buttons (or any kind of precision) ever again! Bounce
I missed the button that makes it say "This is just like the Wii except black."
But my Wii is black, as are many now, so it doesn't even have that. Just PS3 graphics, pretty much.
But motion can still be improved beyond even the Wiimote Plus, right? Let's look at Sony's and Microsoft's motion counterparts with a little more optimism. How much easier would it be to conduct, for instance, a sword fight in a game with the Kinect/PS Wand or whatever? Does it offer any advantages over Wiimote Plus, and what are they? Disadvantages?

I want to try a game with the Wiimote plus. It more accurately matches the acceleration you give the remote instead of having lame preset waggle motions, right? Has anyone witnessed it first hand and can give impressions?
I personally think Sony's solution is the most technically sound. It's basically a combination of the Wii and 360 systems. A game works better with Wii style controls? Take away the camera. A game works better Connect style? Take away the controller.