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I believe the appropriate response to this video is the shocked Shiggy emoticon.
I've never heard of Scott Pilgrim (who is he?), but that does look awesome... :)
Looks like a typical beat-em-up. Some kid running around trying to rescue/impress some girl (flying kiss? ...What?). The whole thing reminds me of Menace Beach. What am I missing?
That it looks like great fun, and has a great visual style too? Or do you dislike beat 'em ups, or something? They were one of my favorite genres back in arcades in the late '80s and early '90s, and I still like the genre a lot... :)
A Black Falcon Wrote:I've never heard of Scott Pilgrim (who is he?), but that does look awesome... :)

A comic book character, soon to be made into a movie. Hence the game.
Ugh, not another "no but what if comic book characters where really really REALLY real?" story. I'm sick of all this stuff. Ever since Watchmen everyone's all like "well it's like those other super hero movies but I dared, DARRRED to ask what it'd be like if super heroes actually WERE in our world". Yeah jackass that's what ALL super hero stories are about! Let me guess, it's grittier than ever before, right? Does he get stabbed and hit by a bus? Maybe he's impotent? Maybe he has some "pressing real life dilemmas"? Screw you Scott Pilgrim, and screw you "Kick Ass", and screw all you "gritty what if it was like, but real, like REAL?" super hero movies.
There's nothing gritty about Scott Pilgrim. Lol

And he's not a super hero.
Ya know I should have expected as much. The video was pretty cartoony. Still ya get what I mean, "grittiness" is a fad that's been getting on my nerves lately. I think it annoyed me the most when someone I knew actually voiced the opinion that acting heroically was "stupid" and acting like a coward "is just being smart". I'm not talking about a scenario of being mugged for your wallet, I'm talking about standing idly by while someone is murdered. They actually expected that to be what a "smart person" is supposed to do.

Anyway, maybe it'll be interesting, but it just seems like yet another beat-em-up from here. Sure he's not supposed to be a hero? So... is he an anti-hero then? Why's he beating everyone up?
Quote:Why's he beating everyone up?

If he wants to keep dating his girlfriend he has to fight her seven evil ex-boyfriends.
Oh. That does bring up the obvious question...
Hah, true... :)

Quote:Ya know I should have expected as much. The video was pretty cartoony. Still ya get what I mean, "grittiness" is a fad that's been getting on my nerves lately. I think it annoyed me the most when someone I knew actually voiced the opinion that acting heroically was "stupid" and acting like a coward "is just being smart". I'm not talking about a scenario of being mugged for your wallet, I'm talking about standing idly by while someone is murdered. They actually expected that to be what a "smart person" is supposed to do.

Anyway, maybe it'll be interesting, but it just seems like yet another beat-em-up from here. Sure he's not supposed to be a hero? So... is he an anti-hero then? Why's he beating everyone up?

Uh, wha? You can be a videogame hero without being a superhero or going into the indeed overdone currently popular "dark and gritty" thing... and evidently the original comic book is somewhat videogame-inspired, or something like that.