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During the election, FAUX news and the rest of the mainstream media did everything they could to shut-up him up. Now, in the midst of an economic fallout that could come here, people are starting to listen to him.

Better late than never, I suppose.
What's not been said , Is that Greece had the largest military budget in proportion to its GDP in the EU.
ASM: What about it?

This turmoil has been worrying me of late. I don't know what I want to see happen. My first reaction was HAHA at the EU: their banding together screwed over the economic hegemony of the US and burnt our dollar, but now the chickens are coming home to roost, and now they're responsible for Greek irresponsibility. But, I hope this issue is contained. It does begin to make me uneasy.
Greece is in the deepest trouble among Europeans, but all of Europe is in varying states of disorder. Spain and Italy are two others in dire economic straits. Even the healthier nations like Germany and France have long been saddled with high unemployment and stagnant economies.

I fail to see what benefit it would be for us to emulate European Socialism given that the Europeans themselves can barely sustain functional economies.
Weltall... correct me if I'm wrong... but isn't Tina Fey a huge, flaming democrat? (id est, SUPPORTS socialist policies?)
I saw a video not too long ago where Ross Perot said that if NAFTA went through, then America would start losing thousands of job to Mexico and it would be a big disaster. Al Gore fell all over himself saying that that wouldn't be the case at all and that both countries would reap great benefits from the agreement. Perot got labeled as a bit of a loony and eventually lost. NAFTA went through under Clinton.

Take what you will from that.
Ryan: As long as we've had a Federal Reserve that inflates prices and destroys our dollar via currency dilution and a disregard for quantity theory, we've had a socialistic/Marxist system.
So leme get this straight, Greece has corrupt government and Greece is angry about it. The corruption that pisses away dollars in order to protect certain individual's piggybanks (as been the case repeatedly) and now all the money-changing and backstabbing is literally causing economic meltdown because the entire system is swiss cheese run by Micky Mouse and we're in the exact same boat. Is that close?

Strange though, it worked for the past 100 years or so, why the sudden hiccup? Did the corruptors get too greedy again, just like the last economic failure? Nah, let's just arm more Jews and hate muslims until gas prices go down. Who cares about Greece anyway, most people dislike John Travolta.
Greeks invented democracy , advanced mathematics , Philosophy, Art , engineering , Science, Left a legacy that still shapes the modern world. Modern Greece gained its independence from the Turks in 1832 after a 11 year war.

Do you want me to continue DJ? DO ... YOU!!!
Son, are you on the dope?
Weltall Wrote:Son, are you on the dope?

No just pissed off at DJ ,
Can you explain why Ron Paulites hate the Federal Reserve so much...

Other than that though, it's so great how the Republicans care so much about the deficit now, when they're the ones responsible for creating most of it. If deficit reduction was something they actually cared about, they'd have continued the budget surpluses Clinton was running by the last few years of his administration. Of course, Bush did the exact opposite and added more to our debt than anyone before, which is impressive when you consider how much Reagan had added to it...

Still though, while of course Libertarians and Ron Paulites (though he is of course very close to the Libertarians) weren't exactly on board with that, it's not like all debt is bad. That's not really true. Some debt is okay. The question is how much, and how dangerous the debt you have is... though of course determining those things is quite difficult.

Of course we need to reduce the US deficit, but the point the Democrats are making is that now is the wrong time, because if you cut budgets in a recession, you ruin the recovery. That's what happened in the 1930s, the depression hit its lowest point in the US in 1936 or 37 after deficit reduction plans cut recovery spending. Oops.

Democrats have credibility on budgets, they're much better at making them balance than Republicans (again, compare Clinton to Bush or Reagan...). It's just that right now we can't do that, not in this economic climate.
It's all smoke and mirrors anyway.

If I stole a case of delicious chicken fingers from the store and the management didn't know, the management would eat the cost. Done, he spent his money and took care of it. If it happened often, he would have a major problem and might need to drop the product, if it happened regularly but sales of the product were good, he would have to create a plan to allocate funds towards the loss by increasing the price of chicken fingers by a few cents to make up the loss of the one case of chicken fingers.

What the government is doing is creating a list of everything spent and lost, even though it had been taken care of. It would be like the store writing down every loss though faults of the delivery, stolen, power outages, expiration etc and held on to that list despite the recovery and not for insurance reasons, but to have a tally of the money gone. Now why would a store do that, hm?

It's a scare tactic because it keeps the employees from asking for more money.
Governments aren't businesses, and aren't supposed to be...
They are businesses, it's either the institution is a business or a religion. I'm willing to put more faith in a business than a church. The rest of the world (mostly) agrees and thankfully the church and secular governments either dont exist officially or only handle small ordinance.

You think it's not a business? Look at global labels and services and how it handles its low level employees and upper echelons of management which reach a golden pillar of protection, everything underneath it is expendable and can be replenished (such as the masses, labor, small business and etc). The grunt employees are given need-to-know information and nothing else, they're limited so only their immediate world exists and outside of that is essentially ignored, refuted and otherwise made unimportant. This keeps employees from striving for betterment and focusing on their position. They keep it expendable in case people attempt to reach higher. This is exactly how western civilization works and it generates a clockwork measurable tier of classes in its people, businesses, schooling etc.

The fact that you cant see it is just more evidence of how powerful it is. There are college courses you can take to learn all this but frankly it should be common knowledge by now. It's the art of the machine, its how and why entertainment can be so easily funded. As a business our government strives to be the most lucrative and successful, maintaining high profits, low losses and shrewd trade agreements to create the flow of the business model.

To our level, the low-level and expendable employees, we get the smoke and mirrors - the low-level managers handing us reports and propaganda to keep our minds focused on what they need to serve their managers and those manager's president's and those president's manager's and so on. Hence the national debt is just another scare tactic, another method to keep us focused.
Falcon: If you want an in-depth analysis of what the Reserve and why it's dangerous, I suggest you read The Case against the Fed by Murray Rothbard and The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin. Oh, End the Fed by Ron Paul is another must. I have read all of these books.

Let explain the Fed in a nutshell: the Reserve system is dangerous because it causes currency dilution to the dollar via an expansion and the money supply and price inflation due to a supply of money that outweighs demand on goods and services in the market system.

Since 1913-the year the Reserve was created-the dollar has lost 95% of its value. To put this into perspective for you: the dollar's true value is only $0.05. This has been caused by history's greatest disasters: wars, bailouts, etc. Hell, every war in history has can be directly linked to the international banking cartel that runs the Reserve system.

I could destroy this site's bandwidth going over the rich history that I've researched in relation to the Federal Reserve. I can give you an education that your Marxist history professors will never give you five min. for. Of course, if you're the type that likes to learn on your own, I listed your homework on the top of this page.
lazyfatbum Wrote:They are businesses, it's either the institution is a business or a religion. I'm willing to put more faith in a business than a church. The rest of the world (mostly) agrees and thankfully the church and secular governments either dont exist officially or only handle small ordinance.

You think it's not a business? Look at global labels and services and how it handles its low level employees and upper echelons of management which reach a golden pillar of protection, everything underneath it is expendable and can be replenished (such as the masses, labor, small business and etc). The grunt employees are given need-to-know information and nothing else, they're limited so only their immediate world exists and outside of that is essentially ignored, refuted and otherwise made unimportant. This keeps employees from striving for betterment and focusing on their position. They keep it expendable in case people attempt to reach higher. This is exactly how western civilization works and it generates a clockwork measurable tier of classes in its people, businesses, schooling etc.

The fact that you cant see it is just more evidence of how powerful it is. There are college courses you can take to learn all this but frankly it should be common knowledge by now. It's the art of the machine, its how and why entertainment can be so easily funded. As a business our government strives to be the most lucrative and successful, maintaining high profits, low losses and shrewd trade agreements to create the flow of the business model.

To our level, the low-level and expendable employees, we get the smoke and mirrors - the low-level managers handing us reports and propaganda to keep our minds focused on what they need to serve their managers and those manager's president's and those president's manager's and so on. Hence the national debt is just another scare tactic, another method to keep us focused.

Absolutely not, governments and businesses are fundamentally different. Churches are something else entirely, unless they run a government, but I'm talking about American democracy here, not autocratic systems.

Businesses exist, at their core, to make money for their shareholders. They are profit-making enterprises. Nonprofits are a bit different, but they are usually counted as a separate category from "normal" businesses, I believe.

Governments, however, exist to, well, govern the people. Fundamentally (in a democratic system at least) they exist to represent the people's will.

On that note, governments are elected by the people, and there is a great deal of democracy in the system. In the American government three different branches of government are balanced. CEOs often do not make good political leaders because they are used to being able to tell people "do this", and have them do it. However, in politics, things don't work that way. No state governor or even president can simply enact legislation, they have to work with the legislature, compromise, and pass a bill. It is a system where compromise is key.

Businesses often have bits of "democratic" systems in them, but compared to governments it is nothing. I think it's a really important difference.
Oh, you mean how in a business everyone tells their boss that Mike would make the best foreman but the boss hires Frank because he kissed his ass more often than Mike? Or how about how everyone works hard to get Robert on the team only to find out he doesn't deliver and then look for ways to create a reason to fire him.

It's exactly like a business, down to the goofy politics of who gets what and why. Think of anywhere you've worked, didn't you notice "that guy" who was doing his best to show the boss how and why he should be in charge of a certain area (an area that makes more money), constantly CAMPAIGNING for the job. And how the higher-up managers just seem to pop in out of nowhere and somehow have no idea what's going on within the business?

What's even funnier is that profit margin is the base of our government, in fact all government at its core is an operation to accumulate wealth.

The church's basis is to accumulate wealth as well, but with a religious government there is usually heavy (heavier) threats of war and more often than not, nurtured by zealots who are guided unofficially in to terrorism. It's path will also take the religious government in to passive or aggressive conversion and/or "guidance" to create more followers. Italy today would be a passive, Pakistan would be an aggressive (creating viral videos to follow, westernized understandings of Islam, etc). But the kicker here is that we spent decades upon decades doing the exact same thing with fighting and attempting to convert the reds, through diplomacy (passive) or through aggressive force.

America is a business in that we also create goods that are exclusive to this country, then outsource them for their physical creation to countries that will work for much less money or openly trade (for money) to anyone willing to do business at high-profit ie: an orange is worth more to an Arabic country, red meats is worth more to island countries, etc - Our meat and potatoes also includes our internal money changing, especially in the form of the stock market but truth be told, that's 30% global market and business 20% inbred rich people, 50% marketeers, liars and gamblers and America gets a small cut of everything sold and bought.

That's what they blame this current problem on, that "we dont spend enough" because everyone is getting better at watching their checkbook but that means the flow of internal monies is too low to keep the government (and its "share holders") comfortable. The government are the investors in the business, we are the employees. But the real issue is that small business cant compete. Name a product, anything, and I guarantee you I can find a multi-million dollar global business that does it better and cheaper. That huge business plays the books, hoards and disperses, very little of those monies ever gets back in the system, so we become complacent and unwilling to push our own, instead relying on the global monsters to handle everything, we go to work for them and get our skimpy paychecks which is regulated by the government so the exact number you bring home will go right back out just to maintain basic function of the household. The whole system is perfectly designed to maintain a balance of where certain classes fit, just like a business has its dock workers, it's CEO's and its layers of employees. We even designed it so that your family's level of wealth determines your official education level.

It's a business through and through.