Tendo City

Full Version: Help me end the Federal Reserve!!!!
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Hey Guys,

I want to bring to your attention something very important. First, let me start-off be explaining what this is about. I am a member of a movement called the Campaign for Liberty. We are an organization that was created with the campaign money that was left over from Congressman Ron Paul's political movement. We are an organization dedicated to the principles of full liberty, sound money, and a non-intervention foreign policy.

For the past few years, our organization has been at war. This war has been fought with the most dangerous organization America has ever seen: the Federal Reserve. Let me sum the system up in a nutshell: created in 1913, the Federal Reserve system has led to the destruction of our dollar. Through the mass printing of fiat--paper--currency, our dollar's purchasing power has been diluted. We have also seen the effects of inflation has the money supply continues to outweigh the demand for items on the market.

In 2009, Ron Paul introduced a revolutionary idea to Congress: HR 1207. If this historic bill is passed, it will, for the first time, give our government the power to fully audit the Federal Reserve system. Our hope is that by auditing the Fed, it will enrage the American people to the point where we will have the power to do what our Founders would have wanted:end the Federal Reserve system once and for all. As of now, Dr. Paul's bill has over 300 co-sponsors in the House. Through our efforts at C4L, we are making history day-by-day.

As of now, we are facing a big problem. Rep. Dodd from Conn. has introduced a dangerous bill called the "Fed Empowerment" bill. If this bill is passed, it will give the Reserve more power and control over the market system. If you don't already know, the Federal Reserve system was the primary cause of the 08 collapse when it manipulated interest rates to a point where investors were thrown-off, and a mass bubble was created that eventually lead to one of the biggest busts in economic history. Add to it the fact that the debt that the government owes to the Federal Reserve has grown to an ungodly scale, and you can see why it is time for the system that our Founders so despised must go.

Here is what I am asking: I want you to sign the following petition:

This petition will be faxed to your reps to let them know that you do not want the Fed gaining anymore power. By doing this, you will be sending the government a message that it will never forget.

I want to make it clear that this is not about left or right wing policies. The acts that the Federal Reserve system have caused this country have caused people on both sides of the fence to look at the Reserve system with anger and dismay. The fact that 75 percent of the American public want to see the Fed audited shows that We the People have a chance to save this country from a collapse that will make the Depression look like child's play.

So, I ask you, Tendo City: are you with me?