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Full Version: Patent on cancer genes overturned.
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So apparently a genomics company patented already existing genes based on the idea that they "could isolate" them. They were chiefly using this for exclusive rights to a test for cancer. Well, that sort of immorality has been overturned. Yeesh, what a horrible thing to do.

While they didn't excercise it, I can just imagine someone discovering they have these genes, and on top of the cancer issues, their parents get sued for copyright infringement. This is the problem with patenting the fundamental recipe of life, it's just too fundamental.
That's ridonkulous.
You dont have to worry about copyright infringement, that's not what they wanted to accomplish. They wanted to make sure that if you wanted to treat your cancer, there was only one company that could do it (and they could monopolize and charge whatever they want). What's even worse, instead of looking for treatments and cures now, they're spending more money and time on inoculations since as you can probably guess, there's more money on getting *everyone* inoculated instead of 'Just the victims'.

The race for cancer and AIDS research is a dark one because these companies are looking at dollar signs. If you can cure AIDS or cancer, you are guaranteed sales in the hundreds of millions of people who need it now. It will be 'affordable' in that the procedure will probably be a couple grand (it would have to involve gene therapy imo but I dunno) with insurance companies paying say 50% if that, possibly 80% but the premiums would triple to handle all the cost of the cancer and AIDS victims. This one, single company would make it's $1000 per-person over and over again.

Oh wow, i wanted to read the article to see if I missed anything before i posted and boom: They already did that exact same thing with a cancer screening kit ($3000!!!) and monopolize that market. Jesus... every woman who gets her breast tested for cancer has to pay these guys... what a bunch of assholes.
Indeed, but it was overturned so that's not the case any more. That's the good news.

My other point about being able to be sued for infringement? I think it's very unlikely that would ever happen, but they still technically have the right, and THAT is what I take offense to. I shouldn't rest easy knowing only that they don't do it only because it doesn't benefit them at the moment. If someone does something that hurts the company line with the wrong genes, well suddenly it becomes a lot more viable doesn't it?
While we're on the topic, the X and Y chromosomes are both legal trademarks of the Goron Empire, and may not be disseminated without the written consent and the legal approval of the Goron Empire.
Do you even have genes? Or are you some using some complicated system of dust?
Not dust. Fungus. I guess you could say I'm a... fun guy...!!!!
That makes sense. At your scale fungus must have really strong structural qualities.
/weary sigh.

Do I really have to get rid of you?

GORON SENTRY: Shall we kidnap Jaguar?

Darunia: (rubbing temples, annoyed). Ugh. I guess. Round up the usual suspects.

*Darth Jaguar is found at the bottom of Lake Tendo, weighted by iron shackles, and savagely beaten; both hands missing. The local Goron magistrate rules it a suicide.*
Darunia Wrote:While we're on the topic, the X and Y chromosomes are both legal trademarks of the Goron Empire, and may not be disseminated without the written consent and the legal approval of the Goron Empire.
F.ornicate U.nder C.onsent of K.ing?

FUCK! :cuss:
Quote:The race for cancer and AIDS research is a dark one

The race for cancer research is probably close to its final laps.